Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

220 Encounter Hachimura Again (Full Order!)


There is no loud voice, and there is no deep and muddy magnetic voice of the male god. Sendoh just has a flat tone, as if he is saying hello.

"You guy, do you know who I am?! How dare you scold me!!?" The man shouted with a distorted expression.

Such a loud voice could be heard clearly in the banquet, and some good people even looked over.

"I'm sorry, I never like to be face-to-face with people who speak ill of others behind their backs. You have affected my emotions." Sendoh said flatly.

The coercion of the leader's soul is always present, the man's legs have already started to tremble, and at this moment, he dare not meet Sendoh's eyes at all.

It was as if that pair of pitch-black eyes contained the hell from Nine Nether Senhan.

Momoi Itsuki, Yotsuba and Takao Kazunari looked at Sendoh in surprise, Sendoh was usually amiable, with a sunny smile on his face.

But today, Sendoh seems to be a master, the kind of existence that people dare not look directly at or disobey.

Even Heizi, who had almost no expression on his face, showed a look of surprise.

Clover even covered her small mouth, the current Sendoh really gave her a strange feeling.

But this is also an emotion that ordinary people have, but Sendoh's 090 has a good temper. After years of exercise, Sendoh not only responds quickly, but also has a good hearing.

After he got off the elevator, he heard the words of the man in front of him.

The mud bodhisattva is very angry, not to mention Sendoh, he pretends to be coercive, so he can't just say hello in a pleasant manner.

The man's face was gloomy, and he said with a sneer: "Affect you? You don't look at yourself in the mirror, you look shabby, what qualifications do you have for me to influence R!?"

Sendoh sneered, a flash of sharpness flashed in his dark eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Since you like to pretend to be aggressive, go away and pretend, we don't hinder you, but it's inappropriate for you to come here and disturb my friends. "

"Based on your beauty, you are also worthy to talk to my friend?" Sendoh shouted coldly. In an instant, the leader's soul suddenly increased, and the terrifying oppression suddenly enveloped the man.

The soul of the leader is an orange skill, even in the zone state, it cannot ignore the coercion of the leader.

As for the man in front of him, although his face is fine, he looks a little pale, his lower body is insufficient, his physical strength is obviously weak, and he has too many activities at night. How can such a simple miscellaneous fish block the oppressive force of the leader's soul!?

"Kneel down!!!!"

In an instant, Sendoh spit out a loud voice, and in a trance, the four Taoists seemed to be incarnated to control everything in the world.


The man's legs could no longer bear such terrifying pressure, his legs softened, and he immediately fell to his knees, his eyes looking a little dull.

"Oh my god, did you really kneel down!?"

"It's unbelievable. Although that kid has no capital, he is also a company white-collar worker with a lot of income. He actually knelt down???!!"

"So handsome, who is that boy, who can tell me?!"

The banquet hall suddenly became noisy, and among them was a girl who was obsessed with the novels of Asia Pacific's domineering president, and said excitedly: "You are so handsome, with such a domineering appearance, you can't be a president???"

"Love it, love it!"

"I know him, he is a talented basketball player who has become famous lately! Genius Sendoh!!"

Among them, there are many people who have watched Ryonan's game.

Sendoh glanced down at the man coldly, then turned his gaze away and walked away from the man.

For such a pretentious person, if he was in Ryonan, Sendoh would not suggest that he be beaten and educated in life, but now, he is not in the mood.

"Speaking of which, why are you here?" Entering the hall, Sendoh changed his previous state of coercion and said to Midorima with a smile.

The five people breathed a sigh of relief for a moment, the pressure from Sendoh was so strong that even they couldn't bear it.

Midorima calmed down, took a casual (bgcc) look at Sendoh, and said: "We are also staying in Tokyo, since we have a ticket, of course we have to come and have a look."

"No, I mean here are couples, in pairs. "Could it be you two..." Sendoh jokingly said.

It was Shintaro Midorima, also felt uncomfortable by Sendoh's strange eyes, and said with a cold snort: "I don't need to bother you."

Well, still as arrogant as ever.

Sendoh smiled helplessly.

Immediately, the time passed in the blink of an eye, and at eight o'clock, the banquet started on time.

When the time came to eight o'clock, the sound of guitar music sounded from the side, and the banquet became even more lively.

Sendoh took Clover to get the food. These minors can't drink alcohol now, so they can only be replaced by drinks.

However, when Sendoh came to the front, he suddenly froze for a moment.

He saw an acquaintance, although he only met once, but they also had a match.

I saw, at the very front, the dark-skinned, half-blooded two-meter giant-like figure standing there laughing.

Eight village bases.

Sendoh also wanted to know why he was at this banquet.

And Lei Hachimura seemed to feel it too, and after seeing it, he was also taken aback for a moment.


Lei Hachimura yelled in surprise, then walked over slowly and said, "Why are you here?"

"The coach gave two tickets, so here we come." Sendoh said flatly.

Lei Hachimura was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "That guy must be in pain right now."

"I don't know, but why is senior here?" Sendoh asked puzzled.

"Well, it's a banquet hosted by an old friend, so I came here to join in the fun. I can't stay at home all day long, and I will always feel bored." Hachimura Lei said indifferently.

"Hahaha, since I met you, why don't you come with me to see your friends, they are also big players in the neon basketball world."

Sendoh pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's a bit abrupt, and I have friends with me."

Rui Hachimura's eyes lit up immediately, and a flash of approval flashed across his eyes. He was confident, strong, humble and polite. For a while, Lei Hachimura could not see the arrogant and unruly aura that belonged to young people in Sendoh.

I always feel that it looks like an old fritter who has been born for many years, just like his former teammates.

However, this does not prevent him from being optimistic about Sendoh's future.

As for arrogance, everyone has this kind of arrogance, but only when it should be there. There are really not many young people who know how to measure like Sendoh in this world.

Even Sawakita Eiji, now known as the number one high school student in Japan, is quite rebellious and pushy. .

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