Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

222 Sendoh's Performance

She wasn't that boring yet, but she couldn't give up that opportunity, so she could only say ambiguously.

But Yotsuba is also a smart girl, of course she understood what Aida Yayoi meant, and immediately said: "That's not good, Sendoh-kun trains very hard every day, and there is no free time!!

Immediately, Clover's eyes flashed a smug look, just kidding, I am Ryonan's supervisor, how can I give up the advantage of being close to the water.

Aida Yayoi frowned, and suddenly felt that the girl in front of her was not a vegetarian either.

In this kind of war without gunpowder, Sendoh seems to have experienced the appearance of two women in one drama.

I suddenly thought about how to get out, should I find Hachimura, this is also an opportunity.

But at this moment, Sendoh suddenly saw that the guitarist on the bandstand stopped playing, put the guitar "737" down, and was about to leave.

At this moment, Sendoh's eyes lit up, and he stood up and said, "You two, stop earning money, and we'll talk about it later."

Aida Yayoi's eyes suddenly lit up, and then she showed a charming smile and said, "Okay."

But Yotsuba lowered her head in disappointment, which completely gave Aida Yayoi a chance.

But at this moment, Sendoh left his seat, and under the puzzled eyes of the two women, he walked alone to the place where the guitar was placed.

The guitarist was still packing up, unaware that Sendoh was coming.

"Hi, excuse me." Sendoh said suddenly.

The guitarist froze for a moment, then turned around in doubt, looked at Sendoh's slightly immature face, was quite confused, and asked, "Hi guest, what's the matter?"

"Are you leaving?" Sendoh asked with a smile.

"Yes, I can only work half an hour."

"Then this guitar..."

"Oh, this is something from our store, not mine." The guitarist explained immediately.

"Oh, so, can I play a piece?" Sendoh asked with a nod.

"Eh..." The guitarist froze for a moment, looked at Sendoh's palm, and didn't want to play the guitar.

But this kind of thing also happens, and the guitarist is used to it, thinking that it is another one who is trying to pretend.

Immediately, the guitarist nodded and said, "Yes, but please treat him kindly, sir."


After Sendoh came to the stage, he picked up the guitar placed on the ground, tried the tuning with his palm, found something wrong, and started tuning again.

The guitarist shook his head, looking at Sendoh, although he can play the guitar, he is not professional, and his tuning movements are also amateurish.

Afterwards, he no longer paid attention to Sendoh's movements, and was about to leave after packing up his things.

In the audience, some people who knew Sendoh were puzzled, wondering what Sendoh was doing.

Aida Yayoi was very puzzled, but seeing Sendoh's action, it was obvious that he wanted to play, then looked at Yotsuba suspiciously, and asked, "Can Sendoh play the guitar?"

"I don't know, I only know that Sendoh-kun has a hobby of fishing, but I don't know about other hobbies." Yotsuba shook her head and said, with some doubts in her eyes.

And at this time, the following also had resentment and viciousness in their eyes.

He was the man at the door before, and Sendoh made him kneel down in front of everyone, which was a great shame, but seeing that Sendoh could talk to a big guy, he didn't dare to accept it.

But this does not prevent him from hating Sendoh, and seeing Sendoh like this, he is also waiting for the scene where Sendoh makes a fool of himself!

He can also touch the guitar, and he can hear whether it is out of tune.

Hachimura Lei's group is also quite puzzled, and some of them have been paying attention to Sendoh.

"Boy, what are you going to do?" Hachimura said with a confused face.


On the other hand, Sendoh, after adjusting the sound, tried again, and then took a deep breath.

The guitarist guessed right, he was indeed an amateur.

When he was in college in his previous life, Sendoh hadn’t shown his talent in basketball at that time, and like some college students, he learned a skill that could be pretended to be aggressive, and he could flirt with girls.

However, Sendoh can only play one piece of music on the guitar, and Sendoh was comfortable in college for a while because of this piece of music.

After all, boys are handsome when they concentrate on doing one thing!

As for a song, Sendoh almost forgot, but because of the music of the previous guitarist, it resonated.

Therefore, since the confrontation between the two women can be relied on, Sendoh has only this way. ……

You can't suddenly go to Hachimura Lei, the two of you are not that familiar yet.

Immediately, Sendoh exhaled a foul breath and put it on the strings.

Suddenly, a series of music came out.

Cheerful and a little hasty, people always feel that time is passing by.

After the prelude ended, the guitarist who was supposed to leave suddenly froze in place.

It's just a prelude, a few strings of notes, but it contains emotions.

Laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorway. As a professional guitarist, he can fully understand whether Sendoh's technique is amateur or not.

But the way he tuned just now, he looked like a guitar rookie, and the confusing movements made it hard for him to see that Sendoh's playing was so fast.

It's just, why is this prelude so strange, I've never heard this guitar piece before.

The guitarist turned around and looked at the figure sitting on the stool.

At this moment, the music sounded again, and the beautiful but slightly lonely notes made the banquet quiet.

They had never heard this song before, it was slow, like a slowly flowing river, the sounds came and went one after another, but it made them feel a little desolate in it.

This is a piece of pure music from the previous life, Castle in the Sky!

It’s a piano piece, but the guitar can also be played, and Sendoh is able to play this piece, it seems to have a 4.5 sadness in the world, but if you listen carefully, you can hear the unobvious happiness .

Yotsuba and Aida Yayoi immediately covered their mouths, they are the two most familiar with Sendoh in the field.

They also knew that Sendoh never played the guitar because his only hobbies were basketball and fishing.

But now the young man who is sitting on the stool and playing alone is really playing the piece, and it is beautiful and pleasant, but he has never heard it before.

The city in the sky played by the guitar has a gentle and indifferent tone, not as lifelike as the piano, but it also makes the audience empathize.

For a moment, as if there was a sense of artistic conception, everyone in the field was immersed in this gentle and beautiful music.

Not only that, some girls actually shed tears, such a lonely song made them feel a taste of joy and sorrow for a while. .

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