Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 217: Ice Land and Ice Flowers

"I don't know if the spirit flower was picked by other spirits." Qin Ming looked forward, feeling a little worried.

It's not impossible, after all, it has been a few days since he came last time.

It's not a strange thing even if other spirits give him the upper hand, he came here just to confirm.

The ice ahead is not flat.

Huge ice bodies one after another stood on the ice, obviously these were all dropped from the sky.

After walking for a long time, Qin Ming only felt that the surrounding area became darker, presumably it was night.

Being in this ice field, he really couldn't tell the difference between day and night.

In the distance, a light can be seen flickering in the distance.

Qin Ming reckoned that he had reached the place, and he was overjoyed when he saw the faint halo.

If he guessed right, the twilight came from that spirit flower.

This also shows that the spirit flower is still there and has not been obtained by other spirits.

Step up and continue to approach the place where the spirit flower is.

The surrounding temperature began to drop sharply, so he had to mobilize the inner alchemy to cover his whole body to prevent it from being corroded by the cold outside.

On the contrary, the floating little ice cube didn't seem to feel anything at all, and followed Qin Ming unsteadily.

Thinking about its body being a piece of profound ice, how could it be afraid of the cold air here? The harsh environment here might be more comfortable for it.

"Huh?" After floating like this for a while, after gradually getting close to the spirit flower, Xiaobingkuang seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly froze for a moment, then stared straight at the spirit flower in the distance.

"Here we are!" Qin Ming stopped three hundred meters away from the spirit flower.

Looking around, the appearance of Linghua can be seen clearly.

The curved cyan flower stem hangs down, and the flower has ten petals.

Among them, three petals are larger and are in the upper layer.

The remaining seven pieces are smaller,

Located on the lower floor, it is wrapped.

Just standing in the distance and looking at this spiritual flower, Qin Ming felt in a trance.

The flower was like a black hole. Originally, in order to perceive the spiritual power released by his surroundings, he was affected by a suction force and was constantly pulled towards the spiritual flower.

Fortunately, he was prepared, and he didn't gather up the scattered mental power when he saw this, but directly cut off the connection.

When he came last time, he suffered a loss once, competing with this suction force, trying to recover his mental power.

The result is that more mental power is pulled out from the sea of ​​consciousness instead, and there is no way to resist the influence of this suction.

After cutting off some of his mental power, Qin Ming immediately stopped releasing his mental power.

With this spirit flower as the center, no ice stones fell within a range of 300 meters.

But Qin Ming has not stepped into the three hundred meters, and the experience at that time is still fresh in his memory.

Stepping in one step, what awaits him is infinite crisis.

At the beginning, he also stopped walking when he came here, and he couldn't even get close to the spirit flower.

As for why this is so, we will know later.

"Woo..." Little Ice Cube fiddled with his two front hooves, as if urging Qin Ming to stop.

It seems that it really wants to go to the spirit flower. Little Ice Cube's reaction at this time was somewhat unexpected.

Seeing this, Qin Ming took a step forward with the sole of his foot.

The ice ground trembled violently, and then countless ice flowers suddenly grew out of it and bloomed.

Visions abounded. In the next moment, countless ice snakes drilled out of the ice flower, biting at Qin Ming.

This is not an illusion, but a real situation.

Although this ice snake is not a spirit monster, it has a lethality not weaker than that of a fifth-level upper-level spirit monster.

At the beginning, he suffered a lot from these ice snakes, if he hadn't retreated in time, he might have to confess to it.

Before Qin Ming could stop his feet, Xiao Bingkuang opened his mouth and exhaled cold air.

The cold air turned into countless ice spears in the air, stabbing directly at the ice snakes that were rushing.

The ice snakes were pierced one after another, which shows how powerful the ice spear is.

However, those pierced ice snakes were not finished just yet, and a large piece of frost suddenly appeared here.

Amidst the flying frost, the ice snake's body was repaired again, and once again it opened its teeth and claws and rushed towards Qin Ming.

Seeing this, Qin Ming withdrew his feet, and the ice snake instantly melted back into the ice as if it had lost its target.

The frost flying all over the sky also stopped in an instant.

The root cause of these visions is that the outsider Qin Ming stepped into this area. If he withdraws from the distance of 300 meters, everything will be fine.

It was also guarded by these ice snakes that the spirit flower had grown until now, and it has not been picked off by other spirits so far.

From this point of view, maybe only spirits above rank six have the possibility to pick the spirit flower.

Seeing Qin Ming put his feet back, Little Ice Cube yelled anxiously.

Qin Ming thought for a while, and stepped into this area again.

Immediately, the vision just now reappeared, and the ice snake rose together.

This time, Little Ice Cube's dark eyeballs were completely filled with blue light, and a lot of cold air radiated from his whole body.

It is phantom spirit black ice, a creature that has grown in the extremely cold place for thousands of years and has been transformed.

The essence of nature, born to comprehend the way of ice, and control the extremely cold air of the world.

Its existence is destined to be extraordinary.

Those ice snakes were contaminated by the cold air released by the small ice cubes, and immediately froze in place, motionless.

The small ice cubes floated directly into this icy field, and within a few meters around it, the frost all over the sky could not blow in at all, as if it avoided it by itself.

Seeing this, Qin Ming tentatively took two steps forward, and saw that the ice snakes still did not respond at all, as if they had turned into exquisite ice sculptures that were usually placed, without the slightest threat.

Even if Qin Ming gets close to the side, it is no exception.

Glancing at the small ice cube beside him, he walked forward.

The ice flowers on the ground were crushed by him one after another, but they grew again the next moment.


When he got within fifty meters of the spirit flower, the frost flying around the outer ring suddenly intensified.

Immediately afterwards, an ice python more than ten meters long condensed from the frost all over the sky.

The ice python opened its mouth and bit Qin Ming, a sense of crisis suddenly emerged.

When Qin Ming was about to retreat to avoid the ice python's attack, the small ice cubes on the side exploded with cold air again, attaching to the ice python's body.

Ka Ka

Like a rusty robot, the ice python paused in the air, its movements becoming stiff.

"Woohoo!" Little Ice Cube seemed to be competing with someone, his eyes widened, and he stared closely at the ice python.

This time it didn't completely control the ice python, as if it was fighting for control.

The ice python kept swaying from side to side, with a posture that seemed to be biting but not biting.

This also made Qin Ming a little uncertain, so he didn't rush forward.

Fortunately, ten minutes later, the ice python stopped moving completely, presumably the little ice cube won this fight.

Seeing this, Qin Ming felt relieved a little, and continued walking towards the spirit flower.

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