Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 182 Qingquan City, Creation Group

"At the request of my husband this time, I have dispatched as many people as possible to ensure that I can eradicate that organization at once," Lu Lie said.

"Well, I'm relieved to have you on board, but I'm worried about the brat's current situation, and I don't know what's going on." Gu Qing said with a sigh.

"Please rest assured that Gu Hong's life is not in danger for the time being. The bureau has a tracking system and life detection for members."

"However, where he is now, the signal is completely blocked, and the tracking system is temporarily disabled, but the life detection system is still operating as usual, showing that his life is not in danger." Lu Lie replied.

"Well, that's good." Gu Qing nodded. He knew some methods and capabilities of the National Security Bureau, and he knew that Lu Lie had confirmed it before departure.

The helicopter quickly flew to a base outside the city.

"The last time Gu Hong showed up was in the north, and we traced the traces of that organization to the north. There is a high probability that Gu Hong was arrested there." Lu Lie led the way as he spoke.

Soon, several people boarded a small plane and flew towards the north without stopping.

There were several other members of the Security Bureau in the plane, all of whom were high-level practitioners without exception.

North, Qingquan City.

This is a second-tier city, not very famous in the north, and the city ranking is only quite satisfactory, ranking in the middle.

At dawn, a small plane landed here.

Qin Ming and others got off the plane.

With a glance, they landed at a base of the local security bureau.

The director of the Qingquan City Security Bureau came to greet everyone in person. Obviously, he had received instructions from his superiors and attached great importance to this operation.

"Several, just say what you need, I will definitely cooperate here." The director said.

"Is the information you sent accurate?" Lu Lie asked.

"Yes, it has been checked over and over again, and there will be no mistakes." The director said with a vow, expressing that there will be no mistakes.

"Very well, then you just need to cooperate with us." Lu Lie nodded.

The director nodded, then hurried away with a solemn expression, he had to make arrangements.

Although the action has not yet started, Qin Ming has already felt the tense and dignified atmosphere.

This time the incident happened suddenly, and there was no time for preparation. To ensure Gu Hong's safety, they had to act quickly.

Chuangshi Group is one of the largest large enterprises in Qingquan City. Its main business is the production and research of pharmaceuticals, as well as the development of some formal clinical experiment technologies.

This company was established five years ago, and it has risen strongly with huge capital injection since its establishment, crushing other competitors in the city.

In the past five years, Chuangshi Group has a place in the top ten enterprise rankings issued by the city every year, and they are all in the forefront.

A large experimental base in the suburbs, which was bought by Chuangshi Group at a high price four years ago, and has been used for research and development and pharmaceuticals since then.

"This is it?" Qin Ming stood on a hillside in the suburbs, his eyes focused on the experimental base in the distance.

Lu Lie brought them here. According to the detected information, this place is likely to be a hidden base of the mysterious organization.

Although Chuangshi Group is one of the leading large companies in the city, Lu Lie's company is just a cover for them. Maybe they have a cooperative relationship with that organization, or maybe it was established by that organization.

Watching the trucks and transport vehicles coming in and out openly, the staff coming out of them are also ordinary people, talking and laughing with each other.

On the bright side, Qin Ming really couldn't see anything unusual about this experimental base.

More than a dozen members of the Qingquan City Security Bureau hurried over. They had been staying here for the past few days to prevent anyone from escaping.

"We have arranged for the ambush, and hope that this time we can catch them all." A member of the security bureau came up and said.

"En." Lu Lie nodded, and said firmly: "There is nothing to say, this time it must be done in one pot, and now I don't have much energy to devote to this."

Outside the base, several guards were chatting, looking leisurely.

"Someone is coming." One of the guards said, raised his baton in his hand, and frowned to meet him.

"The experimental site, outsiders are not allowed to enter."

"Spot checks by the Security Bureau." A member of the Security Bureau took out a search warrant and said calmly.

Several guards immediately looked at each other in blank dismay. It was an older guard who knew that the city would indeed arrange some random inspection tasks without prior notice.

The old guard hurried forward and said with an apologetic smile, "Wait a minute, I will notify the leaders of the base to come over."

"As soon as possible." The leading member of the Security Bureau said in a deep voice, but did not make any radical actions.

"Okay, okay." The old guard responded again and again. He knew that the members of these security bureaus were all powerful practitioners, and they should not be easily offended.

Qin Ming followed the spot check team, his eyes slightly scanning around the base.

The guards in front of them are just relatively stronger ordinary people, with no energy fluctuations on their bodies.

The scale of the base is not small, stretching out a large area of ​​high-rise factory buildings, and there is no suspicious building at all.

Soon, a leader who received the notification came out of the building sweating profusely.

"Sorry, sorry, you guys have been waiting for a long time, come all the way here, let me take you to rest first." The leader said earnestly, his chubby appearance seemed harmless to humans and animals.

Qin Ming couldn't sense the slightest energy fluctuation from him, he was also an ordinary person.

"No need, let's start working now." The member of the Security Bureau said with a businesslike look.

"Okay, okay." The leader didn't dare to say anything, and followed the team.

When everyone entered the base, Qin Ming immediately released his spiritual power.

"How is it?" Ye Wen asked in a low voice beside her.

Qin Ming shook his head, "I didn't feel any special existence, how about you?"


After walking through several factories and buildings, not even a single cultivator noticed them. They only recorded a few safety hazards symbolically, but they were not the focus of their visit this time.

"Why are there still people guarding this factory?"

When passing by a factory building on the side, it was found that there were two guards guarding the gate of the factory building, which seemed a little different.

Facing the inspector's question, the accompanying leader immediately replied: "This is our research and development center, and some important research results or experimental progress records will be kept here, because these are too important for the enterprise, so The supervision will be relatively strict."

When he said this, although his forehead was still dripping with sweat, his face was still calm and there was no abnormal color.

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