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Chapter 216 The New Icefield King

A figure flitted quickly from a distance, and it appeared to be the sixth-rank Shiyin mink.

Looking at the silent eagle ice sculpture, it was silent, but the anger in its heart was self-evident.

A few days ago, he fought against the desolate-eyed ice wolf. It didn't gain anything. On the contrary, the auspicious beast was also lost. Now the falcon is also dead. It can be said that the loss outweighs the gain.

As for the fleeing Qin Ming, it has not given up hunting these days, even though the falcon, which is very convenient to detect, is gone.

"I want to see where you can run!"

Not only it, but the Huangyan ice wolves on the other side were also running fast on the ice fields, searching for Qin Ming's whereabouts.

Not to mention the most miserable Guiyang clan. The traces of the Guiyang clan are all over the ice field, and they are full of obsession with Qin Ming.

The reason for such a large-scale pursuit is that Qin Ming has also obtained some information from other spirits in the past few days.

This has to be mentioned with the new king of the ice field who just took over.

Before Qin Ming came, this ice field was still divided by heroes. Although there were a few spirit monster groups that were very powerful, they couldn't dominate the entire ice field.

The struggle has never stopped, and every spirit group has the ambition to rule.

Until not long ago, the Zhuoming ice python family did this. They beat all the powerful opponents of the past out of the ice field, and completely became the dominant family, and they are also the new kings of the entire ice field.

And this new king will hold a grand event, and all the big spirit groups on the ice field dare not not go.

This is said to be a grand event, but in fact everyone knows that this is the new king's intention to establish his dominance in this way, and it will have the final say on the ice sheet from now on.

Naturally, other groups of spirits and monsters did not dare not to join in. The groups that were the most capable of fighting on the ice field were driven away, so how could they dare to offend the turbid ice pythons.

If you want to make friends with the new king, the meeting ceremony is very important. There is still a big difference between intentional and unintentional.

The appearance of Qin Ming naturally became the gift that all ethnic groups most wanted to offer, and it was also the best gift.

Naturally, everyone began to join in the search for Qin Ming.

It was even said that the new king publicly stated that he wanted to get Rui Beast two days ago,

This also allowed more and more spirit and monster groups to participate, bringing one crisis after another to Qin Ming.

It is certain that Qin Ming will be upset after learning about this incident.

"Will there be a grand event in twenty days..." Qin Ming looked at the corpses of the ghosts on the ground, thinking to himself, his eyes sparkling.

Now let alone the fifth-level spirits, even the fourth-level spirits would come to intervene sometimes, attacking or harassing Qin Ming recklessly after seeing Qin Ming.

This is also the result of the new king wanting the gift of the auspicious beast.

Living like a mouse crossing the street made him feel very aggrieved and annoying.

Although he is not someone who will take revenge, but this time he wants to disrupt the situation and make all the spirits and monsters who catch him pay the price.

This thought was even greater than his determination to complete the task, even if this trip to another world ended in a hasty end.

And to make those spirits and monsters pay the price, first of all, he had to try his best to improve his combat power, not only himself, but also the little ice cube beside him.

"Are you willing to help me?" Qin Ming said.

"Huh?" Little Ice Cube still couldn't understand what Qin Ming said, with a question mark on his face.

Qin Ming didn't care either, Xiao Bingkuang got close to him and followed him wherever he went, and the two got along very well.

It is willing to help him, just like it helped him solve the chasing soldiers before.

It is obviously difficult for him to improve his level of strength in a short period of time, and it is also difficult to make a qualitative change.

There are six ranks of monsters sitting in the opponent's ethnic group, and they are extremely powerful.

And Little Ice Cube is now at the fifth-tier upper-grade, if it can help it break through to the sixth-tier, it will be able to cause huge damage to those ethnic groups.

The growth potential of Little Ice Cube is an unknown result. It is obviously a very high level. It is not a daydream to want to be promoted to the sixth level.

Seeing the little ice cubes circling around him, Qin Ming's thoughts turned.

"I don't know if there is a chance to pick the flower that was discovered last time."

He thought of a strange spirit flower he had found in an ice field not long ago.

Due to the special anomaly on the ice, although he found it, he failed to pick the spirit flower.

This time he wanted to go and see again.

A certain area of ​​the ice sheet is covered by a cloud all the year round.

A large number of ice stones fell from the sky, endlessly.

There are big and small ice stones, the small ice stones are only a few millimeters, and the big ones may reach the size of a washbasin, which is enough to kill people.

clap clap

A day later, Qin Ming came to this ice field with a small ice cube.

It's not dangerous to resist these falling ice stones with their physique, at most it's a little uncomfortable to be smashed.

Little Ice Cube still looked like Qin Ming's auspicious animal. Looking up at the falling ice stones, he seemed a little reluctant to be hit, and opened his mouth to blow out a stream of cold air.

Soon, the cold air turned into a suspended layer of ice above its head.

Those ice stones bounced off one after another when they fell on the ice layer.

Little Ice Cube shook his head triumphantly, then his eyes fell on Qin Ming who was beside him.

Seeing that he was still being smashed, he seemed to feel a little sorry, and immediately blew out another cold air from his mouth, which attached to the ice layer above his head.

Soon, the ice layer expanded to a length of two meters, enveloping Qin Ming like a solid umbrella.

Qin Ming didn't say anything when he saw this, and continued to walk towards the place in his memory.

There are basically no other spirits in this ice area, and no spirits are willing to move here to live.

After all, the environment here is quite harsh. Not to mention the constant falling of ice and stones, the weather has always been gloomy, the dark clouds above have never dissipated, and there is no sunshine all day long. Who can bear this.


With a loud noise, a block of ice the size of a millstone fell from the sky and landed not far from Qin Ming, smashing the ice surface into a big hole.

He somewhat underestimated the situation in this ice area, and other spirits broke into it, and they might be seriously injured if they were not careful.

These falling ice cubes are very solid and solid, and the lethality of falling from a high altitude cannot be ignored.

It was said before that the largest ice stone was only the size of a washbasin, but he had only seen one of this size the last time he came here.

The situation seems to be a little different this time. From time to time, a huge piece of ice will shake the ground, and each piece is getting bigger and bigger.

This made Qin Ming wonder if an iceberg would fall directly?

It doesn't seem impossible, after all, this is a different world, no matter how exaggerated things can happen.

Thinking of this, Qin Ming released his mental power uneasy, mainly to observe the situation above his head.

Now he is still a long way from his destination.

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