Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 180 Turn 3, Tongmai

On this day, Qin Ming went to Gu Qing's residence to study and take classes as usual to exercise himself.

But today's Gu Qing is a little different from the past, sitting in the lobby, frowning and talking with others, it seems that he has encountered some headache.

Seeing this, Qin Ming sat aside without disturbing her.

"Then I will trouble you," Gu Qing said, and ended the call, but his face did not seem to relax.

"Teacher, what happened?" Qin Ming saw it and asked.

Seeing that it was Qin Ming, Gu Qing didn't hide anything, and said directly: "Just now the headquarters of the Security Bureau called, saying that Ah Hong has temporarily lost contact."

"There must be some problem." Qin Ming's first reaction was that he was afraid that Gu Hong would be in danger.

After all, he is a member of the Security Bureau, and he is performing some high-risk tasks all day long. If he is not careful, he may encounter danger.

Sudden loss of contact is indeed not a good signal, and Gu Qing's serious expression is not incomprehensible.

"The mission ended last time. He should be on vacation now. If he doesn't have a mission, why did you sneak up again!" Gu Qing scolded his son angrily.

Ever since Gu Hong joined the Security Bureau, he has been worrying a lot. Such sudden disappearances have happened more than once.

This also forced him to use his network power to find Gu Hong's whereabouts together with the people dispatched by the Security Bureau.

"Teacher, if there is anything I can help, just ask." Gu Qing treats him well on weekdays, and Qin Ming naturally wants to share his worries.

Gu Qing nodded with a smile, and did not reject the student's kindness.

However, they can't do anything for the time being until they find out about Gu Hong's news.

After asking some questions about cultivation, Qin Ming went to the training hall in the backyard to exercise alone, and asked Gu Qing to deal with the affairs.

Recently, as he practiced the concept of the monkey family every day, the spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness has been continuously concentrated and strengthened, and the effect is still obvious.

Shi Lingfan became more and more solid, like the real thing, and he was gradually moving towards the late stage of the Forging Realm.

As for the cultivation of warriors, due to the gold-level kung fu Nine Condensation Body Jue, the progress has far surpassed that of the weapon spirit warriors.

After the previous two congealing transformations, his physical strength has become particularly strong, and this time he came back from another world, I'm afraid it will be even better.

That's right, after possessing a new fifth-order spirit monster inner alchemy, he was going to perform the third coagulation of the exercises.

Although in a different world, he possessed the spirit-swallowing demon fish and roamed the sea for three months, but in the real world, it was only a few days since his last medicinal bath coagulation, which can be said to have been carried out one after another.

No one knows how much his strength has risen during this period. Even Gu Qing can only perceive Qin Ming's general cultivation situation now, but he doesn't know his specific strength.

After three days, I felt that my body was almost consolidated.

In the evening, learning the lesson from last time, Qin Ming chose to conduct the third coagulation attempt in Gu Qing's quiet room.

In the past few days, Gu Qing had little time to come back here because he was busy inquiring about Gu Hong. Fortunately, as a student, Qin Ming had a key and could freely enter and exit this training ground.

Sitting cross-legged on the mat, Qin Ming took out the starfish inner alchemy that exudes a pink shimmer, swallowed it in one gulp, and began to use the exercises in a hurry.

He now has the property of swallowing spirits. After the inner alchemy was eaten by him, it quickly played a role, digesting, decomposing, absorbing and merging, and several processes were completed in one go.

This time, Qin Ming only felt the heat surge in his body, and the aura surged, but he no longer felt the slightest swelling or discomfort.

This is also due to the spirit-swallowing characteristic. The speed at which he absorbs and fuses the aura and life essence in the inner alchemy is greatly accelerated without causing too much physical burden.

Moreover, Qin Ming also found that the inner alchemy was thoroughly absorbed this time. In the past, he would uncontrollably dissipate a lot of aura and essence when he ate any natural treasures.

It's not just him, most people are no exception. It is impossible to completely absorb the essence of the spirit grass, spirit flower or elixir, and some will always be wasted.

The spirit swallowing feature also has the effect of avoiding waste, which he had never thought of before.

The spiritual energy and life essence leaked out of the whole inner alchemy are quite limited, and they were all used by Qin Ming's running skills.

The whole body was once again shrouded in the unique black light of the kung fu, and the movement caused by the third coagulation was greater than the previous two times. The energy fluctuations came out through the body, which was extremely violent, and even caused the whole quiet room to tremble.

Since the aura and life essence were provided in place, the cultivation method soon completed half of its operation, but then he found that a fifth-order spirit monster inner alchemy was not enough to support him to complete this round of coagulation.

Compared with the first and second times, the amount of aura and life essence required for this third time of coagulation is more.

At the critical moment, the process of tempering the body gradually slowed down.

Fortunately, Qin Ming has made second-hand preparations. He has not received the reward of the log-in device before, and the 14% life essence of the possessed spirit monster can also be used at this time.


Fourteen percent of the life essence doesn't seem like much, but it's the life essence of the fifth-order spirit-swallowing demon fish, and it's not a lot to use it on Qin Ming, helping him complete this coagulation in one fell swoop.

Qin Ming got up suddenly, and the aura on his body covered the entire quiet room like a real gravitational field.

The surging vitality is so exuberant that even powerful warriors will be amazed when they see it. This is simply an ancient beast in human form.

Breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, Qin Ming slowly restrained his aura, and the sparkle in his eyes also disappeared.

It was as if the peerless sword that had been sharpened for ten years was put back into the scabbard without showing any sharpness.

Tongmai Realm is the fourth realm of cultivation for warriors. Only after reaching the peak of the Qi and Blood Realm, can a warrior try to break through to this realm.

Open up the spiritual veins in the body, so that the spiritual energy can be better stored and released.

A martial artist with spiritual veins will have a huge increase in the strength and power of the martial artist. At this time, basically the firearms have no lethality to the warrior, and there is no need to rely on the ability to dodge. Most bullets do not have the ability to penetrate The power of the energy of a martial artist in the Tongmai Realm.

As long as they are willing, they can even use their energy to wrap themselves around their bodies, forming an all-round protective shield with no dead ends.

And Qin Ming, who had undergone the third round of kung fu, suddenly found that besides the substantial improvement in his body, he also had an extra spiritual vein in his body.

Thanks to the lot of cultivation knowledge he learned from Gu Qing, he could tell at a glance that this path in his body was undoubtedly the spiritual vein.

He has already reached the level of qi and blood, that is, the cultivation base at the peak of the qi and blood state, and it is not too surprising to break through to the meridian state now.

But he didn't expect that it was the nine-turn body training art that directly helped him complete this breakthrough in cultivation. Strictly speaking, this is not a routine way for warriors to break through. change.

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