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Chapter 149 The Power of the Violent Bear

The Supreme Golden Cauldron rose high in the sky, and the glittering golden light became extremely dazzling.

The seven-pointed weapon spirit has its own strength.

Inside the Supreme Golden Cauldron, suddenly like a crater, large groups of golden flames spewed out.

Under Gu Tao's control, he shot at the deep ghost like a goddess scattering flowers.

The violent high temperature carried by the golden flame seemed to burn the space, and evaporated the air along the way in an instant.

Even the deep ghost seemed afraid to touch these golden flames and chose to avoid them.

This red golden flame is the flame conceived by the Supreme Golden Cauldron, which is completely different from ordinary flames.

But it's a pity that the spirit of the weapon has not yet been fully formed, and Gu Tao, who is not cultivated enough, can't control the powerful red gold flame well.

Chi Jinyan fell to the ground, and a large number of stones were burned up in an instant, melting like ice and snow, and bottomless molten holes appeared one after another.

A ball of red gold flames didn't hit Shen Gui, which made Gu Tao feel a sense of frustration.

This is already her biggest hole card at present, and it is also the most powerful attack method.

"Xiao Tao, suppress it with a tripod." Ye Wen said hastily.

"Oh." Gu Tao obediently manipulated the Supreme Golden Cauldron in mid-air to quickly fall towards Shen Gui.

In order to avoid the red gold flame just now, the deep ghost was also delayed for a little time.

The suppression of the Supreme Golden Tripod comes with a confinement effect, making it impossible for the enemy to avoid it.

However, when the deep ghost faced the suppression of this golden tripod again, it didn't even think about avoiding it at all. It didn't stop walking, and wanted to smash the falling golden tripod directly.

Meow! !

With a cat's high-pitched neighing, the toy cat on Ye Wen's shoulder jumped up high, raised its paw and pressed it falsely.

Then he saw a huge phantom of claws appearing on the golden cauldron, which was more than ten meters long.

The phantom of the claw grabbed Jinding and pressed it faster.


A huge pothole appeared on the ground where the deep ghost was.

"So strong!" Ling Liangtang couldn't help muttering as he got closer and felt even more shocked.

Ye Wen's weapon spirit has been forged to a great extent, and the power displayed is indeed very powerful. Even as the president of the academy, he has to weigh it against the current Ye Wen.

But it's a pity that Shen Gui's physical strength, which is still in the runaway mode, is too exaggerated, and his unparalleled strength allowed him to resist the joint attack of Gu Tao and Ye Wen again.

Standing in the middle of the pothole, firmly supporting the bottom of the golden tripod with both hands, the red light radiating from the whole body is chilling.

Ye Wen and Gu Tao had worked their best, but they still couldn't completely suppress the deep ghost in this state.


The golden tripod was directly dropped by him, and half of it was buried in the ground.

With a sharp wave of his arm, Zhuang Wen and the three who were chasing up were forced back again with great strength.

"It's over!" Duan Yang gritted his teeth, and the vigor hit his weapon spirit spear with a buzzing sound.

The deep ghost killed the mayor and the others again without looking back, extremely ferocious.

Ling Liangtang was about to devote all his spiritual power to launch the final blow, but was held down by one hand.

"I'm coming!" Qin Ming spat out two words, and he didn't know when he had rushed back from a distance.

Staring at the speedy Shen Gui, he stretched out his hand, and Shi Ling Banner appeared.

The sudden runaway of the deep ghost made the task far more difficult than expected.

This is no longer within the scope of the Academy's missions, and the difficulty is even higher than the Academy's highest five-star mission.

After all, even Zhuang Wen and the others are invincible. How can anyone in the academy be able to deal with it.

"Spirit of the Artifact?" Ling Liangtang saw at a glance that the small flag floating in Qin Ming's hand was his Spirit of Artifact. This was also the first time that he, Zhuang Wen and others saw Qin Ming using his own Artifact Spirit.

On the flag, the images of the six spirits are very delicately depicted.

After the white-armed monkey and the flower elf, Jiu Ning, the rigid bear, also lay on his stomach with his butt pouted.

With a thought in his mind, the flags began to flap rapidly and floated above Qin Ming's head.

The Jiu Ninggang-backed bear with its butt pouted just moved slowly.

Turning his head, as if hearing a call, a pair of animal pupils looked out of the canvas.

At this time, Shen Gui had already arrived in front of Qin Ming and Ling Liangtang.

The menacing momentum surged like mountains and seas, Ling Liangtang and others felt that they were not breathing well, and the mayor Xu Derong, who was the lowest cultivation level present, even covered his chest and his face quickly became ugly, some couldn't bear the persecution of this pressure .

"Go to hell!" Shen Gui spat out two words slightly, as if he was speaking to Qin Ming, or to Ling Liangtang and others.

Roar! ! !

A roar that resounded through the sky was deafening.

The media reporters who were filming in the distance couldn't help covering their ears.

"What is that?!" Some reporters lay on the ground, looking at the most eye-catching center of the battlefield, they couldn't help but stare wide-eyed, and said in horror.

Just when the invincible reformer was about to succeed, a black violent bear with a height of four or five meters suddenly appeared.

Sweeping out the bear's paw, it actually sent that invincible reformed person flying thousands of meters like a cannonball, and fell into the river.

"This..." Ling Liangtang stared at the huge black shadow like a high wall in front of him with his mouth half open, unable to speak for a long time.

"Where's the black bear?" Zhan Xiaoxiao approached, looking warily at the Jiu Ninggang-backed bear that appeared.

Being able to slap a transforming person flying so that all of them can't do anything is enough to show how strong this black bear is, so she couldn't help but be on guard.

"Don't worry, that's what Qin Ming summoned, and it's also the ability of his weapon spirit." Ye Wen quickly explained for fear of causing everyone's misunderstanding.

Immediately, several people all turned their gazes to the small golden flag still fluttering above Qin Ming's head.

Jiu Ning just snorted, and seemed quiet before receiving Qin Ming's instructions.

Duan Yang, the president of Qi Ling Club, looked at the spear in his hand, then at Qin Ming's flag and the giant bear beside him, held back for a few seconds and said: "You Qi Ling... ..It's really perverted..."

It's really after shopping around that you know the gap.

"It was summoned by that young man. Hurry up and record everything."

"It seems to be his spiritual ability, this bear is really big..."

The media reporters hiding at the other end kept recording what they heard.

The river was silent for a moment, and just when everyone thought that the deep ghost had sunk to the bottom of the river after being slapped by the bear, he jumped out of the river again, and rushed towards Qin Ming and the others with unrelenting speed.

Qin Ming immediately issued a battle command to the black bear.

The black bear grinned, revealing its sharp white teeth.

To other people, the deep ghost with superior fighting power is nothing in front of it.

You must know that it is a top-ranked monster of the fourth rank!

Seeing the black bear rushing towards him, Shen Gui's expression remained unchanged, and he kept accumulating energy in his hands.

He thought he was just careless when he was slapped by the black bear before, and the black bear appeared too suddenly, so he had no room to use his strength at that time.

He is convinced that the power he has gained is invincible, and it is impossible for a mere beast to overcome him.

However, when he mobilized every inch of his muscles, every ounce of energy and blood exploded with all his strength, the result was that he was easily blown away by the black bear again.

The shot repeats the previous scene as if copying and pasting.


This is just a slightly larger black bear, how could it have such a huge force.

This time he has used his maximum strength and even exceeded his limit, but the result does not seem to be any different.

The eyes of Shen Gui flying upside down in mid-air flickered red, obviously his heart was a little restless.

Being shot twice also caused cracks in his steel body, and there were signs of fragmentation on one side of the inner bone.

Surrounded by energy all over his body, he controlled his body balance in mid-air and forcibly stopped his retreat.

Standing on the bank less than one or two meters away from the river, this time he was not photographed into the water again.

"So strong!" Zhan Xiaoxiao couldn't help sighing even though she had seen it once.

The black bear that Qin Ming summoned was really too strong.

The red light in his eyes flickered more and more, and even the blush around his body became thinner at this time.

His runaway state is not unlimited, but time-limited, and every time he uses it, his vitality will be overdrawn.

Lifespan reduction is inevitable, and the length of life shortened by one use is directly proportional to his overdrawn vitality, generally ranging from three to ten years.

He couldn't bear any more, and his body would probably collapse on the spot.

The price of being strong in exchange for one's lifespan is not insignificant.

I thought that in this state, the mayor would naturally be able to catch him.

Unexpectedly, he met Qin Ming's perverted spirit and the perverted black bear he summoned.

Even though he opened the hang up, Qin Ming's hang up was even more violent.

Shen Gui couldn't help but look towards Huang Mao, who knew that Huang Mao was in a particularly embarrassing situation at the moment when Gu Hong was chasing him down, and he had long since lost the idleness of the past.

And the rest of the reformed team was also blocked by the people Gu Hong arranged to ambush.

Except for their group of water ghosts, the rest of the reformers have not been able to kill in for a long time.

For this ambush, Gu Hong made the most comprehensive preparations in the limited time, and mobilized all the fighting forces he could mobilize.

He guessed that there would be a large number of transformed people, and he also guessed that there would be several powerful members of the mysterious organization leading the team.

The only thing he miscalculated was the fighting power of the deep ghost in a berserk state. If it wasn't for Qin Ming, the mayor might have already been taken away by the deep ghost.

Feeling his own situation silently, the runaway red light state can last for about two minutes, and any more will be life-threatening.

This mission was of great significance to Hagrid, and he had to get what he wanted, otherwise the progress of the experiment would come to a standstill, which none of them could accept.

No failure, no failure allowed!

Shen Gui's gaze was firmly locked on the heavily protected Xu Derong.

"It seems that he has no intention of giving up." Ye Wen said with a light breath.

"Don't relax at this time." Zhuang Wen said in a deep voice, the sword in his hand was still chilling.

Even with Qin Ming's bear standing in front of him, the situation of the battle often changes rapidly, and God knows what will happen in the future.

They must maintain their own high concentration at all times, carelessness often leads to accidents in vain.

The clothes on Shengui's chest were completely torn, revealing a dark red crystal embedded in his heart.

At this time, the red light on the spar was activated again.

As if recharged, the red glow in the deep ghost's eyes gradually stabilized.

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