Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

44 Yes, I Am Sendoh!

Sendoh suddenly smiled and said, "Is this a painting in the art exhibition?"

"Well, let's go in and take a look later, maybe it's the fault of the poster, it might be flawed." Clover nodded.

Not long after, the food ordered by the two came up, and the two waited while eating.

The art exhibition opened on time at 12 o'clock, and within half an hour, the two of them just finished their meal.

Sendoh had never been to an art exhibition before. When he saw the neatly arranged pictures inside and the portraits hanging on the walls, Sendoh's eyes lit up.

Well, although there is no artistic talent, it does not prevent Sendoh from thinking that these paintings are very beautiful.

There was even a smile on Yotsuba's face, and her big eyes shone brightly, like stars.

"It's so beautiful." Clover immediately ran to an urban ink painting and shouted excitedly.

"Indeed." Sendoh also nodded, the ink painting is very delicate, and it brings a touch of dreamy color to the night city, but Sendoh only thinks this painting is good, and the others really can't appreciate it . 16 The two walked towards the inside. The walls of the corridor were covered with portraits, and the four leaves were dazzled.

"Hey, what is this?" Clover suddenly walked to a dot the size of a black glass ball on a painting, and the rest of the place was blank.

Sendoh tilted his head, he didn't understand what the painting meant, and what was so good about it?

You know, the paintings that can be hung on the wall are all famous paintings and works that have been appraised by masters.

But what does this round black dot represent?

"Well, it doesn't matter, let's go in and have a look." Sendoh shook his head amusedly, even if Sendoh racked his brains, he couldn't figure out what the meaning of this painting was.

Simply put, Sendoh doesn't think about it at all. Anyway, if he can't appreciate it, he will just smash it.

"Hmph, only a vulgar person can't see what this painting means. 21

At this moment, an extremely unfriendly voice suddenly sounded behind the two of them. Sendoh heard the voice and looked back, only to see a young man in his twenties standing behind.

Wearing a suit and leather shoes and shiny leather shoes on his feet, he looks like a successful person.

"Bah! You are the vulgar person!" Clover couldn't bear the anger at all, and immediately shouted.

A gentle smile suddenly appeared on the young man's face, and he said with a smile: "Little sister, I'm not talking about you, but just your friend."

"Then I'm going to talk about you!" Yotsuba immediately bared her teeth. If she was talking about her, she could bear it for a while, but when she said Sendoh, she couldn't bear it, and she couldn't bear it!

An embarrassing smile suddenly appeared on the young man's face. At this moment, Sendoh immediately grabbed Yotsuba who was facing forward, with a faint smile on his face, and did not respond to the young man's words at all.

Sendoh said indifferently: "Okay, Clover, let's not get acquainted with unreasonable people, after all, we are not familiar with each other."

"You..." Young Lian suddenly became gloomy, stood in front of Sendoh, and said in a low voice, "Who are you talking about making trouble for no reason?"

"Ah, I really don't understand what qualifications you have for a forceful person like you." Sendoh's eyes slightly dimmed, and he said in a cold voice.

Originally, he didn't want to care about this kind of thing, because of his good temper, Sendoh didn't care about the young man's words at all, but if the other party pushes forward, it's hard to say.

"Qualification?!" The young man sneered suddenly: "Just because I am young, I am worth over a million dollars, and you are just a brat!"

"Also, apologize to me, or I'll let you get out of this gallery!"

At this time, even Yotsuba showed an angry expression on his face, and said immediately: "Obviously you should apologize, why should we say it!?"

"Just because I have money!"

"Oh, since you are rich, why don't you buy this painting?" Sendoh suddenly smiled and said, "It can't be poor, can it?"

"This is my money, I can buy it if I want, you have to take care of it!" the young man said immediately.

Sendoh shook his head immediately, is it because he is too handsome and hated by others? Why do so many people always target me?

In an instant, Sendoh looked at the young man's eyes, and said coldly: "I don't care if you are worth millions or anything, it has nothing to do with me, now you have to apologize for your recklessness!"

"Hahaha, let me apologize!?" The young man suddenly laughed, raised his finger to Sendoh, and immediately shouted: "Are you worthy too!?"

For a split second, Sendoh's right hand grasped the young man's fingers, and the strength of his palm suddenly increased. At this moment, Sendoh's eyes dimmed slightly, and the leader's soul opened directly!

The terrifying and powerful oppressive force directly swept across the entire corridor, and Sendoh condensed all this oppressive force on the young man in an instant!

You know, Sendoh's leader's soul is a skill that even Akashi Seijuro can't ignore!

In an instant, the tens of thousands of oppressive forces directly crushed the young man. His body, which was originally straight, directly bent his legs under Sendoh's oppressive force.

However, Sendoh's right hand was still holding on to the opponent's index finger, and under the tremendous force, there was a tearing pain on the finger.

"Ah! Let go, let me go!"

The young man seems to stand up straight, but the powerful pressure will affect even athletes, let alone an ordinary person who doesn't exercise!

"Sendoh-kun..." Yotsuba called weakly.

At this moment, Sendoh exudes a majestic spirit all over his body, and his domineering invincibility is fully revealed in an instant.

Sendoh frowned, quickly turned off the [Leader's Soul], and then let go of the young man's index finger.

The moment the latter let go of Sendoh, he hurriedly stepped back while holding his index finger, his eyes full of fear and panic.

"You're finished, let me tell you, you're finished!" The young man blushed and hissed.

"Aren't you going to get out?" Sendoh raised his brows and took a step forward. The strong oppressive force appeared again, and the young man's face turned pale with fright.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Sendoh?"

At this moment, a weak voice came from behind, Sendoh turned off his skills, turned to look behind him, and raised his brows suddenly.

There were four or five little girls standing behind them, all of different kinds, including little Taimei.

Sendoh suddenly smiled and said, "Yes, I am Sendoh."

"Wow! It's really Sendoh-kun!"

"Coincidentally, I didn't expect Mr. Sendoh to come to the art exhibition, I'm so lucky!"

"Haha, my old sister didn't come with me, go back and show off to her, I'm so envious of her!"

"Looking up close, Mr. Sendoh is really handsome!".

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