Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 126: Qin Ming Gradually Becomes Social

After a contest with Gu Tao, Shi Lingfan showed his power for the first time.

Qin Ming knew that this flag would definitely become his big reliance and trump card in the future.

Right now, he puts a lot of energy into cultivating this fledgling weapon spirit every day, only waiting for the day when the weapon is fully formed.

His spirit release flag has other uses, but it needs to wait until it is completely cast before it can be used one by one. Right now, this flag only has the function of summoning spirits and monsters.

But it has to be said that after having the spirit release banner, Qin Ming became more concerned about possessing spirit monsters.

After all, if the guess is correct, the spirits he possesses from now on will also determine the strength of the spirits Shi Lingfan can summon.

Looking at the login interface, it has been more than 20 days since the last logout, and Jinguang has recovered most of it now.

After a few days, you can enter the world of spirits and monsters.

Last time, the flower elf possessed by him broke through to the fourth level, and the final reward score also reached C.

If he guessed right, the spirit treasure box provided this time will be of a higher grade, and the possessed spirit should be able to start at the fourth level.

Level 4 spirit monsters can no longer be regarded as low-level spirit monsters, judging from Qin Ming's previous possession experience.

The spirit monsters of the four ranks not only have super fighting power, but also possess high spiritual intelligence.

Before that, the Mo Meteor Tree Spirit already knew how to force the weak Fanghua elves to work for them, which shows how smart and thieves they are.

In Shi Ling Banner, the fourth-order flower elf is already one of his trump cards, so he can't easily call it out.

He doesn't mind having a few more cards like this.

On this day, Qin Ming went to Gu Qing after he practiced the meditation method of the white-armed monkey family.

This set of conceptions of the monkey family does not know the grade, but it is quite useful.

Even if he is now at the first level of the Forging Realm, the effect of visualizing the monkey statue is still obvious. Not only has the effect of condensing the mental power not been reduced, but it has been improved.

It is precisely because of this extraordinary set of meditation methods that we can practice continuously,

Qin Ming's ability to improve his spiritual power has always been at a high speed, far exceeding the cultivation speed of ordinary weapon spirits or Yunling masters.

Walking into the living room, Qin Ming saw Gu Qing sitting on the sofa and the huge bald head opposite him.

The familiar hairless face, the burly body like a diamond, isn't it the descendant of the genius doctor in that small clinic.

"Yo, we meet again, young man." Holding a teacup in his hand, Le Tong couldn't help smiling when he saw Qin Ming.

"Hehe, you guys know each other too, so I don't need any more introductions. If you have anything to do this trip, you can discuss it with Qin Ming. I don't need to get involved with my research work." Gu Qing got up and smiled.

Seeing that Gu Qing was about to leave, Le Tong was a little anxious, put down his teacup hastily, got up and said, "But I heard that there are warriors in the Qi and blood level in the snake cultivator organization, I'm afraid..."

Before he could speak, Gu Qing interrupted him with a wave of his hand, saying: "As long as you can persuade Qin Ming, it's fine. I don't need to come forward for such a trivial matter. After all, this is a trouble caused by the two of you, but your master Please, let me not take too much care of you."

"This..." Le Tong didn't know what to say now.

"Sit down and have a good talk, I have other work today, you can practice on your own." Gu Qing patted Qin Ming on the shoulder, ordered a few words and then left the room.

"Alas." Le Tong sighed, with a slightly sad look on his face.

"What's the matter?" Qin Ming actually guessed something.

"After you left, the snake breeder organization was able to investigate me. Fortunately, I ran away in time, otherwise God knows what they would do." Le Tong said slowly.

This time he ran to Gu Qing's place suddenly, and he knew that he came here to take refuge.

"Didn't you say there was no problem at the beginning?" Seeing Le Tong's aggrieved look, Qin Ming couldn't help feeling a little funny.

Qin Ming also mentioned this matter at the beginning, but at that time, the bald head acted as if he was not afraid of the other party's investigation and revenge.

"At that time, I didn't know that they were the most notorious group in the snake breeding circle. I thought it was just a small group, but I didn't expect their boss to be so powerful." The corner of the bald man's mouth twitched slightly.

Ordinary snake raising organizations are indeed a group of rabble and scattered people.

But among them, there are inevitably some large organizations with strong scale and strength, and the conflict between the two of them is the most famous snake raising organization in the vicinity.

"I checked later. Although this organization is also an organization of snake breeders, in essence it often does the work of robbers. It is estimated that they robbed other people's snakes that time, and we happened to catch up with one of them. Otherwise, with the rigorous level of captive breeding by snake breeders, it would be impossible for their own medicinal snakes to escape."

Le Tong understood everything.

"Then what should we do now? Since the other party has found your clinic, they will inevitably chase you here. A medicinal snake worth three million is not a small amount after all." Qin Ming said.

"That's why I asked Mr. Gu for help, but you also saw it just now, and now I can only rely on you." Le Tong grabbed Qin Ming's hand, as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

"The deal between us is over, and the follow-up has nothing to do with me." Qin Ming immediately shook off Le Tong's hand, clearing up the relationship quite neatly.

He did not promise to solve Le Tong's troubles in the future.

"Farewell, we have lived life and death together, and I have already treated you as a brother." Seeing Qin Ming's determination, Le Tong sat down eagerly on his buttocks, wishing he could hug Qin Ming, and said Full of greasy crooked.

Qin Ming had seen Le Tong's thick skin, and moved his body to distance himself from this philosophical bald head.

"It's not impossible if you want me to help you solve the trouble, just make another deal." Qin Ming thought for a while, but he didn't say anything dead.

"What deal?" Le Tong was taken aback, then asked.

"You also know that last time I exchanged a set of pottery pills from you. Now that I've just finished my pottery, I don't need to say more about what I need." Qin Ming smiled slightly.

What an honest child Qin Ming used to be, but the road of cultivation requires a lot of resources to pave the way. If he wants to become stronger quickly, he must find ways to obtain these cultivation resources.

"You want to cast a pill?" Le Tong instantly understood what Qin Ming was referring to.

Qin Ming rested his hands on the back of his head, and whistled softly and briskly.

Le Tong struggled slightly.

He is also a greedy person, and the market value of a casting pill ranges from 500,000 to 700,000. Although he has a casting pill, he is not willing to give it.

But after struggling for a long time, he finally agreed.

After all, compared to a casting pill, the safety of the medicinal snake and himself is obviously more important.

The Casting Pill has the effect of accelerating the condensing of the Spirit, and it is a very important training resource for the Spirit of the Casting Realm.

Gu Qing asked Le Tong to talk to Qin Ming, and even introduced Qin Ming to get acquainted in the past, probably because of this.

As a descendant of a genius doctor, he naturally has various resources for medicinal herbs.

Whether it is buying or trading in other ways, Qin Ming needs to have such a way to obtain it.

"Speaking of which, are you really okay? If there are no accidents, the other party should be a warrior in the late Qi and blood state. I have entrusted my life to you." After agreeing, Le Tong was a little worried about Qin Ming. strength.

Even though Qin Ming is already at the Forging Realm, there is still a big gap in cultivation level with others.

"Don't worry, I still have some professional ethics to use people's money to eliminate disasters for others." Qin Ming said that he was like a mercenary, which made his bald head a little more wrinkled.

"Your boy is still panting. Hurry up and help me get rid of those snake breeders so I can go back and deal with that poisonous snake." Le Tong said that he didn't have time to accompany Qin Ming in a melodrama.

The next day, a brand new energy vehicle left Gu Qing's residence and headed for the suburbs of Gulan City.

"Qin Ming, Qin Ming, the transport vehicle behind is still following, is it the opponent this time?" Inside the car, Gu Tao was lying on his seat, looking at a car behind through the rear window and yelling. road.

"It should be." Qin Ming glanced at the rearview mirror, and then said.

It was the bald-headed Le Tong who was driving the vehicle beside him. After the old car was completely scrapped, Le Tong bought this brand new energy vehicle.

Unlike the bleak days when he first came down the mountain, he has now earned some money with his medical skills and elixirs, and it is relatively easy to change cars.

It's just that Qin Ming doesn't understand why Le Tong is so big, why he loves narrow and small cars.

Looking at the crowded situation in the driver's seat, he didn't know what to say.

This trip out of the suburbs is also to completely settle the grievances with those snake raisers.

If it was as Le Tong said, they would definitely not let him go this trip.

As for why Gu Tao followed, she just came to join in the fun after hearing about it.

Le Tong naturally welcomes this.

"Oh, they're catching up." Gu Tao said.

Their location is far away from the urban area, and there are no other vehicles driving around the road.

At this time, the transport vehicle that had followed all the way finally made a move and chose to speed up to catch up with them.

"What should I do? This is a new car." At the critical moment, the bald head suddenly became worried about the energy car he had just bought.

"Just pull over and stop." Qin Ming said, he didn't want to walk back later.

"Oh." The bald head complied, and stopped directly by the side of the road.

Inside the transport vehicle.

"Boss, they stopped." It was the group of snake breeders in the car.

Among them, Liang Qiu, the leader of Qi and Blood Realm, was sitting in the co-pilot seat.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, "Go up and block them."


After the transport vehicle approached, it ran directly in front of Letong's vehicle.

A group of people jumped out of the car, each with a machete in their hands.

"I...I won't go down, I'll leave it to you." Le Tong swallowed, holding the steering wheel and saying.

The stuttering appearance, obviously a little timid after seeing such a battle.

Qin Ming often wondered why that miracle doctor, whom even Gu Qing respected very much, would find such a bald man to be his heir.

What's so good about him?

. m.

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