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Chapter 271 The arrest is complete

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"Stop." One of them put his hand on Muyang's shoulder.

Mu Yang didn't talk nonsense, he stretched out his hand and handed over two stacks of Hong Chaoguo's coins, and said in a low tone, "The two of us."

According to the rules of the black market, the entrance fee must be in the common currency of the country in which country it is held, and they do not accept other currencies or credits.

Muyang obviously knew this unspoken rule.

Such two stacks of coins are almost equivalent to 10,000 credits, which means that the entrance fee for each person is as high as 5,000 credits. This black market is really not something ordinary fish can enter.

After collecting the money, the man withdrew his blocking hand and let Qin Ming and Mu Yang walk into the barbed wire.

The containers inside were neatly placed round after round, and some gloomy figures were sitting on those containers.

In the black market, all kinds of illegal items and stolen goods can be sold in the market, and the source is not asked here.

You can set up your own stall and sell it like those sitting on the container.

You can also choose to pay a certain amount of money to let the person in charge of the black market sell your things, but you don’t need to come forward, and you can just go to the background of the black market to withdraw money after the sale.

Of course, these were not the focus of Qin Ming and the others.

A short man in a big black robe was walking among the containers, his head was turning around, and under the shadow was a pair of cold eyes, as if searching for something.

"Is that the person?" Qin Ming stood in the distance, followed Mu Yang's line of sight, and asked.

"Yeah." Mu Yang nodded, and they found their target only half an hour after entering the black market.

Although Qin Ming didn't know how Muyang recognized him when he was wrapped up like this, but since Muyang was so sure, he couldn't be wrong.

For the time being, they will not make a move, as long as it is confirmed.

Ten minutes later, Tian Lanlan's cold voice came from the communicator.

"The target is determined."

Fifteen minutes later, Yang Ji's voice also came.

"The target is confirmed, do you need to do it?"

"Okay." Mu Yang looked around, if he was more stable, he could wait until the target left the black market before taking action, but it was not necessary, "Let's do it."

As soon as his words fell, a few seconds later, there was a roar not far away, and several containers shot up into the sky.

"Do it!" After Mu Yang said, his body turned into an afterimage, rushing towards the short black-robed figure in the distance.

The man was also quite alert, reacted immediately, and rushed into an open container on the side as if instinctively.

"Damn it, who is it!" The man didn't even see Mu Yang's figure clearly just now, but because the opponent's combat power was unknown, he chose to escape and figure out the situation before choosing to fight or not to fight.

The container exploded suddenly, and the smoke bomb he threw out burst out a large amount of blue-black mist, and his figure disappeared in the mist, and he couldn't even perceive his breath.

As a powerful assassin in the 'dark' organization, he is naturally quite proficient in the method of concealment.

Muyang's figure flew into the air, his eyes flickered, scanning the black mist that was spreading more and more, and his spiritual perception spread to the entire black market in an instant.

Under the three stacked containers, the short assassin suddenly appeared, but his breath was still in a state of disappearing.

"It's scary, this man!" He could feel the powerful aura coming from Muyang, and he was terrified.

He is also considered a first-class powerhouse in the world of assassins, and there are only a handful of opponents who can make him feel scared in his assassination so far.

He didn't understand why a strong man like Muyang would suddenly find him.

Just as he was thinking about leaving the black market first, a gust of breeze suddenly blew past, mixed with a trace of cold air.

His heart skipped a beat, and his figure immediately sprinted to the side like a monkey.


Three containers fell apart.

"You run so fast!" Qin Ming retracted his fist and muttered.

The soaring Muyang's eyes instantly caught the target jumping out in embarrassment,

Stretching out his hands in that direction, the surrounding space seemed to be crushed by him, forming a squeezing force.

The assassin's figure froze suddenly, and he couldn't break free from the restraint immediately, as if he was really pinched by Mu Yang in the distance.

The next moment, Qin Ming's figure appeared in front of him again.

"Who the hell are you!" the assassin growled with his eyes widened.

Qin Ming wore a mask so that he couldn't see his face clearly.

"I have something to do with you." Qin Ming said in a muffled voice, but he punched hard without showing mercy.

At a critical juncture, the assassin's mental power was activated, releasing a layer of energy in an attempt to protect himself.

However, the power of Qin Ming's fist burst out of the nine spiritual veins was far beyond his imagination, and the energy layer did not hold on for even a tenth of a second.


With a groan of pain, Qin Ming punched his body into the air like a rocket, and many bones on his body were shattered.

Mu Yang swept his arms around the body of the seriously injured assassin.

The two cooperated and caught the target in less than half a minute.

Muyang's mental power covered the assassin's entire body, and he soon sensed that a special heat source was constantly expanding.

As stated in the intelligence, these assassins contained self-explosive objects in their bodies.

Mu Yang stretched out a finger and pressed it quickly, a beam of Qi burst into the body, absorbed the self-exploding object, and pulled out a bloody arrow.

The energy didn't hurt other components or organs in the assassin's body, it can be seen that Muyang's ability to control his own energy is quite superb.

It was a small metal ball with blood on its surface.

Mu Yang didn't even look at it, and threw it directly towards the sky.

A second later, a huge explosion almost completely illuminated the night, and the flames bloomed in the night sky like fireworks.

A few seconds later, two other fireworks also bloomed in the sky one after another.

"Let's go." Mu Yang informed the communicator, and quickly left with the fainted assassin and Qin Ming.

The cultivators of the fourth realm guarding the entrance wanted to stop them, but they were directly pressed down by Mu Yang with his aura, and they didn't even have the slightest ability to resist.

Although there are incidents of riots in such a black market, most of the rioters do not end well, and are usually brutally killed by the person in charge of the black market.

But a group of people at Muyang's level is clearly beyond the reach of the black market, and they don't even have the ability to stop Muyang and others.

The six of them soon reunited again. Pang Xiao and Sun Mingli each carried a killer in their hands. Among them, the killer in Sun Mingli's hands was the worst. He was vomiting blood all the way, and his breath seemed to be cold at any moment. state.

"I said, your group is too ruthless, don't you just die?" Yang Ji worried.

"Hmph, if I hadn't stopped him in time, he might have been beaten to death by Sun Mingli." Tian Lanlan complained unhappily.

"Uh, I didn't know he couldn't help it." Sun Mingli said, throwing the assassin in his hand into the car.

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