Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 291 Magic Mushroom

Judging from the description, although the Baiyu Treasure Land is located in this area, it is still quite far from where he is now, requiring a long journey.

He didn't know exactly how long it would take to get there, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to get there every ten days and a half months.

As for the whereabouts of Xiong Tianshi, the target of the mission, he planned to come back after exploring the white jade treasure land.

Go all the way west.

It seems that because of the giant ape's soaring roar, those high-ranking spirits settled down one after another out of fear.

Qin Ming walked for a long time without seeing a spirit monster above rank five.

On the contrary, the fear of some low-level goblins came and went quickly. After the giant ape did not move, it quickly became active again.

At night, Qin Ming managed to find a fifth-level spirit monster, and today's dinner was also settled.

Dragging the ghost corpse, Qin Ming thought about it and planned to find some seasonings and other delicious plants to eat.

He was in a large forest, and the most indispensable thing was these exotic flowers and plants.

Qin Ming seems to be very handy in collecting pure natural spice ingredients. This is the experience gained from living in this different world for a long time.

"Oh, these ground mushrooms are also very good-looking." Qin Ming thought to himself, poking his claws, picked a dozen or twenty mushrooms growing on the ground, and placed them among the large leaves that Qin Ming dragged.

Feeling that the ingredients are almost collected, Qin Ming is going to find a place to spend the night.

At this moment, a piece of weeds a few meters away suddenly trembled slightly.

"Huh?" Qin Ming glanced away, and the weeds that had just moved had returned to normal.

Qin Ming looked away, and the weeds swayed slightly again.

When Qin Ming looked again, the weeds stopped still again.

Qin Ming put down the things he was dragging and walked towards the weedy field.

Suddenly, a small red figure jumped out of the weedy field, trying to escape from here.

"What is this?" Qin Ming was taken aback.

Although the little figure was walking like flying, his speed was not fast at all, and he staggered in a panic.

name: none

Spirit: Magic Mushroom

Combat Rating: Tier 2 Inferior

Growth Potential: Tier 5 Top Grade

The bulging head occupies most of the body, and the lower body can barely see a human figure. The hands and feet are like two balls of white cotton balls, which is the root cause of its slow moving speed.

Generally speaking, it still looks like a red mushroom, the size of a palm.

This is just a second-tier elf, but it looks very strange.

The growth potential is quite high. Among spirit monsters of the same level, very few have the potential to reach the fifth level.


Qin Ming stepped on the sole of one foot, just blocking the way of the mushroom.

"Hey!" The mushroom monster was so frightened that it jumped up on the spot, shaking its head, turning around and trying to run in another direction.

Qin Ming stretched out his claws and drew a crack on the grass in front of it.

The mushroom ghost didn't seem to have much courage, and fell limply to the ground after being frightened.

Qin Ming took a closer look and found that there were two white lights on the glowing red head, blinking from time to time, like eyes.


Qin Ming's breath sprayed on the mushroom spirit, as if he thought he was going to be eaten. It kept making strange calls, as if begging Qin Ming for mercy.

"Spiritual intelligence is not low." Qin Ming couldn't help thinking when he saw this little thing's behavior.

After a while, seeing that Qin Ming was only looking at it, but didn't move his mouth, the mushroom ghost calmed down slightly, but still looked very nervous.

It could be seen that it was afraid of Qin Ming.

It's no wonder that ordinary low-level monsters have already fled when they saw Qin Ming.

However, there are still a small number of people who are a little slow to react like this mushroom spirit monster.

Qin Ming became interested, and suddenly opened his mouth and let out a thunderous roar at the little monster.

The mushroom spirit screamed in surprise, and the reaction was a little too aggressive.

Then he lay on the ground and suddenly stopped moving.

"I was so scared that I fainted." Qin Ming tapped the opponent with his front palm, seeing that it didn't respond, he couldn't help but secretly said.

After thinking about it, Qin Ming's interest in this mushroom spirit remained undiminished, so he simply took it with him.

As night fell, the daytime noise in the woods gradually diminished.

In a wide tree hole, Qin Ming was lying in it, surrounded by a few stones and a fire was lit, and the animal meat was being roasted on top of it.

"Goo..." The mushroom spirit who was brought into the tree hole was shivering in the corner.

Wanting to escape but not daring to escape, for fear of being killed by Qin Ming.

Qin Ming didn't pay attention to the strange appearance of the mushroom, he planned to fill his stomach first.

After eating all the meat, the mushroom monster looked over at Qin Ming, and its body that had been somewhat relaxed curled up again, turning into a ball.

It kept yelling, as if begging Qin Ming to show mercy and not to eat it.

It is true that it has a high level of spiritual intelligence, and it is even possible that many fourth-level spirits are not as enlightened as this second-level mushroom spirit.

After observing for a while, just as Qin Ming was about to look away, the mushroom monster seemed to have discovered something and stared at the position of Qin Ming's front legs.

There was a small wound there that hadn't fully healed.

"Googoo." The mushroom spirit called out again, as if to express something, but unfortunately Qin Ming couldn't understand, so he just stood there silently watching what it was going to do.

The cotton ball-like hand of the mushroom spirit suddenly merged into its own body.


The next moment, it pulled out a ball of red cotton from its body, and carefully handed it to Qin Ming.

Qin Ming didn't know what it was going to do, so he just watched it quietly.

Seeing that Qin Ming was indifferent, Little Mushroom flinched, hesitated for a long time, then held up the red cotton ball and stuck it to Qin Ming's wound.

The red cotton ball melted quickly, and a wave of warmth enveloped the wound, and the torn skin tissue began to heal at an accelerated rate.

"Oh? It can be healed." Qin Ming raised his front foot, and the wound was healed in just a short time, and the new skin returned to its original state.

This mushroom monster is obviously showing favor to itself, a very human behavior, and wants to please Qin Ming in this way.

It also knew that it couldn't escape, so it just stood there uneasy and waited.

Originally, Qin Ming planned to let this little monster go after observing it for a while. After all, it was of no use to Qin Ming at the second level.

But now that the little mushroom has shown its ability to heal, Qin Ming has other ideas.

It took him a lot of time to find medicinal herbs to heal his injuries. If he carried this little mushroom with him, he would save a lot of trouble in the future.

"I have to find a way to talk to this little guy..." Qin Ming secretly said.

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