Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 270 Black Market Arrest

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"It is said that five years ago, a head of state was assassinated by assassins from the League of Assassins, which led to a joint crusade by the three countries. At that time, many assassins and assassins were indeed arrested."

"I thought that this time could completely eradicate the Assassin Alliance, but after only one year, those killer assassins began to move around the world again."

Just like weeds, the wild fire can't burn out, and the spring breeze blows and grows again.

"There has been more than one crusade against this Assassin Alliance in history, but it has survived until now, and its difficulty is already very telling."

When Yang Ji said this, his tone was serious, obviously he knew how difficult this opponent was.

Therefore, even if it is stronger than the five of them, there is no intention of being careless.

"In the middle of the night tonight, will we have time?" Qin Ming looked at the time and couldn't help asking.

Although Hong Chaoguo is not far away from Mingxia, but now there are only a few hours left before midnight, even if they take a plane to go there, it seems a bit reluctant.

"Don't worry, there's time." Yang Ji smiled, and the vehicle quickly drove out of Gulan City and came to a suburban base.

A small plane with a somewhat special shape appeared in front of Qin Ming's eyes.

The front end of this plane is pointed and long, the wings on both sides are folded, and it is much thinner than ordinary planes.

"Come on, it won't take long to reach Hong Chaoguo with this plane." Yang Ji said.

The space inside the plane is not spacious, and the number of people it can take is quite limited. Obviously, this is an exclusive plane prepared for combat teams like them.

It does not carry any offensive weapons, and its speed is its biggest advantage, so that the five of them can rush to the mission location as quickly as possible.

The moment the plane took off quickly and accelerated in the air, Qin Ming felt a strong impetus. Looking outside the thick glass layer, the clouds were constantly being passed through.

Not long after, Gulan City below disappeared.

The Hong Dynasty in the south is a medium-sized country. Although there is no danger of external wars for the time being, turbulence among cities within the city is one after another, and the law and order are extremely poor.

In a remote third-tier small city, the number of residents living here is not many. This is also one of the most chaotic cities in the Hong Dynasty. A large number of refugees gather here, seeking a little living space.

Outside the city, the five Qin Ming who successfully flew into the country landed at a pre-arranged pick-up point.

Afterwards, the five of them drove an ordinary energy vehicle and entered this third-tier town.

Dirty and messy streets, many refugees lying in alleys with little or no clothes on, their bodies were emaciated.

Many stores are closed, and it is really impossible to operate in such a place.

It is even possible that the money is not earned, and it will attract robbery and theft by many desperate people.

No businessman is willing to do business in this place where the birds don't shit.

"Isn't such a city and country in order?" Qin Ming wondered, there is no such a dirty city in Ming Xia, and Hong Chao is not a place of war, which makes him a little strange.

"I heard that many officials in this country have been assassinated one after another in recent years, causing panic and turmoil. It seems that this city has already lost two transferred mayors before." Tian Lanlan said.

It's not that I don't want to rectify, but that I have been secretly obstructed.

"Besides, the country's economy has been in recession in recent years, and it is estimated that even if it wants to govern, it is powerless." Tian Lanlan added.

"The status quo of this country has nothing to do with us. This mission only needs to capture the designated targets." Mu Yang said.

The vehicles passed by slowly, attracting the attention of many refugees on both sides of the street.

The clock passed zero, and around a slum in the city, a pile of abandoned containers was blocked by layers of barbed wire.

And outside the barbed wire fence, many scrapped energy vehicles surrounded the circle after circle, and there were at least tens of thousands of them.

It is quite spectacular like a steel ruin.

At the only passage to enter the barbed wire fence, several heavily armed men stood there meticulously.

When someone wants to go in, they need to pay them an entry fee.

Many of them wore hats, large masks or weird masks on their faces, so that outsiders could not recognize their identities.

This is where the black market is held. Most of the people who come here are people who have been in the dark side of the world all year round. There are killers, wanted criminals, escaped prisoners, or various cultivators in need.

Their purposes are also different, some come to buy some prohibited items that can only be bought here, and there are also people who have done a lot of work to sell stolen goods.

"According to the plan after entering, everything should be given priority to tasks." Mu Yang said after getting off the car, and several people also walked out one after another.

They also changed their outfits together. Qin Ming put on a big windbreaker with a hood, and hid his face in the hood. Just in case, he also put on a black mask.

If this suspicious shape is placed on an ordinary street, it is estimated that it will be spotted by the patrolling city defense team soon.

But here, similar shapes can be found everywhere, and they couldn't be more ordinary.

"Qin Ming is in my group, Yang Ji is in a group with Pang Xiao, and Tian Lanlan is in a group with Sun Mingli. One last reminder, there is very likely a self-explosive device in the target's body. Remember to check and dismantle it as soon as possible after capture." Mu Mu Yang said.

At this time, he was wearing a pink peaked cap, and around his neck was also a pink girly scarf with many cute cartoon patterns printed on it, covering half of his face.

How should I put it, his attire at the moment subverts Qin Ming's perception of his image as a cool guy. As for whether this set of equipment was chosen by himself, or someone else forced it on him, it is unknown, and Qin Ming doesn't have much. intervene.

The six of them separated in twos and walked toward the entrance of the barbed wire fence one after another.

The reason why Muyang brought Qin Ming was also out of caring considerations. After all, although Qin Ming is not weak, he has average experience in mission execution and is young. It is better to need an old driver like him to lead the team to be safer.

On the way, there were other people walking towards the entrance of the barbed wire fence. They didn't pay much attention to Qin Ming and the two, but just passed by in a hurry.

To them, Qin Ming and the others are no different from themselves, and it is best not to cause trouble here.

Soon, they arrived at the entrance of the barbed wire fence, and Qin Ming's eyes fell on the guards.

It is obvious that these people have a powerful aura, and they are obviously strong men with advanced cultivation bases.

Qin Ming reckoned that the opponent was probably a cultivator of the fourth realm, and he had to fight to know how strong he was.

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