Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 183 The Secret in the Toilet

"Well, let's go in and have a look." The leading Security Bureau member said immediately.

Hearing this, the leader hesitated for a moment, then nodded and signaled the two guards to open the door.

The door was quickly opened, and the smell of disinfectant was blowing in. Inside the factory, there were small sealed clean rooms lined up on both sides, and there were several rows of cabinets in the innermost part, stacked with many materials.

And those clean rooms store various reagents, including finished products, semi-finished products, and even failed products with follow-up research value.

Generally speaking, they are still in compliance with the regulations, there is nothing illegal, and there are no signs of experiments related to human body modification.

Qin Ming glanced at Ye Wen again.

Ye Wen still shook her head, expressing that she found nothing.

Afterwards, Qin Ming and the others searched the entire base, but still did not find any trace of the reformed organization. They couldn't help but doubt the accuracy of the information obtained by the Security Bureau.

"Could it be that the information was wrong?"

It's not impossible to think about it, after all, this organization has always been missing.

Although the Security Bureau headquarters mobilized a lot of manpower to search this time, there is no guarantee that this organization will be found accurately.

Qin Ming kept turning his eyes, and suddenly fixed on a building behind the small bamboo forest in the distance.

This is a rather inconspicuous small toilet. When Qin Ming and others passed by, they ignored this toilet.

"I'm going to the toilet." Qin Ming said, and was about to go to the toilet.

"As for the toilet, there is it here." The leader pointed to a building next to him and said.

"It's all the same." Qin Ming waved his hands and walked into the small bamboo forest without stopping.

The mental power was released immediately, covering this area.

Just a normal toilet, no different.

Feeling that he might be thinking too much, Qin Ming touched the back of his head and thought.

Thinking about it carefully, it is true that such a toilet is unlikely to be mysterious, but since it is said to be a toilet, I still have to go in and have a look.

The interior of the toilet is extremely tidy, and it is true that there are very few base employees who come here to use the toilet. After all, there are many toilets in every building and factory building, so there is no need to come out specially.

The ground was paved with solid floor tiles, and Qin Ming stepped on it slightly.

"Huh?" A muffled sound made him look down involuntarily.

There seems to be something unusual about this floor tile.

He stepped on it again, this time with more force.

Although the floor tiles were solid, they were crushed by him directly, exposing the concrete floor below.

"Not here." Qin Ming released his mental power to perceive again, walked to the window of the toilet, and smashed the floor tiles with one foot.

Below is also the concrete floor, but he has already sensed something strange.

This time he raised his foot high, and a ray of black energy attached to the sole of his foot, and he stomped down violently.

Lu Lie and the others were not far away, and immediately heard a loud noise from the toilet.

The reaction was quick, and a group of people quickly headed over there.

"This" left the leader at a loss.

"Qin Ming, what did you find?" Ye Wen didn't avoid suspicion, and strode directly into the men's room where Qin Ming was.

"There is an underground space." Qin Ming said.

In front of him, the ground that he forcibly stepped on was actually hollow, and a small space appeared underground.

If you look closely, this small space made of metal looks like an elevator in a building.

For such a secret arrangement, probably only the reformer organization would do it.

It's really a bit crazy to say that the mechanism was built under the toilet.

Lu Lie took a look, and then told the members of the Qingquan City Security Bureau who followed: "Go and transfer the employees of this base to control the employees, and immediately detain them if there is any abnormality."

"Okay." Several members nodded and left immediately.

The three of Qin Ming and the members of the Security Bureau headquarters brought by Lu Lie were left.

"Want to go down and have a look?" a member asked.

"Of course." Lu Lie was so bold that he jumped into the metal space first.

"Is my brother really down here?" Gu Tao worried. When things came to an end, she was really worried about what would happen to her own brother.

"Go and have a look." Qin Ming said, while Ye Wen touched Gu Tao's little head and said a few words of comfort.

On the other side, Gu Hong, who had been missing for three days, was locked in a dark room. He seemed to have swallowed a paralyzing potion, and his whole body was in an extremely weak state. His clothes were torn, and he had several deep scars. It's been a tough battle.

His consciousness is still clear, and he also understands that his situation is not optimistic. He is closing his eyes and resting his mind, trying to recover some weak physical state.

A moment later, the darkroom door was opened.

The figure walking in is none other than Hagrid, the mastermind behind the reformers organization.

Seeing Gu Hong lying on the ground unable to move, Hagrid looked indifferent, and slowly asked, "How is Gu Qing?"

Gu Hong opened his eyes, stared at him for a long time, his eyes were full of frost, and he didn't speak.

Hagrid didn't care either, and continued: "In recent years, the cultivation system of Qi Lingshi has been more and more recognized by the world. Gu Qing, he succeeded, but this cultivation system cannot allow all human beings to achieve ultimate evolution and detachment. It does not Perfect"

"Hmph, could it be that your frenzied research on human body is the only way to go right?" Gu Hong couldn't help but said coldly as soon as he brought this up.

Hagrid smiled slightly, his eyes widened slightly, "I can make everyone gain extraordinary power, even if he can't cultivate and has extremely poor talent, isn't this better than those so-called cultivation systems!"

In the words, Hagrid's emotions gradually rose. He always believed that he was the promoter of human progress. Even if he consumed a lot of experimental subjects and produced countless failed products, these were an indispensable part of the road to success.

"You're talking about those reinvented people who will explode themselves and gradually annihilate their humanity. You call this human evolution?" Gu Hong asked slightly sarcastically.

"No, no, they're just failures. I'm very close to success, maybe in the next experiment." Hagrid was in high spirits, and his eyes were filled with blaze.

Seeing his appearance, Gu Hong knew that no matter how much he said, it would be no different, so he simply kept silent again.

After Hagrid talked to himself for a while, suddenly several reformers opened the door and walked in.

"You won't believe me even after I've said so much, just let you become my first successful product, I think Gu Qing will thank me when the time comes." Hagrid said with a smile still on his face.

The reformers who came in immediately picked up Gu Hong and walked out.

Gu Hong tried to struggle, but couldn't exert any strength, so he could only let them take him away.

Just as Hagrid was about to walk out of the darkroom, he frowned and took out a piece of metal.

"My lord, someone broke in!"

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