Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

229 Detective Yotsuba (Please Order In Full!)

Maybe you can see some groups of men and women come to the beach to have fun at the beach, it is very lively.

But you will never see it in your life, a boy surrounded by a group of more than a dozen girls wants to learn to dig seafood.

Not only that, some girls in dresses even stuck their feet in the shallow sea mud without paying attention.

The white silk stockings, which are as pure as white lotus root, are already full of mud.

"Hey, don't make trouble!" Sendoh shouted immediately.

"Mr. Sendoh, look that I caught a crab!!" a brave young lady suddenly shouted excitedly.

Sendoh sighed, originally wanted to grab some seafood quietly and improve the food.

But now, let alone seafood, Sendoh is almost squeezed dry.

A group of girls, alive and well, didn't need any tools at all, and just grabbed them without any disgust on their faces, and they all looked very happy.

And this harmonious scene really made the boys above envy and hate!

A little bit of time passed, Sendoh picked up his toolbox and said immediately: "I'm going back, do you still want to catch it?"

"go back?"

The girls were startled immediately, and then said again and again: "No, catch it for a while!"

"Sendoh-kun, I just learned this technique, can I wait a little longer?!"

Sendoh raised his brows, feeling a bit of slander in his heart. Back then, Sendoh had been persuading him not to follow and not to disturb him.

But now, these girls are obviously more excited than him!

In the end, the girls couldn't keep Sendoh, and they were all disappointed, but turned to look disgusted.

"Ah, it's so dirty here, I actually played here all afternoon!!!???"

"My white dress, I just bought it!!"

Regarding these matters, Sendoh didn't care at all. After returning home and putting away his things, he took a shower, changed his dirty clothes, and put them in the washing machine.

Then lie directly on the bed.

In the evening, I went out for a meal, and after a walk outside, Sendoh went home.

Just in front of the house, I happened to meet Aida Yayoi.

"Yo, Miss Yayoi."!" Sendoh said with a sudden smile.

"I..." Aida Yayoi said with a smile, but was interrupted by ten shouts in an instant.

"Yeah, Miss Yayoi!"

I saw that at the entrance of the corridor, Clover suddenly ran out excitedly, with an exaggerated smile and movements, it seemed that she was looking for a hug.

A black line suddenly appeared on Aida Yayoi's face. She saw Clover, but she didn't expect him to be so crazy.

But without avoiding Clover's embrace, Aida Yayoi smiled wryly and said, "Clover is here too."

Yotsuba nodded again and again, and then saw the pile of materials in Aida Yayoi's hands, and said excitedly: "Yeah, is Miss Yayoi here to deliver materials to Sendoh-kun?"

"Uh..." Aida Yayoi was stunned for a moment, and said quickly: "No, this is what I need to investigate for my work."

"Hey, but I clearly saw the names of Sannoh High and Kainan's subordinates..." Clover suddenly said with a sly gleam in his eyes.

Hehe, do you want to be alone with Sendoh-kun without my warning?

What are you kidding!!!

She was completely aware of Clover's thoughts, because Clover had already written a complacent expression on her face.

Although it is impossible for Aida Yayoi to be angry with a high school girl, she was also a little upset in her heart, and said with a smile: "It's just for work, I'm a sports reporter."


Yotsuba was stunned for a moment, never expecting that Aida Yayoi would use work as an excuse, but then she didn't want to give up and said: "Then can I see sister Yayoi's work information?"


Aida Yayoi was about to refuse, but at this moment, Sendoh suddenly shouted, Yotsuba stuck out her tongue slightly, and suddenly felt a little reckless.

After all, Aida Yayoi said that she was working, maybe it was a relatively hidden thing.

With an apologetic smile, Sendoh said, "I'm sorry, Miss Yayoi, Yotsuba is a little rude, don't worry about it."

"It's okay." Aida Yayoi waved her hands again and again.

"So, Miss Yayoi didn't come to deliver materials, so why is she here?" Sendoh asked.

"Ah, I just got off work, so I came to see you." Aida Yayoi said after turning his eyes with a bright head.

"Haha, I've seen it now, so I'll go now!" Aida Yayoi said, shaking her hands and backing away: "Sendoh-kun, thank you for taking care of Hikoichi at school.

Yotsuba yelled quickly, but Aida Yayoi hurried away as if fleeing.

"Really, running so fast, are you afraid of being eaten?" Clover muttered suddenly.

Sendoh shrugged and said with a smile: "But, it's really time for you to come out. "

"Ah?!!" Yotsuba suddenly exclaimed, and then quickly said: "Sendoh-kun, I still have something to do, so let's go first!!"

"Hey, Clover!"

"Sendoh-kun, good night!" Yotsuba pretended not to hear, just like Aida Yayoi just now, she still ran away!

"What, am I so scary?" Sendoh said helplessly.

One or two are like fleeing for their lives.

Immediately, without thinking too much, Sendoh directly opened the door and walked in.

I had nothing to say all night, at 6 o'clock the next morning, Sendoh still got up early and went for a run, but today Sendoh didn't touch Yotsuba, maybe the little girl also needs a beauty sleep.

In this regard, Sendoh also has no problem.

And this situation, Sendoh has been maintained for a week.

For a week, Yotsuba didn’t even go to Sendoh, and Sendoh spent a week’s free time very easily, doing some simple muscle training every morning, and reading manga in the afternoon, Sometimes I go to the field to play basketball.

It's just that his life is very nourishing, but for Yotsuba and Aida Yayoi, it is very painful.

Yotsuba has been at home this week, or has been in this apartment floor, as if she was a detective.

She has been observing to see if Aida Yayoi has come. During the banquet before, Sendoh didn't expressly refuse, which made Yotsuba feel very vigilant.

Absolutely don't give her a chance, if she can take advantage of this kind of thing, she should be killed in the cradle!

For a week, even if her classmates came to play with her, they excused her with the excuse of feeling unwell, but for a week, she didn’t see Aida Yayoi at all.” This made Clover very depressed and strange.

Aida Yayoi is not planning to come?.

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