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Chapter 129 Nine-Tailed Fox Appears

Qin Ming couldn't help but think that in this place full of delicious ingredients, if Gu Tao were to come to eat a meal, he probably wouldn't want to go back no matter what.

For foodies, this place is indeed a holy place, of course, the premise is to survive.

Just as he was thinking this, a slight sound suddenly came from the jungle behind him.

"Huh?" Qin Ming tilted his head to look slightly.

I saw a snow-white young fox crawling out of a low bush in a daze.

When he came out, he seemed to be tripped and rolled twice on the ground, with his head just behind Qin Ming's back.

Turning over in a daze, the little fox shook his head, and saw a black mountain appearing in front of him.

Compared with Qin Ming's size, this little fox looks much smaller, and the whole one is only a little bigger than a slap.

"Goo..." The little fox's voice was so soft that you couldn't hear it clearly unless you listened carefully.

Looking at the little fox that suddenly came out, Qin Ming felt a little strange.

The rest of the spirits didn't dare to approach him, for fear that Qin Ming would roast them too.

Only this little fox bravely leaned forward and even stuck to Qin Ming's back.

In the pure and cute little eyes, there is no fear of the huge monster in front of him.

He groaned and moved to the front of Qin Ming, that is, beside the fire. Obviously, he was also attracted by the aroma of these fishes.

The fluffy little claws poked the vertical branch inserted into the ground, as if trying to push the branch down, but its strength was too weak, and the branch trembled twice but did not fall at all.

Looking up at the grilled fish on the branch, his eyes are full of longing.

At this time, a huge black palm fell, and the shadow instantly covered the little fox underneath.

Pull up the grilled fish, and slowly put it into the mouth under the eager eyes of the little fox.

While chewing, Qin Ming continued to look at the little fox that came out.

The hair of the little fox is like satin,

Pure white like snow, without a trace of variegation.

The end of the fluffy tail has half yellow, and there are a few seductive red lines at the corners of the eyes.

It doesn't look like an ordinary fox.

Name: Hua Ji

Spirit: Nine-Tailed Fox (Child)

Combat score: not entered

Growth Potential: Unknown

"Nine-tailed fox?" Qin Ming rolled his eyes to confirm that he was not mistaken.

The attribute panel next to the little fox does indeed have a few words of Nine-Tailed Fox written on it. Although he is still just a cub at the moment, his combat power rating is not even at the first level.

But the name of the Nine-Tailed Fox, not to mention thunderous, but Qin Ming is also very familiar with it.

Among the myths and stories circulating in the market, there is a nine-tailed fox. Some say it is a mythical beast, and some say it is a monster. Various versions have different images.

In this strange world, there is also a ghost named Nine-Tailed Fox.

After the initial shock, Qin Ming quickly calmed down.

This nine-tailed fox is a ghostly nine-tailed fox, which must be different from the myths and stories circulated in reality, at most the name is the same.

At least that's what Qin Ming thinks at the moment.

Look at the little fox's tail, there is only one exposed at present, not really nine tails.

Seeing Qin Ming eat the grilled fish, the little fox immediately waddled up to Qin Ming again, scratched the fur on Qin Ming's legs with its little paws, and called out softly again.

It seems to be coquettish, and it seems to be hungry.

Qin Ming thought for a while, peeled off some small fish meat from another grilled fish and put it in the palm of his hand.

The little fox's eyes lit up, and immediately climbed onto Qin Ming's front paw with great difficulty, and licked it, but he was not afraid of Qin Ming at all.

One must know that Qin Ming squeezed it and threw it into his mouth now, it is another delicacy.

The palm of his hand was itchy from being licked, but Qin Ming's thoughts were spinning.

The growth potential is unknown, which also shows that this spirit called Nine-Tailed Fox, even if it is not as in the fairy tales, is probably from a high-level spirit group.

Qin Ming didn't want to offend the young one, and when the time came, he would chase after an old one and end his short trip to another world.

"It's better not to have too much contact with this fox cub." Qin Ming thought to himself.

At this moment, the little fox barked again.

Looking down, the fish in the palm of his hand has been eaten completely.

Seeing that the little fox was still begging for it, it seemed that he was really hungry.

I don't know how it was left alone here when it was so small.

Immediately, he distributed some fish meat to it, and he ate the rest of the food.

The little fox doesn't eat much, and after eating some fish, he is almost full. From time to time, he sticks out his tongue and licks his mouth, looking unsatisfied.

Qin Ming put out the fire, got up and walked up a mountain behind.

He is about to start looking for the target of the hunt.

Tier 4 elves like him are rare on weekdays, and far less than the number who can walk everywhere.

Most of them live in one place, dominate one side, rarely travel far, and wander around the map.

Now he only hopes that there will be more Tier 4 spirit monsters in this area so that he can find them more easily.

The mountain behind him is very big, and it is not steep from the foot of the mountain.

Some hiding spirits scattered away when they saw Qin Ming approaching.

The flowers growing on the mountain are quite gorgeous, colorful and fragrant.

The sun is also very comfortable on the body.

Just after taking two steps, there was a rustling sound behind him.

Turning his head to look, it was the little fox following behind his buttocks.

Although the uphill is not too steep, it is still very difficult to walk when it is young.

He buried his head and didn't realize that Qin Ming in front had stopped. He didn't turn over until he hit his head on the bear's leg. It seemed that he noticed Qin Ming's eyes looking at it.

Shaking his pointed ears, he softly called out to Qin Ming.

"What does this brat want?" Qin Ming glanced at it, ignored it, turned and continued on his way.

The little fox immediately got up again and continued to follow Qin Ming with difficulty.

Qin Ming didn't walk fast, but he walked very fast, and the little fox behind gradually couldn't keep up.

Halfway up the mountain, the slope became steeper in vain. Qin Ming began to climb the slope. The claws of his limbs were deeply embedded in the ground, fixing his body to move.

Although the tonnage is large, the steep slope still can't help him.

However, before he had climbed two steps, he suddenly noticed movement and a strong breath coming from not far behind him.

A few hundred meters away.

Although Qin Ming was no longer in front of him, the little fox was still chasing upwards with all his strength, and kept calling, as if calling for Qin Ming.

As a result, Qin Ming didn't call out, but instead attracted a very hungry red-eyed wolf.

The moment he saw the little fox, the red-eyed wolf's mouth had already started to drool non-stop, as if seeing the most delicious food in the world before his eyes.

The already red eyes also became redder.

After observing the surroundings and confirming that there is no strong enemy, the red-eyed wolf immediately accelerated a few steps and walked to the side of the little fox.

The fishy smell coming towards his face and the extremely fierce eyes of the red-eyed wolf finally scared the little fox this time, and he curled up on the ground and trembled.

The fluffy tail rolled itself up like a cat, revealing only a pair of pitiful black eyes.

After getting closer, the saliva from the red-eyed wolf's mouth almost fell to the ground.

The face was constantly enlarged in front of the little fox's eyes, becoming ferocious, with a wide open mouth full of sharp fangs.

If nothing else happens, this red-eyed wolf will soon be lucky enough to taste this delicacy bestowed on it by heaven.


The ground suddenly trembled, and a majestic black figure rushed towards it from a distance, showing a speed that was completely inconsistent with its size.

Maybe the red-eyed wolf was too obsessed with the little fox in front of him, and didn't react until the black shadow approached, but it was too late.

The huge and dark bear paws were directly on its body.


The whole body of the red-eyed wolf was sent flying like a cannonball, and smashed hard on a boulder.

The force on the surface of the boulder instantly split open like a spider's web, showing how powerful the bear's paw was.

The red-eyed wolf yelled miserably when he did this for a while.

Qin Ming didn't intend to let it go any further, so he charged forward in three or two steps.

The red-eyed wolf roared and bit Qin Ming fiercely.

It also has the combat power of a fourth-tier mid-tier, and has a fierce personality, so how can it be willing to run away directly.

More importantly, it still doesn't want to give up the little fox that is approaching its mouth.

Qin Ming straightened up suddenly, and roared condescendingly, even more powerfully than the red-eyed wolf.

He straightened his fore paw, and slapped the red-eyed wolf on the head again.

But don't the red-eyed wolf lean over to avoid it, and bite Qin Ming's leg with his mouth open.

Feeling a tingling pain in his thigh, Qin Ming didn't panic. Now he is not very used to the fighting style of the black bear he possesses, and needs a process of adaptation.

Fighting against spirit monsters of the same level of combat power, it is inevitable that they will be injured at the beginning.

Seeing that the red-eyed wolf still didn't let go, he immediately slapped two bear paws, but the red-eyed wolf avoided it again.

Compared with the huge tonnage of Jiu Ning Gangback, the red-eyed wolf is much more flexible.

It's a pity that the Rigidback doesn't have the affinity for the wind element, so Qin Ming's ability to manipulate the wind element can't be used this time, and naturally he doesn't have an advantage in agility.

Qin Ming was also decisive, since he couldn't hit him, he simply waited for the red-eyed wolf to pounce on him.

Sure enough, the red-eyed wolf licked the blood on his mouth after succeeding once, and then pounced on him again.


Qin Ming roared again, with the same pounce, when the red-eyed wolf bit his shoulder, he also grabbed the red-eyed wolf.

He directly slammed the whole red-eyed wolf to the ground, raised his huge front paw, and slapped it directly on the side of the struggling red-eyed wolf's head.

With a loud noise, half of the red-eyed wolf's head was embedded in the ground.

This blow was hardened, and the body that had been struggling just now immediately cooled down, and half of his life was lost.

Qin Ming landed another palm, sparing no effort, and completely killed the red-eyed wolf.

Looking at the blood stains under his body, Qin Ming secretly said not to be caught by him, his strength is top-notch.

I saw that in the task interface, the number of completed hunts for the first task changed from zero to one.

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