Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 449: Lightless Forest

"Find a way to protect yourself first, and find me when the time comes to find the soul fragments." These are the last words Qin Ming said to the black-robed corpse refiner. In the case of bursting at full speed, this servant could not keep up with his speed, so he decisively chose to run separately.

"Things turn against the wind!"

With both hands, the surrounding wind elements quickly gathered towards him, and gradually his figure became blurred, and the speed became faster and faster.

With the Heavenly Jade Tiger possessed, this is already his fastest speed.

To be honest, he seldom bursts out with all his strength like this, after all, it consumes a lot of energy to spare no effort.

If there is still a fight in the future, it would be a bit unfavorable for him to rush like this.

"This is a space teleportation talisman, but the production method is very delicate. I'm afraid it can teleport those few people thousands of miles away, or even farther." And slip out of their hands.

"I didn't expect that even the humming ghosts couldn't stop them from moving." The ghosts also put away their smiles at this time, not so leisurely.

"Chasing, as long as you don't go beyond the border of Montenegro, you must catch it!" Hum Gui swept towards the three of them and said slowly.

"I'll go after that brat." You Lan said, looking in the direction Qin Ming was going away.

"En." Om Ghost didn't say much, and disappeared in place at the same time, as if he was chasing Lei Xiao and others who had fled.

"It's a pity, originally I wanted to find that cutie too, but since you brought it up first, I have to let it go to you." The ghost looked at You Lan, covered her mouth and said.

"Hmph." You Lan snorted softly, ignored the ghost, and disappeared in place coldly, heading towards Qin Ming.

The remaining ghosts and Du Sha followed Om Ghost to find Lei Xiao and others.

You Lan thought that he would be able to catch up with Qin Ming quickly, but the fact is that he found himself chasing for a long time, but he didn't even see Qin Ming's taillights.

If it wasn't for the breath left by Qin Ming, he might have just lost it.

In a short while, Qin Ming flew over a hundred kilometers, and the speed remained unabated.

I kept thinking about ways to avoid the pursuit in my mind,

It's not an option to fly like this anymore, it will consume too much of his spiritual energy.

This means that what he has condensed is the Nine Pattern Golden Elixir, which has a huge reserve of spiritual energy.

If it's an ordinary panacea, I'm afraid it won't last long before it will be consumed.

He doesn't have a family reserve like Lei Xiao, and he has to rely on himself when he is away from home.

Although You Lan has not yet chased after him, but he knows that the other party will not let him go so easily, and must be chasing after him.

He guessed that the other party mostly relied on breath to chase him, but the method of concealment did not completely restrain the breath, and it still leaked a little.

Especially in this state where the aura is released, it is even more difficult to keep breathing.

"I can only see if I can get away with the help of the environment." Thinking in this way, a thought flashed in his mind.

During this period of time, he learned a lot of information about the territory of Montenegro from the mouth of the black-robed corpse refiner.

Among them, there are several dangerous places not too far away, which may create opportunities for him.

After flying non-stop for several hours and traveling thousands of kilometers, Qin Ming finally arrived at a dark and secluded place.

The dark forest grows on the land, which is different from the previous yellow sand land.

Lightless forest.

This is the largest forest in Montenegro, and its popularity is not even below that of Montenegro.

Hundreds of years ago, this area was not called the border of the Black Mountains, but was named after this forest, otherwise known as the land of no light.

Later, due to the strong rise of the old demon of Montenegro, Montenegro gradually replaced the dull forest and became the representative of this region.

But in any case, this is a dangerous place second only to Montenegro.

In the lightless forest, where the sun is not visible, there is a majestic evil spirit, which is suitable for a large number of creatures from the underworld to occupy it.

This is also the case, fish and dragons are mixed in the forest, there are monster monks everywhere, the strong ones are very strong, and the weak ones are also very weak.

The most important thing is that the dark tree growing in this forest has the ability to isolate the perception of spiritual power.

Therefore, as long as you enter it, no matter who it is, your perception will be greatly reduced.

Qin Ming chose to come here just now because he took a fancy to the restraining characteristics of this forest.

Only when he lost his sharp perception ability did he have a chance to get rid of the pursuers behind him.

Descending from the clouds, Qin Ming rushed into the dark forest below.


A giant tiger with black spots suddenly jumped out, and before Qin Ming could stand still, he opened his mouth and bit at it.

With its mouth, it is no problem to swallow Qin Ming in one gulp.

Qin Ming kept holding the broken sword in his hand, and immediately slashed out in mid-air.

The fierce sword light slashed at the giant tiger, but it failed to cut it into two immediately, but just cut the giant tiger back.

Although Qin Ming didn't use all his strength hastily, he was able to survive under his sword light unscathed, which shows how hard the skin on Juhu's body is.

The detection ability was thrown out, and it was found that it was a spirit monster of the seventh rank, and it was still the upper rank of the seventh rank.


At this moment, a perception suddenly descended, covering it like a carpet.

Qin Ming frowned, he knew it was the pursuer.

This was much faster than he had imagined. After several hours of long-distance flight, the other party relied on his keen detection of breath, and he never got too far away from him.

Immediately held his breath, ignored the giant tiger of the seventh rank, and left in a flash.

But the giant tiger was relentless. Seeing that Qin Ming was going to leave, he chased after him, opened his mouth and howled, causing quite a commotion.

You Lan, who was in the air, noticed the movement here, and glanced over.

The gigantic tiger has almost nowhere to hide.

As soon as Qin Ming passed through several dark trees, the evil black energy above his head surged violently.

Unparalleled oppression followed.

The lightless tree growing here is stronger than ordinary iron trees, and it is extremely difficult to break.

But after the black baleful energy swept through, many lightless trees were bent and broken into pieces.

After two steps of pursuit, the giant tiger was also taken aback by the black evil spirit all over the sky, and looked up at the sky in horror.

After the black evil spirit dissipated, it fled in panic.

The pressure brought by You Lan's arrival was enough to make it flee without hesitation.

You Lan ignored the escaping Tier 7 giant tiger, and glanced at other locations, trying to find Qin Ming.

But after the black evil spirit passed, Qin Ming still couldn't appear.

And the isolation perception ability of these dull trees really made him feel a little uncomfortable, which greatly limited his pursuit.

Immediately, he also fell into the interior of the forest below, relying on the capture of the breath to start an investigation.

On the other side, Qin Ming has already shuttled quickly through the lightless forest.

The matte tree is as black as charcoal, with dense branches and leaves that are also pitch black, making it a very good cover.

After Qin Ming came here, he knew that he had found the right place.

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