Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 450 Qi Yu

Although You Lan pursued closely, but he was equally astute and escaped away again without being caught.

An hour later, Qin Ming realized the big trouble in this lightless forest.

There are too many and too messy creatures entrenched here.

Under the natural cover of the matted trees, there is no restraint and control, and it is normal for anything to happen.

In just one hour, Qin Ming encountered violent and powerful spirits appearing in groups, as well as monks who had fled here, all of them with unknown origins and different temperaments.

There are also people who come here specifically to hunt for treasures, and there are even downcast strong men who have been cursed, etc., and so on. Everyone has a different story behind them.

Some turned a blind eye to his appearance, while others showed hostility. They didn't know why they were attracted to Qin Ming, and directly launched an unavoidable fight.

If it weren't for Qin Ming's Nine Patterns Golden Pill, he really couldn't bear the consumption of these rounds.

It is precisely because of the perception suppression of the Wuguang Tree that even he can't avoid these troubles well, so he can only avoid them as much as possible.


Suddenly, a huge lightless tree in the distance caught his attention.

This lightless tree is obviously more than twice the size of the other trees around it, and it is very conspicuous.

"Little brother, go slowly."

Suddenly, a voice came from not far away, calling Qin Ming to a halt.

Qin Ming turned his head to look, and a man in loose gray clothes rushed over and came to him.

Seeing the guarded look on Qin Ming's face, the man smiled, indicating that he had no malicious intentions.

He was wearing a gray robe, with his hands hanging down his sleeves, he didn't look very old, and his face was very fair and tender.

"What's the matter?" Qin Ming saw that the other party didn't come up and shouted to kill, so he replied. Of course, the vigilance in his heart did not decrease because of this.

"I saw that little brother, you also came for the old tree without light." Qi Yu said.

"Lightless old tree?" Qin Ming's heart moved,

Knowing that what the other party is talking about is probably the lightless tree that is more than twice as big.

Seeing that Qin Ming didn't deny it, Qi Yu directly took it as his acquiescence, and said with a smile, "It's a coincidence, I also came for those dull fruits, let's go together, how about sharing the dull fruits equally."

Qin Ming was confused, what was going on.

Let's not talk about the sudden appearance of this natural fruit, what kind of thing is the dull fruit.

Judging by the energetic way he said, it seems to be a good treasure.

"You're not from the Netherworld, are you?" Qin Ming didn't continue the topic of Wuguangguo, but asked suddenly.

"Isn't it the same for my little brother?" Qi Yu didn't deny it, but looked at Qin Ming with a smile and said.

Obviously, both of them saw that the other was unusual.

With the contact with the local monks in the Netherworld during this period, Qin Ming gradually became able to perceive their differences.

First of all, his breath is slightly different from that of the monks who have been in the Netherworld all year round, and they can be distinguished if they observe carefully.

Then it is inevitable that the monks here will be more or less contaminated with the evil spirit unique to the Netherworld.

Just like breathing air, you cannot completely isolate the air.

And the reason why Qi Yu came to Qin Ming was because Qin Ming, like him, did not belong to this Netherworld, but came from other places.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in what you have to say right now." After Qin Ming finished speaking, he was about to leave quickly.

He didn't forget that there was a vicious man chasing and killing him behind him.

"That's right, what a pity. I thought you were also interested in the Dull Fruit. After all, I came here specially for it." Qi Yu shook his head.

Hearing what he said, Qin Ming felt a little curious again, and couldn't help asking.

"What the hell is that dull fruit?"

Qi Yu seemed to have a very free and easy personality, and said: "It's okay to tell you, the biggest dull old tree has existed in this forest for thousands of years, and some dull fruits will grow on it, and if you swallow it, there will be a kind of magical effect."

Qi Yu also played tricks while talking, which made Qin Ming even more curious.

"What's the use?" Qin Ming asked, with some associations in his mind.

"Exert the effect of the dark tree to yourself." Qi Yu said hehe, "that is, the ability to isolate perception. After swallowing it, even a monk who is a level higher than himself will no longer be able to spy on you. How about this? Is there any effect on the heart?"

There was an unabashed allure in his tone.

"Really?" Qin Ming asked, he had actually thought of a similar effect just now.

So really is this effect, the value of this matte fruit is self-evident.

It's no wonder that this person of unknown origin came from other worlds specially for this fruit.

"Of course, I am an upright person, and I never tell lies." Qi Yu immediately reassured that what he said was true.

Qin Ming thought for a while, then nodded quickly, and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

If he can really get a Dull Fruit, it will be very beneficial to his current situation. After swallowing it, he is 80% sure that he can escape from that You Lan's hand.

The two hit it off immediately and headed towards the old Wuguang tree.

Of course, it is impossible for Qin Ming to really let go of his guard against this natural acquaintance. What should be guarded against is still to be guarded, God knows if the other party has another purpose.

On the contrary, Qi Yu looked like an inexperienced child, chatting and laughing with Qin Ming very naturally.

"Don't underestimate that old tree. It has existed for thousands of years. It has already turned into a spirit and opened up its spiritual wisdom. I am afraid that monks in the divine fire state will not be able to please it." Qi Yu walked side reminded.

If the old tree was easy to deal with, he wouldn't have gone after Qin Ming either.

Qin Ming nodded, naturally he would not be careless.

In this aura world, who could be easily provoked by a creature that could live for such a long time.

After understanding, Qin Ming also probably understood the dull fruit.

It took hundreds of years for the old tree to finally become a spirit, and then every ten years it would condense a dull fruit.

This fruit has no effect on itself, but it has infinite uses and great value to other monks.

Very few people know about the existence of the Ambiguous Fruit, and even the local monks in the Netherworld don't know much about it.

So Qin Ming was a little curious about how Qi Yu, an outsider, knew so clearly.

"How do you know this?" Qin Ming asked curiously, not polite at all.

"An uncle in my family got a few dull fruits here, so he told me of course." Qi Yu said, not intending to hide anything about it.

Of course, Qi Yu didn't say where he was from, and which family he was talking about, and he didn't explain his identity too clearly.

Obviously, this guy is not as straightforward as he appears on the surface, and he still has some consideration for Qin Ming.

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