Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 292 Thunderbee with White Background

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Ming walked out of the tree hole, ready to continue his journey to the Baiyu Treasure Land.

On his back, the little mushroom was lying there awkwardly, its glowing red head bobbing up and down with the bumps of Qin Ming's walking.

Last night, it took Qin Ming a long time to get Little Mushroom to understand and agree to his request to accompany him.

Although it still showed fear of him, it was much better than yesterday when it fainted from fear.

After a day, at night.

Tree holes, fire piles.

After a day of getting along, Little Mushroom still couldn't get close to Qin Ming, and still shrank in the corner with a timid appearance.

Qin Ming threw a small piece of overcooked animal meat, but the little mushroom didn't respond, obviously the other party didn't eat meat.

Then he threw some flowers and fruits over, but the other party still didn't respond.

Seeing this, Qin Ming didn't pay any attention to it, anyway, he would look for something to eat when he was hungry.

Three days later, I finally walked out of this big forest.

The surrounding trees became scarce, low bushes grew in patches, and the terrain was flat as if entering a plain.

"Hey." The little mushroom hugged Qin Ming's leg, pulled out a red cotton ball from his body, and stuck it to a tear on Qin Ming's leg, and the wound began to heal.

Qin Ming also ignored the movement of the little mushroom on his body and continued to walk forward.

The little mushroom was more like a pendant on his leg, swinging back and forth as he walked.

After three days, the little mushroom finally let go of its fear of Qin Ming. It also knew that Qin Ming would not eat it. Instead, it could get benefits that it didn't normally have by hanging around with Qin Ming.

Satisfied, he looked at the gradually healing injury, returned to his back, and took out a lower-grade inner alchemy of the fifth rank from his body.

Its body is quite soft, like a storage bag, it can put some small things into the body, such as this spirit inner alchemy.

A trace of aura escaped from this spirit inner alchemy and was absorbed by it.

Those red cotton balls with healing effect are separated from the body, which is also a consumption of the little mushroom's body.

And the spirit inner alchemy is the best tonic for it, and the spirit inner alchemy in its body was given to it by Qin Ming.

Ordinary second-tier spirit monsters have no chance to obtain fifth-tier spirit monster inner alchemy.

This is also an important reason why it is hard to resist Qin Ming now. Good work performance has been exchanged for a lot of labor remuneration from Qin Ming.

He happily absorbed the essence and spiritual energy in the inner alchemy, and fantasized in his mind that he would be promoted in the near future.

At the same time, on the altar in the distance, it was suddenly activated at this moment, and brilliance emerged.

Such a vision is obviously sent by other spirits from a distance.

The brilliance dissipated, and a small white figure ran down the altar in one swift motion, and got into a jungle not far away.

The altar was restored to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

Although it is not every day that spirits are transmitted from far away so frequently, but every two or three days, there will always be spirits coming here.

Some came here for fame, and some came by accident, so the opening of the altar is not a rare event.

As long as it wasn't some big devil descending, it wouldn't even disturb the daily life of the surrounding elves.

In the bushy plain, Qin Ming continued to walk through, and looked at the login time on the interface. Twenty-five days had passed, and the time was still plenty.

Compared with the previous big forest, this plain is much calmer.

Spirits and monsters get along relatively harmoniously, and fighting scenes are rare.

Qin Ming hasn't seen any hunters like tigers, leopards and wolves so far, but most of them are vegetarian spirits, most of them are ethnic groups, dozens or hundreds of them move together.

This also made the arrival of Qin Ming, the tiger king, a bit inconsistent and inconsistent with the environment here.

Many ghosts showed vigilant expressions when they saw Qin Ming, but they were numerous, and although they were vegetarians, their combat effectiveness was not bad. If Qin Ming showed hostility, they would attack him in groups.

Even if Qin Ming's combat power has been increased,

But in the face of hundreds of spirit monsters of the fifth rank attacking at the same time, it has no confidence in being able to wipe them out.

This trip is mainly for hurrying, so he will not take the initiative to pick things up if he is not sure.

As he went deeper into the bush plain, Qin Ming suddenly saw a 100-meter tall tree appearing in the distance, with lush branches and leaves, full of greenery.

Qin Ming could see clearly even from a long distance away.

Such a big tree standing in this plain looks a bit different.

Then he approached in the direction of the big tree.

"Huh?" Before walking for a while, Qin Ming saw several spirit corpses lying on the ground in front of him.

Judging by the way the blood was still wet, these spirits should have died not long ago.

Alertness rose in my heart, and I continued to walk forward slowly.

There were no ghosts around, but after getting closer, he found that there seemed to be ghosts flying around the big tree.

One of them flew towards Qin Ming's direction, and speeded up in vain after spotting Qin Ming.

It is a large purple bee, more than one meter long, with three long spikes on its tail. There are also spikes covered with barbs on its six feet. There is no doubt that these spikes can easily pierce people. .

There were still arcs of lightning flashing on his body, making muffled sounds in the air.

It seems that there is a lot of electricity stored in its abdomen, and the pure white electric light illuminates its abdomen brightly.

name: none

Spirit: White Thunderbee

Combat power score: fifth-level top-rank

Growth Potential: Tier 6 Middle Grade

As a result of the investigation, the spirit monster named White-bottomed Thunder Bee was ranked as the fifth-level upper-level, which was a bit beyond Qin Ming's expectation.

When it came up, it showed extremely strong hostility, and the spikes on its body arced out one after another, piercing towards Qin Ming.

The lightning exploded in the air, startling the little mushroom.

Qin Ming opened his mouth and spat out an aura shell, which hit the bee and exploded in the air.

The bee let out a shrill cry, apparently injured.

Qin Ming jumped up high, and took advantage of the situation to slap out his big paws.

Unexpectedly, the big bee's body was boiling with thunder, and Qin Ming was shocked.

The little mushrooms on the back were seeded, and they were screaming together from the electric shock.

Qin Ming's skin was rough and his flesh was thick, so he was fine after being shocked. His paws continued to slap the bee hard on the ground.

After chasing and slapping it a few times, the big bee's body was gradually deformed under Qin Ming's huge force, and its wings were also torn off, losing the ability to resist.

The electricity contained in its abdomen also gradually became unstable, and the electric light splashed everywhere.

Seeing this, Qin Ming took precautions and immediately backed away.

Suddenly, the dying hornet exploded, and a large piece of lightning exploded, destroying the surrounding area.

Fortunately, Qin Ming retreated in time and was not affected by the lightning.

After the eruption, only the inner alchemy of the big bee remained.

Qin Ming raised his painful soles and found that several bee stingers had been pierced into the flesh and blood, obviously caused by smashing the bee before.

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