Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

230 Aida Yayoi's Investigation Data (Seek Full Order!)

Ever since she was caught by her last time, does Aida Yayoi also feel that there is no chance at all when she is around?

Yotsuba couldn't help but feel a little shaken, standing on the corridor and looking down, she couldn't see Aida Yayoi at all.

The latter's figure is definitely top-notch, and it is impossible for him to ignore it, but if he doesn't see it, it means that the other party has never come over.

Clover shook her head and returned to her home.

On the second day, she changed her position, but still did not find Aida Yayoi, which made her inner thoughts suddenly depressed.

Now how much she hopes that this rival in love will stand on the bright side, so that she won't be suspicious every day.

Afterwards, on the third day, Yotsuba finally stopped observing Aida Yayoi's figure like standing guard, but looked for Sendoh, and wanted to take Sendoh out for a stroll, but Sendoh refused.

Clover felt a little lost at once, but then went out to play with her classmates.

Maybe she thought too much, Aida Yayoi is a working person after all, it is impossible to have time every day.

However, just ten minutes after Si 753 left with her classmates, Aida Yayoi entered the apartment furtively with a cat on her body, and then went upstairs lightly. When she came to the door of Sendoh, she was relieved .

Outside, she watched Yotsuba leave, her eyes staring at a closed door in front of her, Aida Yayoi's heart was very messy.

For a week, who knows how she spent the week like this.

In the previous week, every time she got off work, she would come to Sendoh to have a look, but when she first arrived downstairs, she saw Yotsuba constantly looking downstairs, as if she was looking for something.

However, Aida Yayoi didn't think much, turned her head and walked away.

After all, Yotsuba was still there, and she didn't have a chance to find Sendoh. She thought in her heart, let's come and see tomorrow.

However, when she got off work the next day, she still came over, but saw Yotsuba's figure was still downstairs, but she just changed her position.

This made Aida Yayoi vigilant and dumbfounded. This little girl seems to be really observing herself!

After that, for a week, Aida Yayoi could see Yotsuba every time she came over, which made her afraid to go directly to Sendoh.

And today, it was also his public holiday time. When he first came to Sendoh’s residence, before he entered, he saw Clover went out with his friends, which made Aida Yayoi overjoyed!

Then, I went to Sendoh's residence with a heart full of apprehension.

This gave her a sense of déjà vu to do something wrong and meet her little lover.

Immediately, Aida Yayoi shook her head hastily, getting rid of the messy thoughts in her heart, then tidied up her clothes, and immediately rang the doorbell.

After a while, the door opened, and Sendoh stood in front of the door. When he saw Aida Yayoi standing outside the door, he was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Miss Yayoi? Why are you here?"

"Of course I sent you materials." Aida Yayoi immediately gave Sendoh a blank look, with some resentment in her eyes.

Sendoh looked confused, where did he offend her? Why do you feel that she doesn't like him?

Seeing Sendoh's puzzled face, Aida Yayoi immediately calmed down like a deer bumping her heart, and said with a smile: "Won't you invite me in?"

This smile is quite amorous.

Sendoh nodded ignorantly, and quickly stepped aside to let Aida Yayoi in.

It was also the first time for the latter to come to Sendoh's house, and when he saw that it was neat and clean, it didn't feel like a boy's messy room, and there was no peculiar smell in the house, and the furniture inside was very clean.

"I didn't expect that a boy could organize the room so orderly." Xiang (bgcb) Yayoi turned his head and glanced at Sendoh, and said with a smile.

"Haha, it's nothing." Sendoh scratched his head and said with a smile.

Let Aida Yayoi sit on the sofa, Sendoh got up and went to the refrigerator to take out two bottles of drinks, handed them to Aida Yayoi, and then sat down himself.

Immediately, Sendoh's eyes fell on the neatly arranged documents on the table, and he said immediately: "Is this the investigation by Miss Yayoi?"

"Of course, I wasted my strength!" Aida Yayoi said immediately.

Sendoh picked up the reports and flipped through them one by one.

Aida Yayoi deserves to be a journalist. As a reporter, all the materials in these reports are complete and can be understood at first glance.

Sendoh flipped through another page, and suddenly froze for a moment, the top of the information in front of him read "Shohoku High School!"

"Where's Shohoku's..." A trace of curiosity suddenly arose in Sendoh's heart, and he read it carefully.

Aida Yayoi didn't bother Sendoh, and she felt a little proud in her heart. After Sendoh finished reading, she quickly asked, "How is it?"

"I just finished watching Shohoku, but I already have a general idea of ​​the Winter Cup." Sendoh said with a smile.

Aida Yayoi was taken aback, then asked: "Probably?"

"That's right, even Kaede Rukawa has met the conditions to open the zone, so how can he lose as his predecessors?" Sendoh said immediately.

Yes, in the information report just now, it was officially emphasized that Kaede Rukawa had reached the conditions to be able to open the zone after a training match.

However, this investigation is dispensable to Sendoh, it just adds some fun to the Winter Cup, and if Shohoku only has one who can open the zone, there is no advantage at all.

"Why is there no information about Sakuragi?" Sendoh asked puzzled.

Aida Yayoi stroked his forehead suddenly with a headache, and said: "Sakuragi, although he is also in Shohoku this summer vacation, compared with Kaede Rukawa, he is not as bright at all, but in general, his strength has not improved much. few.

"Okay." Sendoh nodded, he believed in Sakuragi Hanamichi's talent, and also firmly believed that the other party's talent was not weaker than Kaede Rukawa at all, it was just a matter of time.

With Sakuragi Hanamichi's jumping character, if he had a qualitative leap in growth, he would be so proud that he would publicize it everywhere, but the other party obviously didn't do so.

This means that there are two possibilities.

One is that Sakuragi Hanamichi really has no chance of improving.

The second point is that Sakuragi Hanamichi has grown too much in terms of strength, not to mention that his jumping character has become calm, and he has also gained the possibility of growth.

Two points, Sendoh is more inclined to the second point. .

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