Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 148 Advanced Experimental Body Deep Ghost

The wind element is entwined around the body, and the invisible cyclone condenses from the feet, and the body moves.

In the next moment, Qin Ming's figure appeared in front of Ling Liangtang, causing a wind and sand to blow up.

With the continuous improvement of mental strength and cultivation, his control over the wind element has also become stronger, and the increase brought about by the blessing on his body is naturally not what it used to be.

Even Zhuang Wen couldn't stop staring at the instant burst of speed.

"Hmm!" The man in black didn't seem to expect that Qin Ming would suddenly insert him.

Using the kung fu again, the violent wind blasted out with his fist, tearing the black clothes on the other party to pieces, revealing the true face under the black clothes.

It was the wanted criminal who was encountered on the train before, code-named Deep Ghost.

Although their appearance has changed a lot, Qin Ming and Ye Wen recognized them immediately.

It was only known that this wanted criminal was taken away by the people of that organization at the end, which caused Ye Wen's summer vacation mission to fail.

See you again today, this wanted criminal not only joined that organization, but also became a transformed experimental subject, and his strength has been greatly improved.

The exposed metal column was embedded in the body, exuding an abnormal red halo, which was different from other reformers.

"I recognize you." Shengui said slowly, he couldn't forget Qin Ming's stop on the train.

It was also that kick that cut off his last chance to escape.

"I recognize you too." Qin Ming said, and the two fists collided with each other.

The power of the deep ghost is far higher than that of other reformers, and the metal tube wrapped in red halo can give him a greater boost.

The ground was shattered again by the two people, and the energy overflowed.

In a pure competition of strength, the two were evenly matched, and neither could suppress the other.

"Really!" Shen Gui muttered to himself, his dull eyes slowly focusing.

He couldn't believe that the young man with little cultivation could become so strong in such a short period of a few months.

Anyone would be a little disbelieving,

But Qin Ming's current strength is here, so he has no choice but to believe it.

While Qin Ming and Shen Gui were wrestling with each other, Gu Tao manipulated her supreme tripod and threw it directly at Shen Gui.

With Qin Ming's cooperation, the tripod also landed firmly on Shen Gui, who couldn't avoid it.

The ground was instantly collapsed by the huge gravity attached to the tripod, forming a big pit.

Shen Gui carried the tripod on his shoulders, shouted loudly, his body blushed even more, and when he was almost crushed to the ground, he stood up again with the tripod on his shoulders.

This was the first time Qin Ming saw someone who could resist Gu Tao's suppression.

At this time, Ye Wen, who was guarding the mayor's side, gradually released her spiritual power, forming seals with her hands.

The yellow toy cat appeared.

After the casting was complete, the toy cat looked quite agile, jumping onto Ye Wen's shoulders and standing like a living thing.

Lightly raised one paw and slashed down at the deep ghost who was still fighting with the Supreme Ding.

Several substantial claw marks pierced through the air, almost wanting to chop Shen Gui in half.

At a critical moment, Shen Gui's face was slightly ferocious, and his arms were completely covered by red light.

Hearing Gu Tao's oops, the Supreme Cauldron was thrown aside by the deep ghost, and then his body moved when the claw marks approached him, and the several claw marks left deep and visible bone cuts on his arm.

Before he landed, Qin Ming appeared beside him like a shadow, and sent him flying with a powerful punch.

Gu Tao suppressed, Ye Wen shot from a distance, Qin Ming pursued, and the cooperation between the three was quite tacit.

It's just a pity that the reformed Shen Gui's strength is not inferior to Huang Mao's, and this wave of three-person cooperation still failed to seriously injure him.

That Ling Liangtang is by no means a casual person, under the control of mental power, the phantom of the general in front of him stepped into the air, and then disappeared into nothingness.

The next moment, behind Shen Gui, in a halo of light, the general's figure was re-condensed, and he raised the weapon in his hand and slashed at Shen Gui's head.

Shen Gui clutched his injured arm, as if he had eyes in the back of his head, and quickly avoided the phantom slashing attack from behind.

He covered the surface of the wound with his hands, and red light began to gather on it.

On the other side, Zhuang Wen and the others entangled the man in black again, and started the second wave of encirclement and suppression.

Shen Gui's fighting power is really nothing to say, and the speed is still higher than that of several people. They want to retreat, but the three of Zhuang Wen can't keep up and launch an offensive.

A minute later, Shen Gui let go of the hand covering the wound, only to see that the several wounds on his arm had completely healed, leaving only a few white marks, proving that the wounds just now really existed.

"Super strong self-healing ability, is this also the ability after transformation!" Zhuang Wen saw it in his eyes and secretly thought.

This is undoubtedly a very strong and practical ability, at least it seems to be the case so far.

At the same time, it also made their battle a bit more difficult. The stronger and more abilities the deep ghosts had, the harder it was for them to defeat the deep ghosts.

And the rest of the reformers over there finally broke through Ling Liangtang's mental restraint and rushed straight to the mayor.

"Tsk, hell, there are too many people." Seeing that the group of people on the other side broke through his blockade, even the elegant and easy-going Ling Liangtang couldn't help cursing a few words.

This group of reformed people all possessed a fairly high physical strength, and he was able to hold the group of men in black for so long with his own strength, which is considered very powerful.

"The three of them couldn't escape, only us." Ling Liangtang said.

Qin Ming glanced at the group of reformers, and then said: "You can continue to protect the mayor, and leave it to me."

"You alone! Is it okay?" Ling Liangtang was a little worried that Qin Ming would not be able to handle the number of opponents alone.

"Well, there should be no problem." Qin Ming said.

As if recalling Qin Ming's astonishing fighting power before, Ling Liangtang touched the sweat on his forehead, nodded and said, "Okay, let me know if there is any danger, and I will help you at any time."

His mental strength has been consumed a lot just now, but it can still be done with support.

Qin Ming smiled, moved his body, and rushed towards the group of reformers alone.

His wind element had already been used to perfection, and as he walked quickly, wind blades shot out at his side at the same time, and before the group of reformers approached, he had already formed an intensive firepower offensive.

The reformers were immediately forced by the wind blade to jump up and down, and Qin Ming disrupted the formation of the charge, and dispersed one by one.

A few reformers who couldn't dodge in time had their hands and feet cut off by the wind blade, and their combat effectiveness was greatly damaged.

Qin Ming quickly approached one of the cyborgs whose right arm had been severed, and punched the cyborg with full strength, instantly shattering the sternum of the cyborg who was trying to parry, and was thrown backwards.

Qin Ming kept walking, and a cyclone spread out from the ground, and he directly caught up with the reformed person who hadn't landed yet.


He followed up with another punch and hammered the reformed man to the ground, making a loud noise.

How terrifying is Qin Ming who is fully displaying his speed and strength? The strongest and most worth exploring physical strength of this group of reformers is completely crushed by Qin Ming.

Even as long as he is willing, he can beat these reinvented people to the point of being defenseless.

Seeing that the reformed man who was bleeding from his mouth and nose was seriously injured and dying, Qin Ming moved towards another reformed man again.

Disrupting their positions first is also for the convenience of him solving them one by one now.

In a one-on-one, full-strength shot, these men in black couldn't last a few rounds in his hands.

The fighting style is simple and rough.

"Well, isn't this elementary school student said to be a student of the Artifact Department? Why is his fighting style the same as Zhan Xiaoxiao's?" Ling Liangtang knew that Qin Ming didn't need his help, so he couldn't help but ask Gu Qing at the same time. Ye Wen, a student.

"Qin Ming is an amazing genius, no matter in terms of the weapon spirit training system or the warrior training system." Ye Wen replied.

"So, you mean that his cultivation level in the Artifact Spirit system is also not weak?"

"Of course, he is the teacher's student." Ye Wen nodded as a matter of course, Gu Qing is the gold-lettered signboard of the Artifact Spirit Department.

"The young man now... is really amazing." Ling Liangtang couldn't help sighing again when he saw Qin Ming's reformer who had already laid down more than half of it in a short while.

He could sense the violent fluctuations in Qin Ming's mental power, which also confirmed what Ye Wen said was true.

At least in terms of mental strength, Qin Ming is equally strong.

On the other side, Shen Gui seemed a little annoyed by the entanglement of these three people, and roared suddenly, and a little red glow gradually brightened on his chest.

Weird red lines gradually appeared on the body, like bloodshot or other unknown substances.

Shen Gui's eyes turned red, his mouth opened slightly, and he spewed out burning white smoke, looking like a scarlet ghost from hell.

The sudden burst of aura caused Zhuang Wen and the three of them to change their complexions, and the rising sense of crisis in their hearts caused the three of them to retreat instinctively.

"Not good!" The three who had just retreated thought to themselves.

Sure enough, Shen Gui, who had entered a runaway state, was different from other reformers. He could still maintain his rationality and thinking. The ground was crushed by him, turning into a gust of wind and sweeping towards Mayor Ling Liangtang and the others.

They have only one goal from beginning to end, and that is to take away Mayor Xu Derong.

It was too late for the three of Zhuang Wen to intercept, and the speed at which the deep ghost erupted was several steps higher than before, far above the three of them.

At such a critical moment, Ling Liangtang had no reservations, and all his spiritual power was poured into the general's body.

The illusory general gradually became solid, and even the armor on his body became sharp and angular, with clear stripes.

The general stepped forward, waved the weapon in his hand and cut down the deep ghost again.

However, the fast-moving Shen Gui waved his hand casually, and the red light flashed across, and the general who was completely condensed by spiritual power collapsed in an instant.

Ling Liangtang's face turned pale, the general's sudden collapse caused a severe shock to his sea of ​​consciousness.

He didn't expect that his all-out output would be shattered by the deep ghost raising his hand.

The deep ghost in this state is really too strong, he even feels powerless to parry.

He has rarely felt this way since he practiced.

Seeing that the deep ghost was about to approach Ling Liangtang, Gu Tao's complexion became serious, and his hands quickly formed seals.

"Red gold flame roll!"

. m.

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