Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

37 The Final Tug-Of-War (Please Subscribe!)

"Well, I heard that too." Sendoh said with a smile.

Anyway, Sendoh can't play right now.

The game has already started, and when Sendoh saw the Yangquan lineup, he was taken aback for a moment.

"Atsushi Murasakihara didn't play either.

Yotsuba also discovered this. In the field, Yangquan's team replaced Murasakihara, who was also a two-meter-tall center forward, and Himuro Tatsuya, who also came off the field, was replaced by a two-meter-high center forward. He is tall and wears the No. 7 jersey.

Facing Sugahira who only has 190com, he will suffer a lot in terms of defense and offense.

Sendoh wasn't surprised at all, Taoka could think of it, but Araki Masako couldn't think of it.

Similarly, Masako Araki breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Sendoh was not playing in the position of Yangquan!

At this time, it is entirely Yangquan's opportunity. Taking this opportunity can not only catch up with the point difference, but also allow Yangquan to overtake a little bit, and relieve the pressure on his body!

The game started, Ryonan served, and after Sendoh went off, Uekusa returned to the point guard. Fukui himself was relieved to see this scene.

If he faced Sendoh again, his nerves would be tense all the time, and this would not only exhaust his physical strength, but also exhaust his spirit.

After receiving the serve, Uekusa immediately attacked quickly, everyone in Ryonan immediately started to run without the ball, and when Uekusa came outside the three-point line, he passed directly to the inside!

The moment he catches the ball, he goes straight in and faces Liu Wei who is defending him. Although he does not have an advantage in height, Ikegami is in full condition now!

Compared with Liu Wei who has only recovered to more than half of his physical strength, Ikegami can play more perfectly!

Once again feinted, Ikegami jumped up and shot!


The basketball is perfectly drawn into the net, and it feels soft!

After two months of training, Ryonan's overall strength has improved rapidly, and the degree of running-in is the best!

But now, Yangquan's offensive ability in this aspect has not decreased but increased, entirely because Ryonan Sendoh is not on the court, and the opponent has two full-state players.

The full Pentagon team!

The heights of the five people are all over two meters. With the advantage of the giant's height and its own tonnage and strength, Yangquan completely staged a tank attack!

Keep passing, keep attacking!

The tacit understanding of the five people is also very good. The moment Kensuke Fukui rushed to the inside, he directly threw the basketball high, and under the basket, Sugahira and the No. 20 center immediately took off!

With the advantage of height, the center forward's outstretched arm immediately caught the basketball in the air, and in an instant, he pressed down on Sugahira and dunked it directly on the basket!

"Perfect match!" Yutai Watanabe exclaimed excitedly: "Yangquan's team is not weaker than Ryonan. With all the advantages, they can score easily!"

"Ryonan is also good. Even if there are no three general-level players, the masters on the field cooperate very well!" Hachimura said suddenly.

Under Yangquan's cooperation dunk, Ryonan's offense is slower, especially because of the state problem, Koshino and the No. 7 shooting guard facing him, even if Koshino's strength is higher than him, but he can't do it Get rid of the opponent's defense directly.

However, the No. 7 in front of him should not be a shooting guard, but should be arranged by Masako Araki in order to meet the team's requirements!

There is a big difference between the two sides!

Constantly running quickly, Koshino got up and shot after receiving a pass from Uekusa in an open spot!


Three-pointer hit!

With the pentagonal inside bombing attack, although Yangquan can easily score a layup, the vacancy of the outside line is also shown.

As long as Koshino can keep running and keep himself open, he can recover the score with a three-pointer

However, there is a huge difference in physical strength between the two sides!

Five minutes into the third quarter, Koshino and Uekusa finally reached their limits, and Taoka had to call a timeout to send them off.

Instead of substitute players, Uozumi and Fukuda who have almost recovered.

Sendoh was still called by Taoka to sit on the bench.

Fukuda and Uozumi play, Uozumi is still at the center position, Sugahira is assigned to the shooting guard, Ikegami and No. 3 players are still at the positions of power forward and small forward, and there is no change. ……… Ask for flowers…..

Fukuda's offensive ability is inferior to Sendoh's on Ryonan, but his three-point shooting ability is very poor. It is not as high as Sugahira's shooting rate. Now he can only be arranged as a point guard.

Fortunately, when Sendoh taught Fukuda defense, he also taught him how to grasp the rhythm of the team, which is also a special ability of point guards.

Sendoh was sitting on the bench, and when he saw Taoka's arrangement, he immediately smiled and said, "Coach, if you arrange it like this, it's easy for Ryonan to explode."

Taoka suddenly smiled and said: "It's okay, this time is just for them to hone themselves, they can't always be in your shadow to enjoy the cool."


"Okay, now you need to recover your strength as soon as possible. In the last quarter of the game, I will hand it over to my main card."

"All right.

Sendoh shrugged his shoulders, he had thought a long time ago that Taoka was planning this idea, but he didn't care, anyway, the final victory would be Ryonan.

This, Sendoh has never questioned.

As for Yangquan, Araki Masako obviously also had this plan. Seeing that Sendoh is still not playing, she has some understanding in her heart.

At this moment, both sides are keeping themselves in a low-key state, and when the final moment begins, they will give the trump card!

In the arena, the tug-of-war between the two sides is very lively!

Yangquan's tank attack has finally been suppressed since Yuzumi and Fukuda came on the field.

As a center forward, Uozumi is a figure who can be ranked first in the country. Even Kiyoshi Teppei, who is the only one among the five generals without a crown, who is said to be talented and can meet the generation of miracles, Uozumi can also Deal with it.

In Yangquan now, without Ziyuan Dun, there is only one backup center forward, who can't suppress Yuzhu's strength at all!

On the contrary, Yuzhu was able to recover the score by dunking under the basket after the opponent scored!

Both sides are chasing after each other, and the score is constantly expanding!

The audience watched the game very quietly. Although there was no excitement like Sendoh at the moment, this kind of technical game that replenished the soul was also what they liked!

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