Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 128 Nine Ninggang-backed Bear

After getting the caster pill he wanted, although Qin Ming couldn't break through to the mid-stage caster immediately, the time it took was shortened a lot.

In just a few days, the Shi Ling Banner has changed from a few inches in size to more than ten inches long, and the effect is still very obvious.

The effect of Casting Pill is a continuous process. Depending on its quality, one pill can generally last for ten days to one month.

The one given by Le Tong was made by him, and the quality is quite high. According to him, it can last for a month.

That is to say, Qin Ming doesn't need to take a second casting pill in this month, after all, the effects of this stuff don't stack.

In the evening, I came back from studying with Gu Qing.

After the daily visualization of monkey statues, Qin Ming lay down on the bed early.

Open the login interface.

I saw that the line of characters had been completely covered by gold.

Three silver treasure chests were lying there quietly.


A burst of silver light floated over, and the first treasure chest slowly opened.

Then a long brown worm crawled out slowly.

name: none

Spirit: Heartworm

Combat power score: Tier 4 inferior

Growth Potential: Tier 4 Top Grade

This spirit monster named Poisonous Heart Rot Worm looks weak and weak, like an earthworm that can be trampled to death by the side of the road, but in fact it is a powerful spirit monster of the lower fourth rank.

Qin Ming has seen this kind of scene many times in that different world where ghosts pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

Lie down among the leaves or flowers and plants, only when some spirits approach unsuspectingly, will they reveal their ferocious side.

If it wasn't for Qin Ming's ability to detect ghosts, he probably would have fallen for it.

Keep this option,

Qin Ming continued to open the second treasure chest.

name: none

Ghost: Moon Spring Deer

Combat power score: Tier 4 inferior

Growth Potential: Fifth Tier Low

"It's another spirit monster at the lower level of Tier 4." Qin Ming thought to himself that he might be a bit unlucky this time.

Logically speaking, this silver-level treasure chest should also be able to open fourth-level mid-level or even upper-level spirit monsters.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is bad luck that only the fourth-level low-grade products are issued twice in a row.

This seemingly harmless sika deer is quite beautiful, but Qin Ming ranked this choice after the poisonous heart rot.

Although I have never seen this monster deer in another world, there is a high probability that this Moon Spring deer is a herbivorous creature.

That is to say, like the flower elves, they only look for those natural treasures to devour and evolve, but they don't eat the flesh and blood of other spirits.

Even if Qin Ming possessed him, he couldn't change this spirit's habit, and he wouldn't eat flesh and blood at all.

This kind of spirit is undoubtedly missing a way to obtain evolutionary resources.

Of course, it is also possible that this spirit monster has evolved into an omnivorous creature that also eats the flesh and blood of monsters.

But this is only a possibility. If there is a better choice, Qin Ming doesn't have to be obsessed with this deer.

"It's the last treasure chest, please open a slightly stronger player." Qin Ming prayed secretly.

Then the third treasure chest slowly opened.

After the silver light passed, a huge black bear crawled out of it.

name: none

Ghost: Nine Ning Rigidback Bear

Combat rating: Tier 4 mid-tier

Growth Potential: Tier 5 Middle Grade

"Fourth intermediate grade." Qin Ming said to himself, and finally opened a good one.

Both the combat power score and the growth potential are the highest among the three spirit monsters.

Soon Qin Ming decided on the object of this possession, which was the blind bear from the third treasure chest.

"Jiu Ning rigid-backed bear."

After confirming, a burst of light flashed by.

Different world.

A place surrounded by clouds and mountains.

Large areas of green forest are layered on top of each other, and a river more than ten meters wide divides this green forest into two.

Beside the river, some spirits are staying there, drinking or resting.

Insects were jumping back and forth among the flowers and plants, and a splash of water was splashed on the river from time to time, from which a big fish with colorful patterns leaped high and rolled into the water again.

This is a hidden place like a picture scroll, revealing a piece of peace and tranquility.

Suddenly, those spirit monsters lying on the shore suddenly opened their eyes, raised their ears and looked around vigilantly.

They seem to have noticed something.


The ground suddenly trembled slightly.

A few spirits immediately dispersed like birds and beasts.

Not long after, a huge creature came slowly from the forest.

He has thick black hair, brown eyes, and a build of nearly four meters.

The thick limbs stepped on the soft ground, one step at a time.

There are some weak spirits far away, staring in horror at the black bear that came suddenly, not daring to approach this area at all.

The black bear didn't even bother to pay attention to those monsters, and went straight to the river.

The surface of the river is quite clear, reflecting the face of a bear in black and white.

Stretching out his fore paw, he fiddled with the river surface twice with a few sharp claws, and stretched out in front of him curiously to look at it.

Suddenly exerting strength, he slapped down on the river with his front palm.


A huge splash of water splashed high, as if someone had thrown a grenade into the river.

The spirits in the distance were frightened by the black bear's sudden move, turned around and ran away, never daring to show their faces again.

"The strength of this Jiu Ning rigid bear is really terrifying." Qin Ming thought to himself.

This black bear is exactly the ghost Jiu Ning Gangback that Qin Ming possessed this time.

After getting used to it initially, it found that the bear's physique was simply too strong.

He is even confident that he can directly crash a tank without hurting himself.

Among the Tier 4 spirit monsters, this bear's physical strength should already be regarded as the top level.

Those spirits avoided him one after another, precisely because of his strength.

On the surface of the river, the two fish were floating on their bellies and stopped moving. The aftermath just stunned them.

Looking at these two fish, Qin Ming unconsciously felt a surge of hunger.

His body is huge, the tonnage is there, and the amount of food he needs to eat a day is also quite large.

The water level by the river was not deep, so Qin Ming went into the water and brought the two fish over.

After thinking about it, he felt that the two seemed to be only enough to fit between his teeth, so he immediately repeated the old trick, slapping his palms on the river surface again and again.

Huge water splashes one after another.

After a while, he harvested another seven or eight fish, as well as some river crabs and giant claw shrimp.

He can directly devour these plump seafood, and normal spirits don't care about cooked food and raw food.

But Qin Ming is not a serious ghost. As a human being with cooking skills and pursuits, he naturally prefers delicious cooked food.

If these seafood are placed in the outside world, they are the most top-level ingredients, and it would be too wasteful to eat them raw.

There were no pots and pans around, so Qin Ming roasted and ate the food as usual.

Find some fire grass, that is, the red grass that contains the element of fire.

This plant seems to grow all over the world, and it is not difficult to find it.

Soon a fire was made, and some pointed branches were inserted on the seafood, and they were placed next to the fire to roast.

Although Qin Ming is now a bear, when he sat down, he landed on his buttocks, his upper body stood up, and his two paws touched the seafood beside the fire from time to time.

This appearance looks a little funny, but also a little naive.

The firewood crackled.

Soon, the aroma of the fish came out, and the surface gradually turned brown.

Qin Ming ground some of the hay with a pungent smell that he had just collected into powder and sprinkled it on the seafood as a simple seasoning.

Then waited for the last time before meal.

Open your own interface.

Name: Qin Ming

Ghost: Nine Ning Rigidback Bear

Combat rating: Tier 4 mid-tier

Growth Potential: Tier 5 Middle Grade

Among the three tasks released to him this time, the three big kill characters are particularly conspicuous.

According to the urine nature of the previous loggers, a survival mission, a collection mission, and a difficult combat mission are generally given.

However, this time it is a bit unusual, the three missions are all killing missions!

It's simple and rude, and doesn't need to beat around the bush, just throw away your arms and just do it.

This is also in line with the ghost image that Qin Ming possessed this time, a ferocious big bear!

In his opinion, among the three killing tasks, only the first one is relatively easy.

The target Tier 4 monster does not have a specific rank, it can be a top Tier 4, or a low Tier 4.

Although the number of hunted and killed is a full fifty, but he has a month, so it is not very difficult to calculate.

As for the second task, the difficulty was raised to a higher level in an instant.

Kill the leader of the fourth-order ethnic group!

It seems to be just an individual, but in fact what Qin Ming has to face is a whole group of spirits and monsters.

After all, if you want to be their boss, they will definitely not let you kill them.

Moreover, the leaders of the group are often the strongest existence in the group, so they are not so easy to kill.

Not to mention the third task, if it is under normal circumstances, he would have almost no chance to kill the fifth-level monsters.

There is already a huge gap between the third and fourth ranks, let alone the fourth and fifth ranks.

Even if the Jiuning rigid-backed bear that Qin Ming possessed was extremely powerful, it was only relative to the group of spirits and monsters of the fourth class.

"If we can find a fifth-level spirit monster in an injured state, we might be able to fight." Qin Ming thought for a while and thought to himself.

At this time, several big birds flying in the sky landed on the branches, staring at the seafood next to the fire below, ready to move.

However, after seeing Qin Ming, the black bear, he did not dare to fall down.

There are also many spirits around who are attracted by the fragrance, but they all hide in the dark.

The aura exuded by Qin Ming is so strong that there is no need to worry about other spirits coming to steal food.

Feeling that it was almost done, Qin Ming picked up one of the steaming fish and stuffed it into his mouth.

Chew it twice and swallow it quickly.

"good to eat."

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