Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 127: Such a Big Bamboo

"Qin Ming, Qin Ming, I want to go down too." Gu Tao looked eager to try, and the expressions of the little girl and the two-meter-strong man formed a sharp contrast at this time.

"Whatever." Qin Ming shrugged, opened the door and got out of the car.

Liang Qiu saw the bald man who snatched the snake from him, and also saw Qin Ming who got off the car.

He stayed on Gu Taoqingli's face for a while longer.

"Head, that's him, the manipulator of the wind element." A snake breeder who had suffered from Qin Ming before said immediately after seeing Qin Ming.

Only then did Liang Qiu turn his gaze back to Qin Ming, and after looking him up and down, he said, "I just want to take that bald head away, so you won't be held accountable for hurting my little brother, how about it?"

He was testing Qin Ming's meaning.

"You also snatched the medicinal snake, why don't you let it go." Qin Ming replied.

Hearing this, Liang Qiu's face darkened instantly.

"That means you must fight against me."

"Anyway, it's impossible for me to leave my bald head and go alone." Qin Ming said.

"Hmph, shameless." Liang Qiu said coldly, "Go!"

A group of people rushed forward with fierce faces.

"I'll come, I'll come." Gu Tao said as he was about to call out his supreme tripod.

"Forget it, let me come. You just watch from the side." Qin Ming stopped her. After all, he and the bald couple caused this incident. She also got involved.

With a flip of his right hand, the spirit banner of release appeared instantly, hanging above his head.

"Qi Ling? This is the Nianxiang Realm you mentioned!" Liang Qiu immediately scolded after seeing the release of the spirit banner released by Qin Ming.

The person standing next to him suddenly murmured and didn't dare to make a sound.

Accompanied by a burst of fluctuations, a towering green bamboo more than 40 meters long materialized behind Qin Ming out of thin air, and the bamboo leaves grew automatically without wind.

"What is this!" Liang Qiu looked at Qin Ming's magical summoning technique in astonishment.

"Wow, what a tall bamboo." Gu Tao said with her neck raised. She was standing next to this bamboo, so she could clearly feel that after this bamboo appeared, there was a gust of wind around her.

"Playing with mystery, cut him off!" A group of people felt that the bamboo could not pose any threat to them, and after being startled, they rushed towards Qin Ming again, a little bit annoyed.

Wanting to try the power of the Fengling Bamboo, Qin Ming stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, an unknown gust of wind blew up.

The next moment, a large number of bamboo leaves on the Fengling Bamboo turned into streaks of green light, shooting towards the group of people.

Most of this group of people are cultivators with cultivation bases, including warriors, spirit masters and weapon masters.

Most of them are in the first level, and a few have cultivated to the second level, and their strength is not considered weak. Otherwise, this organization would not specialize in robbing others, relying on the large number of practitioners in the team.

However, facing the indiscriminate offensive of bamboo leaves this time, they all suffered.

Just like cutting leeks, this group of people quickly fell under countless green lights, even those few second-level practitioners were no exception.

There was a wail on the ground, and cuts were all over his body.

"Brother, this bamboo is so strong! We can't beat it!" A group of people fell to the ground and asked for help from their boss.

"Trash, a bunch of trash!" Liang Qiu was furious, and kicked away the person lying under him.

A bamboo leaf was shot at him at this time, but he grabbed it in his hand and smashed it to pieces.

Qi and blood surged all over his body. After all, he was a cultivator at the late stage of Qi and blood realm. It was still difficult to pose any threat to him with the harvester offensive of Feng Lingzhu.

Of course, Qin Ming also has a way to deal with this kind of rough skin and thick flesh.

The streamers and flags floated, and the white-armed monkey was summoned by him.

I have a splashing monkey, but it can beat the enemy general.

"Huh?" Liang Qiu sort of understood that this young man's weapon spirit could summon some weird creatures.

Not wanting to think too much, Liang Qiu rushed forward and punched out.

In his opinion, the monkey is on the same level as the bamboo.



The white-armed monkey swung its arm with one punch, and the brutal force directly knocked Liang Qiu back again and again, his arm went numb.

Without waiting for him to make an expression, the white-armed monkey jumped up and down and approached him again.

On this day, the group of snake breeders lying on the ground saw their extremely powerful boss being chased and beaten for the first time.

And the opponent is not a decent human being, but a strange white-haired monkey.

After a while, Liang Qiu was already in a panic, being chased and running all over the ground.

In terms of strength and speed, his horrifying discovery was no match for this monkey.

Even the vigor that he had practiced hard on weekdays was easily broken up by the monkey's punch.

"What kind of monster is this shit!" Liang Qiu felt miserable, but Qin Ming was already chatting leisurely with Ye Wen and Le Tong.

"Qin Ming, you are so awesome, why didn't you say it earlier, you were worried for a long time before I came." Le Tong touched his shiny head and said.

If he knew how powerful Qin Ming was, he wouldn't have stayed silent in the car all the time.

"If you are not sure, you think I will come here with you." Qin Ming replied.

"Qin Ming, your bamboo is so powerful." Gu Tao stretched out his hand to touch the body of the bamboo, and said.

"Yes, yes, I have traveled all over the world with my master since I was a child, and I have never seen such a fierce bamboo." Le Tong nodded repeatedly, agreeing very much.

Qin Ming smiled and didn't answer, he wouldn't say that Feng Lingzhu was a product of another world.

"Give me the knife!" While the three of them were chatting and laughing, Liang Qiu had already been punched in the face, his nose and face were swollen instantly, and even his mouth was a little crooked. He sprayed and demanded weapons from his subordinates.

"Head!" One person threw the knife in his hand to Liang Qiu.

It was a bit overbearing before, but now that he had a knife in his hand, Liang Qiu immediately slashed out with sharp knife aura.

It also restored some of the decline, and the saber energy can somewhat pose a threat to the white-armed monkey.

Seeing this, Qin Ming also threw his Fengling cudgel to the white-armed monkey.

White-armed monkeys not only know how to box, but also use knives, guns and sticks to a certain level.

The Fengling Bamboo Stick was tough enough to block the saber energy from Liang Qiu's chopping.

bang bang bang

A few minutes later, Liang Qiu was hit on the head with a stick a few more times, making him dizzy.

"Stop! Stop!" Liang Qiu finally couldn't hold on, and immediately squeaked.

"Come back." Qin Ming said.

The white-armed monkey slowly put down the short stick of Fengling that had just been swung up, bared its teeth at Liang Qiu in a demonstrative manner, and then walked back to Qin Ming with its head held high as if it had won the right to mate.

"I'll give you the medicine snake, and I will never trouble that bald head from now on, let us go." Liang Qiu said after coughing up two mouthfuls of old blood heavily, clutching his chest.

The knife in his hand had already been cut off by him, even if he protected it vigorously, it would still inevitably be destroyed.

The little-known young man in front of him is a hidden evildoer, he just summoned a monkey and put him down.

He swore that he would never have any interaction with this young man again, unless he thought his life was too long.

Qin Ming stroked the hairs on his chin, and then led the white-armed monkey to Liang Qiu.

"Before, you talked nicely, so you had to leave. After all, this time, you took the initiative to find fault. It took me a lot of effort to narrowly defeat you. So, how about some compensation?" Qin Ming said seriously.

"Eh..." Liang Qiu was powerless to complain, and spent a lot of effort to narrowly defeat him?

Obviously, he was chatting in the back before, and he randomly summoned a monkey as a thug, and winning by a narrow margin would be too flattering to him.

"How do you say, you don't want to?" Qin Ming's tone remained unchanged.

Liang Qiu glanced at the white-armed monkey standing next to him, how could he be unwilling, and tentatively whispered, "500,000?"

"What? One million, okay, then one million." Qin Ming nodded.

The corner of Liang Qiu's mouth twitched wildly.

Five hundred thousand came into Qin Ming's ears, but it instantly doubled to one million in his mouth.

It is said in the snake circle that they are a gang of robbers.

Now, in his opinion, the young man in front of him is the real robber and bandit.

Although he was a bit reluctant, he still transferred one million to Qin Ming, after all, his life was the most important thing.

"It's said that your circle makes money. I didn't think so before, but now I believe it, boss, and the business will be booming in the future." Qin Ming looked at his 1.5 million account and couldn't help laughing.

"I'd like to borrow your good words..." Liang Qiu pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying, and then quickly left with the people, unwilling to stay a second longer.

"Qin Ming, why did you let them go?" Le Tong worried that he would be retaliated against in the future.

"I think as long as they are not too stupid, they will not provoke us again." Qin Ming said.



Only then did Le Tong heave a sigh of relief, "Looks like I'll have money in the future, so I have to hire some powerful practitioners to be bodyguards."

He didn't want to encounter a second time in a situation like this.

After taking back the white-armed monkey and Feng Lingzhu, the group returned to Gulan City.

"Hey, aren't you going back to Shunchang City?" Seeing Le Tong not in a hurry, Qin Ming couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, I have already sublet the small clinic in Shunchang City, and I plan to come to a big city to make a lot of money in the future." Le Tong said cheerfully.

The big city he was talking about was obviously Gulan City.

"There are a lot of rich people in Gulan City, so the elixir I refine is easier to sell." He thinks so.

In the evening, Gu Qing returned to his residence.

"How, is the matter resolved?" Gu Qing asked.

"Well, it's solved." Qin Ming nodded, and opened the small box in his hand, which contained a newly-arrived Forging Pill.

The quality is quite good. I have to say that the bald head is really good at refining medicine, and it is rare to see him refining inferior products.

Gu Qing looked at the Casting Pill in Qin Ming's hand and smiled slightly.

The boy also went on the road.

"Qin Ming summoned another bamboo today, and it's really powerful. It killed dozens of practitioners at once..." Gu Tao expressed her thoughts to Ye Wen and Gu Qing after watching the excitement today.

"Really, I really have to see it if I have the chance." Ye Wen also seemed very interested when talking about Qin Ming's weapon spirit, after all, it is quite a rare weapon spirit.

. m.

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