Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

221 The Confrontation Between Two Women (Please Order All!)

"Well, if that's the case, then I won't force you. If that's the case, those guys should be a pity too. Hachimura patted Sendoh on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Then he turned around and merged into his circle again.

Sendoh smiled, and didn't say much. A former NBA professional player like Lei Hachimura, and some friends around him are also of high status.

And Sendoh is just a student now, at least he can only attract their attention if he is good at playing basketball, but it is impossible to really integrate into their circle~.

Like this, most people will fight for their scalps, kneeling and licking like a pug, just like licking a dog.

Sendoh didn't bother at all.

Their current status, if Sendoh wants, he can also get it, it's just - it's not necessary.

After all, Sendoh's character is to go with the situation and like quiet people.

Immediately, Sendoh came to Clover and the others again, saw some sweets on Clover's plate, and immediately said: "Clover, I heard that eating sweets is easy to gain weight.

"Ah! Sendoh-kun!" Yotsuba was startled, and then her pretty face turned red, and she stammered, "It's just... just want to eat."

"Haha, just kidding, of course Yotsuba won't get fat, even if she does, she's still cute." Sendoh said with a smile.

"Sendoh-kun!!" Yotsuba patted Sendoh immediately, as if she was acting like a baby.

And this scene immediately dealt a critical blow to the two single dogs beside them, as if they had been stabbed in the heart.

There is already a couple next to me, isn't it bad for you to be flirting openly like this?

This world is really not friendly to single dogs at all!!!

I'm going to the Animal Management Association to sue you, you are cruel to animals!

"Xiao Zhen, the relationship between Senior Sendoh and their supervisors seems unusual. Do you think they are in a relationship?" Takao Kazuari asked curiously even though he was upset.

"You're the one who talks a lot!" Midorima Shintaro glared at Takao.

"Hey, I really envy Senior Sendoh, not only is he good at playing basketball, but also being able to associate with such a cute and beautiful person, it really doesn't give us a chance to survive." Takao and Cheng said immediately, and then his eyes moved, and he said jokingly: "Xiao Zhen , why are you still single?"

"Shut up, Takao!" Midorima Shintaro frowned fiercely, then closed his eyes pretending to be calm.

Sendoh casually ate ten plates of meat, three plates more than Midorima Shintaro.

Athletes eat a lot, and every exercise is directly proportional to physical exertion.

As for dessert, Sendoh would not eat this kind of thing. Cream can increase cholesterol and affect exercise.

It's just that the two women are very happy about desserts.

"Sendoh-kun, do you really not want to eat it? This cake is really delicious!" Yotsuba said excitedly, holding the black forest cake full of chocolate in her hand.

"Clover, if you eat too much chocolate, you will gain weight easily." Sendoh said with a smile.


Hearing Sendoh's words, I suddenly felt that the black forest in my hand was not fragrant.

But at this moment, a fragrant wind came, and Sendoh turned his head to look, and was stunned for a moment.

I saw Aida Yayoi, who was still dressed this afternoon, sitting next to Sendoh with a capable look, with a smile on her face.

"Coincidentally, Miss Yayoi, we meet again." Sendoh smiled suddenly and said.

"Yeah, but Sendoh, you didn't tell me that you're coming to this banquet too. If you did, we can drop by after you finish fishing." Aida Yayoi's eyes suddenly filled with resentment, her delicate face It's even redder.

Different from Yotsuba's cuteness and vitality, Aida Yayoi's every frown and smile has a sense of coquettishness.

This is the charm of Miss Yu.

Sendoh scratched his head, and suddenly said embarrassedly: "Ah, I didn't know that sister Yayoi was coming too, next time, I must say it next time.

Aida Yayoi immediately gave Sendoh a blank look, and then said: "You four teams have given up the Summer Cup championship, are you really going to put all your eggs in one basket?"

"I didn't know about it a few years ago, but today we all reached a consensus that there can only be one championship in this year's national competition." Sendoh said immediately.

Did they reach a consensus? Sendoh doesn't know. The main reason is that Sannoh High and Yangquan didn't come, and Sendoh couldn't complete the task.

Aida Yayoi nodded, and said: "Well, if that's the case, I'll go find you and send you my latest investigation data after you've finished sleeping together."

……ask for flowers……

Sendoh nodded, but Yotsuba on the side quit. She was very hostile to Aida Yayoi.

It's a cat that's sneaking outside!

Although she doesn't know what type of girl Sendoh likes, but a type like Aida Yayoi can definitely fascinate many high school students, even college students.

So Yotsuba, who lacked confidence, immediately said excitedly: "Then you come to me directly, Miss Yayoi, I am only Ryonan's supervisor, and I am the best at this kind of thing.


Aida Yayoi and Sendoh were stunned for a moment, then Aida glanced at Yotsuba with a hint of interest in her eyes, and Sendoh beside her didn't know what to do.

And Takao, Cheng and Midorima, who were in this area, couldn't stand it anymore, and they immediately left the battlefield with their plates in their hands.

This is a battle between two women, and it is inevitable that there will be accidental injuries.

Cherish life, stay away from the battlefield!!!

When the two came to a safe place, they immediately sat down and prepared to watch a show. Although there was no popcorn, a table of delicacies could serve as a substitute.

Takao and Kazuki said even more displeased: "It's really maddening. Senior Sendoh actually eats what's in the bowl and looks at what's in the pot. Not only is there such a cute girl, but there is such a royal sister!!"

"Look at me again, I'm not bad at playing, and I'm not bad looking, why doesn't anyone look at me?"

"Shut up, Takao, you are so annoying." Midorima said immediately.

In the battle between the two women, to be honest, Aida Yayoi has some advantages. After all, she has been working for many years and is still a reporter.

This is the favorite of those innocent teenagers.

Royal sister type, commonly known as boy killer!

It's just that Sendoh didn't know what to say in this situation, so he could only drink quietly.

Yotsuba's big eyes kept staring at Aida Yayoi, full of unwillingness to admit defeat.

In the end, Aida Yayoi had no choice but to relax and said: "Well, we can talk about this matter when we have time."

Having confronted a little girl for so long, although she felt that she would not give up on Sendoh, she couldn't just sit like this all the time, could she?

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