Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

36 Final Strategies

"Absolutely, Sendoh is the most talented and powerful player I have ever seen!" Hachimura Lei nodded and said.

"It seems that this year's finals will definitely be very lively."

"This year's Sannoh High, we have an opponent!"

In the locker room, everyone sat on stools, drank mineral water, and slowly regained their strength.

In the two quarters of the game, the physical strength is exhausted very quickly, and among them, living is even more exhausted.

Every time Atsushi Ziyuan attacked, Yuzhu came to defend, but every time he was confronted by him.

Sendoh's physical strength was also exhausted with only a little physical strength left.

However, in the Summer Cup, the increase of [Children's Heart] and [Wildness] could only last for three to four minutes, but now, Sendoh lasted for the entire halftime.

five minutes!!

Up to now, physical strength has reached the limit.

"Then we can relax a bit, Yuzhu, Fukuda and Yuzhu. In the third quarter, the three of you will get off the field first and recover yourself." Taoka stood aside and said in a deep voice.

He is very satisfied with the actions of the players now, which is also the result of two months of training.

But for now, Ryonan's three main players must take a break.

Koshino and Uekusa can't, Koshino still needs to deal with Himuro Tatsuya, and Uekusa is the point guard, without Sendoh, now he must lead the team's rhythm 610 control


Sendoh nodded without question, and agreed to Taoka's request.

He also needs time to recover, and Sendoh's physical strength was only slightly more than half recovered in the ten minutes of the intermission.

Yuzu hesitated for a moment, and said: "Coach, it's okay for Sendoh to go down, but if I go down, no one can restrain that Ziyuan in Yangquan."

Taoka smiled, nodded, and said, "It's because I need you that I let you go down, so I can restore my physical strength as soon as possible."

"If you raise it, the advantage we gained in the first half will be caught up."

"It doesn't matter, Yuzhu Boss, if you are caught up, just cut it down." Sendoh said indifferently.

Uozumi is Ryonan's captain and a pillar-level existence, so he must be kept in excellent condition.

Fukuda glanced at Taoka, nodded without refusing.

In the Yangquan locker room, everyone had disappointed expressions on their faces, and Atsushi Ziyuan even covered his head with a towel to cover his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Masako Araki's eyes were gloomy, and she immediately shouted sternly!

"Stop making such expressions!"

"The game is not over yet, we in Yangquan have not lost yet!"

"Cheer yourself up a bit, hurry up to recover your strength, show your best form, and face the second half of the game for me!!"

Although Masako Araki is a daughter, she has been a coach for so many years, and the oppression of the former female basketball player who was once even more neon is completely higher than the high school students in front of her!

Immediately, the eyes of everyone in Yangquan regained some light, Fukui Kensuke frowned tightly, and asked, "But coach, how are we going to deal with that Sendoh of Ryonan!"

"Yeah, the defense of five people can't stop him, his strength and oppression are too strong!" Okamura said with great agreement.

Araki Masako was silent for a long time, this is also the most critical point, Sendoh's personal strength has far surpassed everyone, and the gap between them cannot be made up by the number of people at all

Finally, he raised his head and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you lose this game, don't you guys want to be one place lower than others willingly!?"

"We are Yangquan! We are the team called Absolute Defense!"

"That Sendoh's strength is strong, but there will always be a time when his physical strength is exhausted!"

"So, show your fighting spirit, his genius Sendoh is not invincible!"


Immediately, except for Zi Yuan, a trace of fighting spirit burned in the eyes of everyone again, flickering and flickering, but extremely shining in the eyes.

After taking a look at Atsushi Murakihara, Masako Araki said immediately, "Murahihara, after the third quarter, take a rest and try to recover your strength!"

"There is also the ice room, you also need to restore it!"

Himuro Tatsuya also nodded. He has been playing relay running with Koshino, and he still needs to observe Sendoh's movements. His physical strength has been exhausted in the second quarter!

"I don't want to, I want to defeat Ryonan!" Atsushi Murasakihara said in a willful tone with his head down.

"Don't be awkward, you just want to defeat that Sendoh, but at least you have to reach the peak level as soon as possible, otherwise, you will never be able to do it!" Masako Araki said with a sigh.

Although hearing Ziyuan's words, she was very happy in her heart. Before Ziyuan didn't care about the victory of the game, she even said that if her temper came up, she could do H.

But now, it was not easy for Ziyuan to raise his fighting spirit, how could Masako Araki keep Ziyuan Atsushi to stay on the court all the time.

Only Atsushi Ziyuan can compete with Sendoh, and the rest of Yangquan can't do this at all!

"All right."

In the end, Atsushi Murasakihara compromised, as Masako Araki said, he was like beating Sendoh to prove his talent, the strongest!

Time passed bit by bit, and soon, the ten minutes of the intermission passed quickly, and amidst the sound of the radio, the two sides faced off and re-entered the field.

"OK! The long wait is finally over!" The host Watanabe Yutai said immediately: "The third quarter is just beginning, I believe the audience friends can't wait!"

"If you want me to say, ten minutes of waiting, I feel that the days are like years!" Hachimura Lei followed up.

There were bursts of laughter in the field, but the words of the host also expressed their hearts.

"It's finally started, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Sendoh-san! Sendoh-san!"

"I'm very excited, I don't know how Sendoh will show off in the third quarter!"

"Hey, look, Sendoh-kun is sitting on the bench and has no plans to play!"

"Just kidding, I finally waited for halftime and didn't even play!"

The two teams play, the Ryonan team plays, Sugahira No. 11 plays the center, replacing Uozumi, Ikegami also switches with Fukuda, and Sendoh's small forward position is replaced by BEN.

In the game, Sendoh sat on the bench, and when he heard the voices of the audience in the field, he suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

Now I am a celebrity no matter what, and any action may affect the audience.

Among them, Yotsuba also heard the audience's voice, and immediately covered her mouth and smiled: "Sendoh-kun, they asked you to come on stage."

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