The host Watanabe Yumo suddenly shouted excitedly: "There are still 30 seconds left in the game. In this last quarter, Sendoh's physical strength can still maintain such a strong level!"

"It's unbelievable that a high school student can do this. In comparison, Yangquan's ace is far behind Sendoh!" Hachimura Lei followed up.

On the other hand, on the court, Sendoh quickly ran down with the ball, and Ziyuan behind him accelerated in an instant. Facing Sendoh's super fast attack, he had to use double his physical strength to maintain his own speed to catch up with Sendoh!

However, just when Atsushi Murasakihara was about to catch up with Sendoh, the basketball in the latter's hand was passed to the left!

The basketball directly crosses the midfield and flies directly to the sideline!


Koshino stands on the left sideline, rushes to Sendoh's pass in a split second, jumps up and shoots!


At this time, the others in Yangquan were still behind Sendoh, and there was no time to return to defense at all, even in terms of time, it was impossible!

The basketball was thrown out immediately, and after drawing a beautiful arc in the air, it fell into the net with a bang!

Hollow into the basket, under the condition of unmarked, 100% accurate aim!

"Perfect shot!" Yutai Watanabe said immediately.

"The second quarter is coming to an end, and the point difference has reached 20 points again!"

Compared with before, this point difference is already considered slow, but everyone in the audience didn't feel how slow the pace was!

The game continued, with the last 25 seconds remaining, Himuro Tatsumi also suddenly appeared outside the end line, and immediately after receiving the referee's serve, he directly threw the basketball high into the air!

At this time, everyone in Ryonan hadn't returned to defense yet, and they didn't notice Himuro Tatsuya's movements at all!

Sendoh, who was standing outside the three-point line, [Eagle Eye] fully noticed that the moment Himuro Tatsuya received the ball, Murasakihara Atsuna was running towards Ryonan's basket!

With a super long pass and a full-court pass, Atsushi Murasakihara Kazuma rushed directly into Ryonan's inside line first. The moment he turned around, he received the falling basketball. In an instant, Atsushi Murasakihara rushed directly to the basket!

However, at this moment, Atsushi Murasakihara's body, which was supposed to jump up, still stayed on the spot, his legs stretched straight down, trembling constantly!

It's a pity that Atsushi Murasakihara didn't jump up to the basket so close!

"Damn it, even if it's like this, I can still invest in it!"

Atsushi Ziyuan cursed inwardly, raised the basketball with the palm of his hand, aimed at the basket and was about to shoot.

However, at this moment, a figure rushed directly in front of him, and at a jump height that was not too high, before Atsushi Ziyuan threw the basketball, he directly covered the opponent's basketball!

"Murakahara, looking at you from this height, you are really short.

Sendoh sneered in the air.

The basketball flew directly to the back, and after Koshino received the basketball, he directly attacked in the opposite direction!

Sendoh bypasses Murasakihara and attacks directly!

Super fast, when Sendoh came to Kazuma Hirakawa and rushed inside, Koshino immediately passed the basketball to him!

After receiving the basketball, Sendoh stared at the pressure from the Sixers and Okamura, and took off directly in the restricted area!

With a super high jumping arc, Sendoh seems to be flying in the air!

Liu Wei's body directly fell to the ground, Sendoh took off at the limit, and the latter didn't take back his strength at all.

Okamura stretched his body straight, but he couldn't jump up, he could only spread his arms!

In an instant, Sendoh's gliding body finally fell down, and the basketball in both hands was slammed into the hoop!


In an instant, the moment after the hands fell, the entire backboard suddenly burst into violent tremors.

22 points!

The gap keeps widening!

Fukui Kensuke panted heavily and wiped the sweat off his face.

The scores on the scorer are constantly expanding, however, they have not been able to limit it.

In the final quarter, Atsushi Murasakihara's physical strength has reached its limit.

During the first quarter and the first half of the second quarter, Atsushi Ziyuan dunked non-stop. Although he caught up with many points for Yangquan, his physical strength was also constantly being consumed.

The legs have reached the load level and can no longer jump up.

At this moment, Ziyuan has even withdrawn from the zone state.

Off the field, Masako Araki shook her head, without Murasakihara's restriction, no one in the field could resist Sendoh.

However, fortunately, there are only 10 seconds left, and the ball is still in Yangquan's hands.

The best plan now is to end the game and let everyone in Yangquan take a breather.

Now, Ziyuan is not the only one whose physical strength has reached the limit, everyone in Yangquan and Ryonan has reached the limit of physical strength.

Sendoh also withdrew from [Children's Heart] and [Wildness]. In this situation, Sendoh's strength as a thousand horses is no longer needed.

Moreover, he also needs to save some energy.

Xiao Zi has reached her limit, she has never seen it before.

Momoi Itsuki said with a smile.

With Murasakihara, Sendoh has defeated all generations of Miracles, including Daiki Aomine!

Aomine Daiki remained silent, as he is now, he can't guarantee that he can really defeat Sendoh head-on.

Time passed little by little, and finally Yangquan's time-delaying tactics, and the final pick-and-roll, Liu Wei successfully scored two points with a hook!


Finally, the game whistle sounded, and everyone in Yangquan frowned and walked to the bench.

Scored 2 points, but it's nothing, the gap with Ryonan now, but there is a gap of 20 points!

Yangquan fell into a complete collapse at the last moment.

With Sendoh's super strength, even five people can't stop each other's footsteps!

"The second quarter is over, this quarter let us see the duel between aces!" Yutai Watanabe said excitedly.

The two teams walked towards their own locker rooms, and in the middle of the field, the big screen slowly fell down.

On the two-sided screen, the figures of Atsushi Murasakihara and Sendoh are being played.

Among them Koshino and Himuro Tatsumi also exist.

The actions of Sendoh and Atsushi Murasakihara are specially slowed down and played twice.

The speed of the two, under normal playback, no one can see their speed clearly.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a talented player among the high school students of Nihong." Yushi Watanabe said with a sigh: "Compared to us, the older generation, we can already retire."

"Who says it's not? I'm at this age, but I haven't touched the zone yet. Talent is really important!" Lei Hachimura said immediately.

"However, the strength of the Sendoh player really shines in front of our eyes. Now I can finally understand what you said, Sishi."

"What words?"

"Ryonan, where Sendoh is, will definitely be one of the most popular championship teams this year!".

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