The work efficiency of the little fat chicken is surprisingly good.

In fact, after breaking away from the simple carrier made of the flame spell, the little fat chicken becomes a simple stand-in and cannot be observed by outsiders. (You can refer to the surface of Toshikazu Mada’s stand-in, and if you attach it to a puppet, you can be seen by ordinary people)

So Hagrid, who was reading at night in the dim light, suddenly fell into the darkness on the side.

“Groove?! Why is it suddenly dark?! Teeth? Where are you? Come to me! ”

What Hagrid didn’t know was that just a few meters away from him, an invisible little fat chicken was striding proudly.

Although Hagrid’s lights won’t allow it to evolve again, it’s great to be able to eat a little food.

“Ahhh…. Could it be that I have been reading for a long time and don’t even know that the door is open? The wind blew out all my lights… This is really… Order it again. ”

Hagrid walked to the place where the lamp was placed in the dark, and after living in the cabin for several years, he could have closed his eyes and re-lit the lamp.

“Hmm… I’ll take a look ha… Lampshade… Then ignition…”

A glimmer of light appeared in Hagrid’s eyes, but the next second it disappeared.

Hagrid scratched his head, feeling that something was wrong.

The teeth that fell into the darkness also became a little irritable, rubbing around the edge of Hagridi’s trouser legs, and Hara didn’t know how much he smeared.

“Oh~ It seems that I’m old, and I can’t even do this…”

Hagrid sighed weakly and lit it again with the lamp.

But it still didn’t work.

Joshua’s order to the little fat chicken was to suck him to death whenever there was a slight fire in Hagridi’s house, and in short, not to let him light the lamp again.

For the red of the magician who can control the flame land, even if it is just this incomplete form now, it is completely possible to absorb a little light, so it is bitter Hagrid, and constantly repeats the process of igniting, extinguishing, igniting, and extinguishing again…

“Wang Defa?! What the hell is this? Never mind! Teeth! Let’s sleep! I’ll throw this broken lamp tomorrow! ”

Hagrid, who was eager to learn knowledge, finally succumbed to the power of the magician’s red, and helplessly climbed into his big bed, covered the quilt, and soon there was a shocking snoring sound in the log cabin.

Seeing that his task was completed, the little fat chicken proudly walked back to Joshua’s side with his little short legs.

“Awesome, old iron! Such a subtle remote operation magic! ”

“You can actually use this method to force Hagrid to sleep!”

George and Fred watched the little fat chicken reappear on Joshua’s hand, although it was a little unconscious, but the snoring in the log cabin was not fake, it was definitely a handiwork.

One man and one chicken were praised, all proudly raised their chins, enjoying the praise from the Weasley brothers, and in this respect, they were really a very compatible pair of masters and slaves.

“Well, no need to praise, you can put it first, we just built a wall pier in the city of Rome… Entering the Forbidden Forest is the official beginning…”

After a pause, Joshua reached out to the two of them, instructed them to follow him, and tiptoed past Hagrid’s hut – this was already a repetitive part for Joshua to the point that he wanted to vomit, and there was such a process almost every day for more than ten days…

Then the group of three hurriedly entered the Forbidden Forest.

The little fat chicken was thrown over his shoulder by Joshua, allowing it to release light and heat according to its environment, releasing a light source that was neither too dark nor attracted to the predator of the night.

After a few minutes of going deep into the Forbidden Forest, Joshua was sure that Hagrid couldn’t hear the movement here, so he turned around and said to the two heels with a serious face.

“Although according to your age, you two should be my seniors…”

The Weasley brothers raised their chests, very proud of this.

“But! That doesn’t mean you can handle everything in the Forbidden Forest… Although Hagrid said he didn’t know how many times he had kicked you out of the Forbidden Forest, you probably didn’t know anything about it, right? You haven’t been in the Magical Creatures Protection class for a long time, and you usually have adults with you when you enter the Forbidden Forest…”

“So you don’t know what’s at stake here…”

This is where Joshua has the biggest headache.

Simply in terms of age, the Weasley brothers at this time are at the most energetic and rebellious in their teens, and they are two strategic trick-or-treat-level bear children.

Preaching from juniors will only make them feel disdainful …

So Joshua led them to a place…

Following the instructions of the radar that could look for the eight-eyed giant spider, Joshua found a good place again.

“Danger… Peace of mind ~ Joshua! It’s like those forbidden areas that Dumbledore said, in fact, I think a lot of places are nonsense… Are you right? Fred? ”

But Fred didn’t speak, obviously behind him but didn’t say his own words, it seems that he didn’t put his brother in his eyes…

“Hey! Fred! I’m asking you! ”

George didn’t notice Joshua’s inexplicable expression, and looked back impatiently to see what the hell Fred was doing.

But looking back, in addition to Fred, there was also a furry and shiny uninvited guest.

Well, furry refers to the steel needle-like handstand on the head of the eight-eyed giant spider… Body hair, shiny crystals, are the eight big eyes that shine in the firelight.

The big spider was only one meter away from his group, and it seemed that it had just stopped on its territory when it had just arrived, and the people followed a spider silk and came down from the tree.

With its mouth wide open, a fishy smell came to its face, and the unknown liquid that flowed out of it dripped onto the ground, and immediately there was a sound of something being corroded.

This directly woke up Fred, who was almost frightened.


It is worthy of being a twin, and the decibels of the voice when screaming, as well as the timbre and frequency, are exactly the same!


The two ran with their legs and feet, and did not forget to pull Joshua when they left.

Joshua, of course, was immobile.

“That’s what I said… It’s dangerous here…”

He stretched out his hand and lightly tapped the head of the jumping little fat chicken on his shoulder.

“Oh~I’ll leave it to you~Magician’s Red…”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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