Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

228 Nakano Yotsuba (Please Order In Full!)

Sendoh stared at the white lights on the ceiling, lost in thought for a moment.

It's not that he doesn't want to play professionally, he was a professional basketball player in his previous life, and he also knows what will happen on the same battlefield.

It's just that now that Sendoh has obtained the system, he feels that he can't accept other people's charity.

Instead of the uncomfortable feeling of taking people's hands and eating others' short mouths, Sendoh still likes to rely on himself to get what should belong to him.

Occupation, he will try there one day, but for now, Sendoh wants to complete the quest of Path of Genius.

A different-dimensional skill, this is his completely invincible capital on the basketball court.

If he didn't complete the path of genius, and didn't get different-dimensional skills, why bother to challenge a higher level?

But Sendoh has complete confidence in himself.

After showing a smile on his face, he immediately picked up the comic book that he hadn't touched in a month.

One night passed quickly.

Sendoh went to bed after dinner, and after a month of training, his schedule was forcibly adjusted.

Woke up at 6 o'clock the next morning at 16.

After changing into sports clothes, I went out to prepare for a run.

It's just that, just as Sendoh went out, he saw Yotsuba in the same tracksuit going downstairs.

"Yo, good morning Yotsuba," Sendoh immediately greeted with a smile.

"Hey, did you wake up so early?" Yotsuba was stunned for a moment, thinking that when Sendoh came back, it would be the same as before.

Sendoh nodded and said, "Are you going for a run too? Let's go together, Yotsuba."


Clover nodded immediately.

Clover has some strengths in sports. If it wasn't for the strong flicker at Sendoh before, she was limped and came to the Ryonan basketball team as a supervisor, otherwise Clover would have joined the track and field team.

The morning generally passed quickly, and the two jogged around the beach.

The weather in October has changed from hot to cool, and the season has finally come to autumn.

The holiday of Neon is not the same as that of Asia-Pacific, but is divided into three semesters.

The first semester is from spring to mid-spring, that is, from January to April.

The second semester is from late spring to mid-summer, May to August.

There is also summer vacation in between.

The third semester is from the end of autumn to the end of winter.

That is, the beginning of November and the end of December.

In general, when Sendoh first reincarnated, he was not used to it.

But now there is no problem.

After an hour of jogging, Sendoh came home and took a shower, then had breakfast, and spent the whole morning at home reading manga.

Clover also came to him, but Sendoh didn't want to go out, so he refused.

In the afternoon, he was going to dig some seafood, so he didn't have time.

At noon, after Sendoh went out for a meal, he took his equipment and went to the beach.

"Hey, that seems to be Sendoh-kun!!"


Walking on the street, Sendoh suddenly heard someone calling his name, and saw some people running over excitedly.

"Sendoh-kun, can you take a photo with me? Your playing Laputa is really good!"

"Yes, yes, now I have to listen to it every day to comfort me to sleep!!!"

"One more time?!! My old lady fell asleep listening to it!"

Sendoh smiled wryly, now he already felt that being famous is not a good thing.

"Hey, can I go? I still have things to do!" Sendoh said with a wry smile.

It's just that, with his flat voice, no one paid attention to him at all, and the group of girls around him were about to fight.

Sendoh suddenly stroked his forehead with a headache, and immediately shouted: "Hey, shut up!"

The voice suddenly increased, "It directly overwhelmed all the quarreling voices.


All the girls suddenly shouted cutely and coquettishly, and the voice even drew a long tone!

"Really." Sendoh groaned inwardly, not paying attention to the group of girls around him, Sendoh took the tools and walked directly to the beach.

There are usually not many people on the beach in Kanagawa, but today there was a large group of people walking towards the beach. Sendoh looked helplessly at the large group of girls behind him. This kind of driving can't be driven away, and it can't be said. It's just a bit unreasonable. up!

So this is a girl?

"Eh? Isn't this Sendoh-kun?"

A boy next to him recognized Sendoh and shouted excitedly.

"Damn it, what's the situation with this long queue behind here??!!"

"Listening to their words, it seems that they want to follow Sendoh."

"Damn, it's just that people are more popular than people!"

"I finally realized what the original Asia-Pacific country meant! It really is that people are more dead than others, and goods are still more expensive than goods!"

The unintentional actions of this group of girls directly brought a lot of hatred to Sendoh. A group of boys looked at the beautiful and extraordinary girls behind Sendoh, and there were also some bad girls, so they were envious and jealous!

However, if you let them know that Sendoh really wants to drive them away, then you have to scold them.

A team of more than a dozen people, led by Sendoh, finally came to a beach.

The girls in the back were very curious about what Sendoh was going to do, and Sendoh also got the good tool in the box, and started his work directly. As for the girls in the back?

Who cares about them, just follow along, as long as you don't bother yourself digging for seafood.

However, Sendoh's sweet dream did not come true after all. Some courageous girls approached Sendoh directly and asked, "Mr. Sendoh, what are you going to do?!"

"Dig seafood, don't bother me." Sendoh immediately replied lightly.

"Uh..." The girl was stunned for a moment, obviously ignoring Sendoh's last words, and said excitedly, "Can you take me with you?"

Sendoh immediately turned his head and glanced at this girl, her long wavy hair was scattered on her shoulders, her face was pretty cute, but compared with Yotsuba and Aida Yayoi, there was a huge gap.

Sendoh shook his head, directly killed the fantasy in the girl's heart, and immediately said: "You don't know, let's forget it.

The fantasy was wiped out, but the girl did not give up, and immediately said: "It's okay, I can learn!"

"Uh...." Sendoh felt extremely helpless in his heart, didn't they say that boys have thick skins? Girls have thick skins, and they are not weak at all!

Indeed, boys who are not attractive will never know how active girls are.

As long as the boys are handsome and rich, even if you play glass balls, you are still handsome and innocent!.

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