Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

218 Spades Cp (Please Order In Full!)

"Strange, where did Xiao Hei go?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the side, and Sendoh turned his head, just in time to see Momoi Mayzuki with a confused face.

And just after Sendoh looked over, Momoi Wuyue also happened to look over, and a hint of surprise appeared on her pretty face.

"Sendoh-senpai!?" Momoi Itsuki hurried over.

"Yo, what a coincidence, Momoi-san." Sendoh said with a light smile.

However, Momoi Wuyue, who came over, also happened to see the sunspot hiding beside Sendoh. If you don't look confidently, you really can't see the sunspot.

"Xiao Hei, so you came here." Momoi Wuyue walked over with a smile.

Hei Zizhe also nodded, still expressionless.

Sendoh grinned suddenly, and sure enough, it was the same as the original book, these two were the only couple on the bright side.

"Heizi, the companion you mentioned is Momoi-san." Sendoh said with a smile.

"Of course, Xiao Hei is my boyfriend." Momoi 16 Wuyue immediately grabbed Hei Zi's arm and said with a smile.

Sendoh glanced at the proud chest of the other party, and thought in his heart: "Sure enough, it doesn't matter if you can't find a partner, the main thing is not to hurt the child."

"Aren't you Seirin in a camp? Didn't you practice today?" Sendoh asked aloud.

First, it was the Xiude Green High combination, and now there is something about the spade cp, what is this, is it a group face-to-face?

"Oh, we, Tonghuang, have two banquet tickets, so we happened to come over and ask Xiao Hei to have a look together."

Immediately, Momoi Wuyue took out two coupons from his pocket, Sendoh frowned, and then said: "That's a coincidence, I happen to have two here too.

Immediately, Sendoh Satoshi took out two coupons that were exactly the same as those in Itsuki Momoi's hand.

"Hey, really!" Momoi Wuyue's big pink eyes suddenly widened, and then, Momoi Wuyue hesitated to say: "Sen... Senior Sendoh, this is actually... ...It's a couple coupon, you have two, so is there someone for you?"

Sendoh's eyes widened suddenly.

What's going on, I didn't say anything more when I openly distributed dog food, and you actually questioned whether I have a girlfriend???!!!

Immediately, Sendoh doubted his life.

At this moment, Yotsuba, who was constantly picking out clothes, also noticed the scene here, and walked over immediately.

"It's you again, Tonghuang's supervisor!" Yotsuba suddenly said vigilantly, and then looked back again and again.

"What are you looking at?" Momoi Wuyue asked puzzled.

"Of course it's to see if that impolite guy has come." Yotsuba pouted suddenly.

After meeting several times, Aomine is a bad boy in Yotsuba's impression, and he is very rude!

"Ada didn't come!" Momoi Wuyue said with a wry smile, she also knew what Qingfeng had done before.

But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, Momoi Wuyue immediately covered her mouth and said: "It turns out that senior was prepared, I was overthinking."

"Eh..." Sendoh was stunned for a moment, the little girl seemed to have misunderstood something.

Clover asked with a puzzled look, "What are you preparing for?"

"It's nothing, they also have coupons for real skills Oh, Sendoh said flatly.

"They?" Yotsuba was stunned for a moment, and Momoi Wuyue had a boy beside her, so Yotsuba exclaimed in shock.

Heizi's mouth moved, but he didn't say anything.

"Since we've met, how about we go together, Sendoh-senpai?" Momoi Itsuki asked with a smile.

Sendoh nodded, there is nothing wrong with going together.

Immediately afterwards, the two women visited one store after another in the mall, choosing.

Sendoh and Heizi stood outside, Heizi suddenly raised his head and said, "Senior Sendoh, can you tell me what happened to Akashi-kun back then?"

Sendoh was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Heizi, you are both classmates and teammates, aren't you the one who knows him best? Why are you asking me?"

"That's because it is the senior who can pull back Akashi-kun and make him stop making mistakes!" Heizi said firmly immediately, and this was one of the few expressions that Heizi showed.

"Although I don't know you very well, but Akashi, he should be a good captain now."

Reminiscent of the game, Akashi's unwavering determination and never-give-up momentum have completely won Sendoh's respect.

That is a leader who can truly lead the team to a higher goal, and a spiritual pillar that is wise, rational, and unwavering in determination.

As such, Akashi is the only guy that Sendoh values ​​and respects.

"He discovered my talent. Akashi-kun was my guide to basketball, so..." Heizi said immediately.

Sendoh patted him on the shoulder and said: "Heizi, maybe you should face up to your own abilities. There is a saying in the Asia-Pacific country, the master leads the door, and the practice is in the individual, just keep your previous mentality.

As a group pet, of course it needs to be comforted.

Suddenly, Heizi suddenly looked into Sendoh's eyes, and said pleadingly: "Senior Sendoh, can you teach me how to play?"

"Huh?" Sendoh was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You are already very good, I have nothing to teach you.

Visual induction, this should also be an orange skill, and this skill Sendoh can't.

Heizi immediately lowered his head in disappointment. He also knew how much talent he had at 540. In terms of basketball skills, he could only reach the current level. At most, he could only develop the ability of visual induction.

"Don't be discouraged, gaze induction has a lot of room for development, you can only use it on yourself now." Sendoh said with a smile.

Use it on yourself?

Kuroko raised his head in confusion, but Sendoh didn't say anything more. After all, Seirin is also Ryonan's opponent, and Sendoh can only help Kuroko so much.

If the other party still can't understand what he said, it can only be said that it's just that the time has not yet come.

After waiting for almost half an hour, the four of them finally walked out of the mall. It was already afternoon, and the banquet started at night, so they were not in a hurry.

After eating, Clover stood in front of the restaurant and immediately asked, "The banquet starts at eight o'clock in the evening, where are we going in the afternoon?"

"I want to go fishing." Sendoh said suddenly.

There is no sea, river or anything on the mountain. In a week, Sendoh already wanted to go fishing.

"Okay then, Sendoh-kun, I'll see you at the entrance of the banquet tonight."

Clover knew that Sendoh wanted to go fishing a long time ago, so she didn't force him to follow.

No way, who told her to be a licking dog.

Lick the dog, lick until there is nothing left. .

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