Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

45 Sending Paintings [Seeking Subscription! 】

"Mr. Sendoh, I really like you playing basketball. Look, my shoes are the same as yours, and they are all the same style!"

"You go away, I have the same jersey as Sendoh!"

"Well, what's the matter?" Sendoh scratched his head and asked puzzled.

I was teaching someone a lesson just now, and the rhythm was interrupted just like that, a little depressed.

"Sendoh-kun, you said in the reporter's interview that a new song will be sung after the game, is that true!?" The frail girl immediately asked.

"Ah, that's right!" Sendoh nodded and said with a smile, "So, you guys have to pray that I win the championship."

"Don't worry, Mr. Sendoh, you can definitely win the championship!" A group of female fans said excitedly.

Looking at the gentle smile on Sendoh's face, the girls seem to have fallen, lost in this smile!

"Sendoh-kun's smile, I will protect it from now on!" the little girl said excitedly.

When Clover heard this, she quickly glanced at the girl, then wrinkled her nose, and really wanted to tell her: Sorry, I'm the first one!

At this moment, a middle-aged man with hair that could be described as a chicken coop ran over and shouted excitedly while running: "Where is Mr. Sendoh!? Mr. Sendoh!!"

"Well, uncle, are you looking for me?" Sendoh said immediately.

"Great, it's really you!" The middle-aged man had clearly seen Sendoh, and quickly grabbed Sendoh's hand, saying excitedly: "Thank you so much, thank you very much!!"

"No, uncle, I don't know you." Sendoh said awkwardly.

This can't be a mental illness, can it?

Or your own fans?

But Sendoh didn't feel that he had helped him, and he hadn't seen it yet.

"Two months ago, I heard your song "Castle in the Sky". Only then can I break through my realm and draw works that are far beyond the previous ones!"

"Er..." Sendoh looked at the uncle in front of him in a daze.

Co-authoring means finding inspiration with the help of my own Sky City!

But Sendoh is not surprised at all. After all, in the previous life, Laputa was the world-renowned top song, and Sendoh just simplified it and played it with a guitar.

If it is really played on the piano, that is the real peerless!

Sometimes, the artistic conception is realized by oneself. People like Sendoh who have no artistic ability can only feel that the city in the sky is very good, and feel that the body and mind are healed.

People with a sense of art will feel and touch that feeling personally.

It's a pity that Sendoh has zero points for art!

"It's just a chance, I didn't do anything, I just played a piece of music." Sendoh shook his head and said.

Not taking credit, not arrogant, Sendoh is such a person.

From the beginning to the end, Sendoh never said that Laputa was his original song, he just played the song.

"No matter what, it's because of you that I was able to draw that painting, otherwise, I wouldn't know the year of the monkey is over." The uncle said with a smile.

"This seems to be an empty author!"

The passers-by around immediately said that there are also some masters in the painting world.

"Teacher Shui, why are you here too!?" the store manager said excitedly.

"Ah, I'm here to see my benefactor." Shui shook his hand and said indifferently.

"Benefactor? Is that the author of the city in the sky?!" A painter said immediately.

They have also heard that Sendoh's Castle in the Sky in the water has created a work that can be ranked number one in the world.

In the city of the sky, many painters in the field also found some inspiration with the help of this song.

Although compared to the water, there are some shortcomings, but they are also very grateful to the author!

Immediately, all eyes fell on Sendoh.

For a while, Sendoh felt uncomfortable, which was different from when he was on the court!

Being stared at by a group of painters, the eyes are like looking at a collection.

"Well, seniors, I just played a piece of music, everything is just fate." Sendoh scratched his head and said awkwardly.

"Ha, don't be modest, boy!"

"That's right, your song "Castle in the Sky" is very nice. You are too humble to be able to compose this song!"

"That's right, excessive modesty is pride, which is not good."

Sendoh gave a dry laugh, this kind of words were completely inappropriate, Sendoh could only smile politely.

The young man who was pushed all the way to the back couldn't believe the scene in front of him!

A boy who is not looked down upon by him is actually respected by so many people, including the empty author, Teacher Shui!!

". "Sendoh......" The young man murmured, and suddenly thought of a song that has been popular all over the country recently!

The boy in front of him turned out to be the original author of Castle in the Sky!?

At this moment, Yotsuba asked in a low voice: "Well, what is the void?"

"Little girl, the painting you saw just now is the empty work of Teacher Shui!" said a person over fifty years old.

"Hey! This one?!" Clover immediately pointed to the painting behind her.

It's just that round black spot, and I don't know what to appreciate.

A black circle, the rest are left blank, can this be regarded as a work?

Sendoh also looked back, and said with a smile, "I don't understand."

"Hahaha, I just found inspiration from the astronomical telescope, and it's one of my best works." Shui said with a smile.

Suddenly, (of Zhao's) his eyes lit up and he asked: "Sendoh, do you like this painting?"

"I can't understand this painting." Sendoh said awkwardly.

"It doesn't matter, it's fine to keep it and hang it at home, haha!" Said Shui, he immediately took down the painting hanging on the wall.

"Give it to you, Sendoh-kun, let me repay your kindness for mentioning the song!"

As he spoke, Shui Shui handed the painting in his hand to Sendoh, and immediately said: "You can't refuse, or I, an old man, will get angry."

Sendoh was about to refuse, but when he heard Shuinhui's words, he immediately laughed: "My song is a masterpiece.


Immediately, the audience roared with laughter, completely unaware that Sendoh would say that.

"Good boy, you are really proud, I like it!!"

"As expected of a person who can make that kind of song, although he is also arrogant!"

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