Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

219 Get Out! (Seek Full Order!!)

In the end, the four parted ways, went to the train station, and returned to Kanagawa to get their own equipment.

Fishing, of course, is to use the most accustomed tool.

A professional angler will never change his tools continuously.

One is the hand feeling problem, and the other is that Sendoh also has some little cleanliness, so of course you can’t use other people’s fishing tools.

Fortunately, it took only an hour to go back to Kanagawa by train.

Sendoh returned to his home an hour later, took his tools without delay, and headed to the beach.

The estimated fishing time is two hours, which is enough for Sendoh to enjoy himself.

Time waited for no one, Sendoh trotted all the way to the beach after getting the tools.

However, I happened to meet Aida Yayoi who was out for work on the way!

"Mr. Sendoh!"

Immediately, when he heard a soft shout, Sendoh turned his head and saw Aida Yayoi standing there with a delicate and pretty face, wearing a smart LO outfit and a pair of black stockings on her legs

"Oh, sister Yayoi, what's the matter?" Sendoh suddenly said with a smile.

"Didn't you Ryonan sleep together? Did you... sneak out?" Aida Yayoi immediately covered her mouth and smiled.

"No, the coach made a small test, and whoever gets the first place can take a day off." Sendoh said lightly.

Aida Yayoi nodded, then saw the toolbox on Sendoh's shoulder, and said, "It seems that you are going fishing."

She also knows that Sendoh's hobby is fishing.


"Well, I wanted to treat you to a drink. Since I have something to do, let's do it another day." Aida Yayoi waved his hand and said.

But there was a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

It's just that Sendoh didn't notice it. After nodding, he turned around and trotted away.

Aida Yayoi kept seeing Sendoh's figure disappear, finally sighed, and whispered: "What a great opportunity, what a pity."

"But in the future, I will definitely win Sendoh-kun, come on `||!"

She believes in her appearance, not to mention her temperament.

Sendoh didn't know Aida Yayoi's little Jiujiu, he trotted all the way to the beach, and arrived at the beach in the last few minutes.

After a minute of preparation time, everything was ready and Sendoh could finally fish peacefully.

Two hours of fishing time, no basketball player can do that.

Sitting quietly at the same place is even more boring for two hours of waiting, so that it can just keep smoothing out the impetuousness on those people.

When Sendoh finishes fishing, the sky is still bright, and it gets dark later in summer time.

But it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.

After Sendoh packed his things, he headed towards home.

The driving time on the road was only an hour, and Sendoh sat quietly by the window and watched the scenery outside.

He's not really interested in the party, if a person is okay, Sendoh can fish until 8pm and then go home and sleep.

But since he has brought Clover out, Sendoh can't let Clover go to the banquet alone.

Little girls are not safe outside.

When Sendoh got out of the car, the sky finally got darker, showing a light blue feeling, just like the early morning.

Afterwards, Sendoh walked slowly towards the hotel alone.

After all, it is not far from the train station, so there is no need to take a taxi.

At 7:30, Sendoh finally came to the entrance of the hotel, looking at the 30-story building, the banquet should not have started yet.

But Yotsuba said that gathering at the entrance of the banquet, it can't be at the entrance of the hotel, after all, the banquet is held on the top tenth floor of the main building.

The 30th floor was supposed to be open for banquets. Compared to the downstairs, this place is more magnificent, much like a venue for the upper class.

At this time, a beautiful figure stood at the door.

Clad in a white dress, with a little makeup on her face, Yotsuba, who looked even more stunning, stood anxiously at the door.

It's seven thirty-nine now "She's worried that Sendoh won't be able to catch up.

Beside her, Momoi Itsuki and Kuroko, as well as Hidetoku's Midorima Shintaro and Takao Kazunari stood there.

However, there was still a boy standing beside Yotsuba.

He was dressed in a black slim-fit suit and looked very decent. He had black hair and a pretty face.

However, his worth is not cheap.

"Miss, since we want to wait for our friends, why don't we go in?" the man said kindly.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you, and the friend I'm waiting for is very important." Clover said impatiently, frowning.

Since she came here, the man in front of her has been following her, just like brown sugar.

"Let such a beautiful lady wait for someone, so there's no need to make friends with you, right?" The man also frowned and said impatiently.

Momoi Wuyue immediately said: "Sir, we are just waiting for a friend, not your friend, isn't it rude for you to comment on him like this?"

"Isn't it?" the man said suddenly.

But at this moment, just when Yotsuba was about to argue, the figure who had been waiting suddenly showed a smile on his face.

"Mr. Sendoh!"

Clover waved her little hand and shouted excitedly.

Sendoh smiled and walked over slowly.

When seeing such a beautiful Clover, Sendoh's eyes lighted up, and he said with a smile: "The clothes are nice, Situ.

"Really?!" Clover was overwhelmed with surprise, her heart was as sweet as eating honey.

"The banquet hasn't started yet, let's go in and wait." Sendoh said lightly.

He glanced at the man standing aside, who had a gloomy face on his face.

Sendoh asked puzzled, "Who is this?"

"I don't know him, don't pay attention to him, Mr. Sendoh, let's go in!" Clover looked at the man coldly, and then grabbed Sendoh's hand.

But the man didn't want to let go of this opportunity, he immediately stood in front of Sendoh, and said with a sneer: "You are the one who made this lady wait? As a boy, you are late and let the girl wait at the door Are you, are you still a man?"

There was a hint of doubt in Sendoh's eyes, he looked at Momoi Itsuki and the others, and asked, "Do you know him?"

The four of them shook their heads immediately, and Sendoh nodded in understanding.

That being the case, Sendoh also has to see if his skills can be used outside of basketball.

Sendoh's dark pupils suddenly became extremely cold, as if they had been frozen for thousands of years.

The leader's soul opened immediately, and in an instant, a terrifying sense of oppression pressed down on the man.

Immediately afterwards, the man's legs began to tremble suddenly. In his eyes, this ordinary but handsome young man was now like the commander of a thousand armies, the leader of a million troops.

For a split second, he was so directly pressed that he couldn't breathe.

Just then, Sendoh spoke.


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