Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

35 Who Can Stop Sendoh?

This is still two quarters, Sendoh's personal data, if the whole game is down, they can't imagine what Sendoh can do.

Even if in the end Sendoh looks at the gorgeous data of 100 points alone, they will not be surprised!

Because they think, that is the genius Sendoh, should have made it that far!!

On the court, the game continued and Yangquan served.

After Fukui Kensuke received the basketball, he passed the basketball directly the moment Sendoh came over!

It is impossible to deal with people, Fukui Kensuke very wisely chooses to avoid his edge, and now Sendoh is the best player in the game!

Totally walking monsters!

Himuro Tatsuya immediately received Fukui's pass, and then rushed directly to the inside.

Powerful ball control skills, Himuro Tatsuya's personal basic skills are very solid, otherwise it would be impossible to make that perfect fake move!

Koshino defended quickly.

However, there is still a considerable gap in strength between the two. Facing Himuro Tatsuya's cross-step, Koshino's body and center of gravity suddenly moved to the right!

In an instant, Himuro Tatsu also rushed directly past Koshino, dribbling the ball into the lane!

Fukuda made a quick touchdown, but at 16, the latter had no intention of dribbling for a layup.

The moment Fukuda defended, he passed the basketball directly!

Liu Wei immediately received the pass and was about to rush into the penalty area, but at this moment, a figure suddenly blocked in front of him!

"This could he be so fast!?" Liu Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately pulled his body back. He couldn't believe that Fukuda's defense speed could reach such a level. !

Can't break through, the latter completely blocked his attacking route, and Ryonan's people on the other side are also watching, if he breaks through forcefully, there is a possibility of losing the ball!

In an instant, Liu Wei passed the basketball directly to the inside!

The moment Atsushi Murasakihara received the basketball, he got up and dunked it!

With a strong body, Yuzhu couldn't take off and block the block at all. He could only knock his hands away, but his legs couldn't jump at all!


The attack was successful, Uozumi was not discouraged, turned around and came to the bottom line, and the moment he received the referee's serve, he threw the basketball out!

In an instant, Sendoh immediately exploded in speed after receiving the pass!

Before the rest of Yangquan returned to the half court, Sendoh had already rushed in front of them with the ball!

"Defend him!" Fukui yelled suddenly, and stood in front of Sendoh.

At this moment, Himuro Tatsuya and Okamura stood on the left and right sides of Fukui, Liu Wei stood on the left hand side of Sendoh, and Atsushi Murasakihara stood behind him!

In an instant, the Yangquan five directly blocked all of Sendoh's attacking routes. There were people on the front, left, and right, and the center line was behind. If Sendoh passed the ball, he would definitely be sentenced to a return foul!

Immediately, everyone in the audience stared at this scene. Five people defended. During the Summer Cup, Luoshan used this method before, but it couldn't stop Sendoh's attack at all.

Now, there are four senior men in their thirties and one Himuro Tatsumi, and Yangquan has always had an indestructible defensive ability!

"Absolute defense, this is the real absolute defense!"

"Just kidding, completely blocked all ways of survival, so that Sendoh can still rush over, that's my brother!!"

"Impossible, this is a defense of five people, no matter how invincible Sendoh is, it is impossible to do this!"

The host Watanabe Yumo suddenly said excitedly: "Such a short distance completely restricts the Sendoh player, and besides there is Atsushi Murasakihara, who is watching and restricting the Sendoh player's mid-range shot!"

"You can't pass the ball behind you. At this time, Sendoh players can only try to break through head-on!"

"Ada, do you think Sendoh-senpai can go there?" Momoi Wuzuki asked suddenly puzzled.

"I don't know, but that guy hasn't used his full strength yet." Qingfeng shook his head and said seriously.

Momoi Wuyue was stunned for a moment, and then quickly remembered that Sendoh hadn't activated the zone yet. If the zone was added, maybe Sendoh could really break through the defense of the five people in Yangquan!

At this time, even Taoka, who had been sitting calmly on the bench, became nervous. Anyway, it's okay even if Sendoh can't make it through, but if this continues, Ryonan's momentum will be greatly reduced!

On the court, Sendoh glanced at Yangquan who was defending him, and immediately understood what the five players were trying to do. They used the number of players to block Sendoh's offensive ability, and there were no gaps in their positions, allowing Sendoh to pass the ball!

"Do you think that many people can stop me?" Sendoh said with a sneer, and immediately moved the basketball in his hand. In an instant, a terrifying oppressive force instantly engulfed B in front of him!

【The soul of the leader!】

Sendoh has never been activated, but now, since it chooses to break through, it should be easy not to waste energy, and the moment [Leader's Soul] is activated, Sendoh directly activates at full power.

In an instant, among the five, Atsushi Murasakihara, who entered the zone state, blocked Sendoh's oppressive force, and the other four began to tremble the moment Sendoh was turned on.

Among them, even if Atsushi Murasakihara was in the zone state, he was still affected a little bit!

[Leader's Soul], but even a player with a strong spirit like Akashi, it is impossible to ignore the skill!

It's like a mountain is pressing on them, it's completely breathless!

At this moment, Sendoh moved suddenly, and the moment his body flickered to the left suddenly, the bodies of the three people in front of him subconsciously followed Sendoh's movement and shifted together.

Under such strong pressure, they dare not bet on which side Sendoh will go to. At this moment, a gap appeared on the right side of the three of them!

Sendoh's pitch-black pupils suddenly flashed a flash of light, and his body changed direction in an instant. With the super fast starting speed, the five people around him couldn't react at all!

In an instant, Sendoh rushed out of that gap!

At this moment, Atsushi Ziyuan got up and chased Sendoh after being stunned for 0.2 seconds!

However, the other four people have not come back to their senses until now, not only that, the oppressive force of [Leader's Soul] still enveloped them!

In the auditorium, a loud voice erupted suddenly, not a cheer, but a voice full of shock!

"Damn!!! This speed is too fast!!"

"It's so fast, just rushed over!!??"

"It's too fake!? Five people defending, but they can't stop Sendoh-kun's footsteps. This is no longer invincible, but unsolvable!"

"Is there any dear friend who can suppress Mr. Sendoh, I seem to see Mr. Sendoh being surpassed by others!".

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