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Chapter 181 Gu Hong Missing

One spiritual vein is a symbol of entering the meridian for the first time, if three spiritual veins are cultivated, it is the middle stage of the Tongmai state, and six spiritual veins are for the later stage.

And some talents of the sky may cultivate more than six spiritual veins in their bodies, and they can break mountains and break rocks with energy, which is extremely powerful.

Although Qin Ming only has one spiritual vein now, he is confident that his physical strength is no less than that of the warriors in the late stage of Tongmai Realm, and may even be stronger. This is also his biggest advantage in combat power at present.

Open your right hand and run the exercises.

A faint black light suddenly appeared on the right hand, and terrifying energy fluctuations radiated from it.

The three rounds of condensed exercises endowed him with a special energy, which is the black light condensed on the palm of his hand.

After thinking for a while, Qin Ming walked outside the quiet room and punched out, and the black light hit a big tree a few meters away.


The big tree was smashed to pieces by him, and sawdust flew, breaking into several pieces.

Ye Wen and Gu Tao who were in the room heard the movement and immediately came out and saw Qin Ming's crime scene.

"This tree was planted by the teacher himself." Ye Wen said with a smile as if you were in trouble.

"Qin Ming, if you cook us a big meal, I can consider keeping it a secret for you." Gu Tao took the opportunity to blackmail her and said with a smirk while swallowing.

"No problem." Qin Ming scratched his head, looked at the torn corpse of the big tree in front of him, and said.

He just tried it casually just now, and didn't really use his strength. He never thought that the destructive power of this exercise would be so powerful.

"It seems that your strength has improved again." Seeing Qin Ming's dazed look, Ye Wen couldn't help saying.

"Well, there is some progress." Qin Ming nodded, and had no intention of hiding it from the two of them.

In the evening, he did what he said, and Gu Tao bought a lot of high-grade ingredients, and Qin Ming cooked the big meal himself.

"Any news about Brother Hong?" Qin Ming asked while cooking.

Ye Wen, who was sitting by the side, shook her head, "No, the teacher has been calling a search team for the past few days, but there is no news yet."

Talking about this matter, Gu Tao couldn't help showing a touch of worry on his face, "It's been three days, and I don't know how my brother is doing."

Missing for three days, for members of the Security Bureau who often go out to perform tasks, this is no small matter.

Therefore, Gu Qing couldn't sit still from the initial worry, and ran outside all day, trying to gather more manpower to join the search team.

"Brother Hong is so powerful, you should be fine, don't worry." Qin Ming said a few words of relief.

After dinner, just as Qin Ming was about to go back, the door of the hall was opened, and Gu Qing walked in from outside.

Gu Tao immediately asked Gu Hong's whereabouts.

"Teacher, how is it?" Ye Wen and Qin Ming also stood up and looked at Gu Qing.

Gu Qing's face was a bit dignified, he sighed, and said slowly: "Gu Hong was taken away."

"Ah?" Gu Tao was taken aback for a moment, then wanted to ask who was taken away.

Qin Ming's eyes flickered for a moment, and he asked, "Did you get taken away by the reformed organization?"

"En." Gu Qing nodded, "That kid must have found some clues, and he went to investigate Hagrid's whereabouts alone during his vacation, and he must have fallen into his trap on impulse.


"Teacher." Ye Wen said, ready to fight.

"Let's arrange tasks." Qin Ming also said.

Now that it is known that Gu Hong was taken away by the rehabilitated organization, it is impossible for Gu Qing to sit idly by and Qin Ming should follow as a student.

Gu Qing didn't want to involve his two students, but seeing that the two were determined, he no longer refused.

"Hagrid should be cooperating with that 'dark' organization, so this mission is very dangerous, you should think carefully." Gu Qing reminded.

"En." Qin Ming nodded, and Ye Wen had no objection.

For them, they have been entangled with this organization several times, and it is best to have the opportunity to eliminate this organization to avoid future troubles.

"Okay, come with me, this operation is with members of the Security Bureau." After Gu Qing finished speaking, he opened the door and walked out, intending to leave overnight, and it was obvious that he was also very impatient.

"Teacher, do you want to go together too?" Ye Wen asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Gu Qing nodded.

A few years ago, Gu Qing was one of the founders of Qi Lingshi, and also one of the first batch of superpowers who stood at the top of Qi Lingshi.

It's a pity that because of a narrow escape battle, although one life was recovered, permanent wounds were left in the body, and the strength and cultivation base were greatly reduced.

Since then, Gu Qing has only focused on research work, and rarely participated in battles, and his cultivation has been stagnant.

After getting along for a while, Qin Ming also heard about this matter from Ye Wen and Gu Tao.

Even Gu Tao knew more. Gu Qing had tried countless methods to recover from this trauma, but all of them failed without exception.

This trauma not only greatly reduced Gu Qingxiu's strength, but also made his body weaker, unable to bear too much combat load.

Once Gu Qing mobilizes all the strength in his body or mental power to fight, his body will soon be overwhelmed, which is the main reason why he rarely participates in battles.

It's not that he doesn't want to return to the top, but that he can't do it anymore. As he grows older, he also has to retreat behind the scenes and concentrate on the research on the cultivation system of the spirit master.

A helicopter was parked in the open space at the gate. When Gu Qing came out, a man in a black T-shirt and shorts jumped off the helicopter.

"Mr. Gu, it was my fault that Gu Hong was arrested this time. I will definitely bring you back." The man said to Gu Qing apologetically.

"That bastard did it himself, and I'm asking you to spare time to come here this time. I'm the one who should say sorry." Gu Qing waved his hand and said.

The man didn't say much, his name was Lu Lie, he was an official at the headquarters of the Security Bureau, and he was also the chief directly under Gu Hong.

Since Gu Qing activated his network this time, the superiors transferred him to help.

"Let's get on the helicopter first, let's talk on the way." Lu Lie also knew that it was about Gu Hong's safety, and now that time was running out, he couldn't help saying.

Several people boarded the helicopter one after another.

Soon, it flew towards the outside of the city in the night.

Gu Qing then introduced the three of Qin Ming and the identity of Lu Lie.

Qin Ming looked at the chief of the Security Bureau sitting beside him. He seemed to be in his thirties, with curly black hair and a beard.

Because of the shorts on the lower body, a piece of black and lush leg hair was exposed. It was so big and thorny in front of Qin Ming's eyes, and the sense of existence could not be ignored.

If it wasn't for Qin Ming being able to perceive the faintly visible strong energy fluctuations emanating from the other party, otherwise it would be hard to see that this old man holds an important position in the headquarters of the National Security Agency, but it is more like going fishing on the beach casual gamer.

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