Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

62 The Toyotama Under The Black Hand【Please Order In Full! 】

Toyotama has a dark history of underhanded.

Just like Kirisaki Daiichi, the kind who will do whatever it takes to win.

At this moment, Uozumi suddenly said: "I remembered, when Toyotama and Shoyo faced each other before, Shoyo's ace was injured once."

"That's right, so be careful." Taoka said in a deep voice, "Fukuda, when defending that Tsuyoshi Minami, try not to get too close."

"I see."

Toyota was on the bench, all starters sat on stools.

"Damn, I'm so angry." Kishimoto cursed suddenly.

"Sure enough, Ryonan is not a weak team at all. It seems that our fast break should be faster." Tsuyoshi Minami said seriously.

"It can only be said that it deserves to be the team that defeated Luoshan. The three five generals who had no championships were defeated by Ryonan." Kishimoto followed up.

"You don't need to "five one three" too fast, as long as you put in more effort on defense. Ryonan's offense is not very strong." Coach Kanehira said at this time.

"Nan, it seems that we have to cooperate again. I really want to beat Ryonan's small forward." Kishimoto turned his head and said.

"It is possible, but Ryonan's trump card, Akira Sendoh is also a small forward, and it will be more difficult to deal with." Tsuyoshi Minami said in a deep voice.

Kishimoto shook his head immediately and said, "So what about the trump card, with the cooperation between you and me, even if he is the trump card, he will be finished."

The conversation between the two, as well as the silence of the rest of the team, ignored Kanehira and didn't even look at him.

The expression on Kanehira's face froze slightly, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

A coach who no one listens to opinions, even said that it depends on the faces of these players. Kanehira's identity as a coach has been completely emptied.

What has always been against him is the real starting lineup, led by Tsuyoshi Minami, who have been taught by Coach Kitano.

As a new coach, he can't change the tactics of these people at all.


The timeout ends, and the two sides enter the field again.

The game starts, Ryanan has the ball.

After receiving the basketball, Uekusa immediately launched a quick attack.

Under the leadership of Sendoh before, Ryonan's overall rhythm was completely grasped by Sendoh.

And now, even without Sendoh, Uekusa knows how to keep the offense going.

Quickly advance to the center line, and at the moment after reaching the three-point line, pull back slightly and make a breakthrough directly from the left.

In an instant, Itakura moved horizontally and blocked Uekusa directly, and even reached for the basketball in the opponent's hand with his right hand.

Uekusa frowned slightly, the basketball in his hand changed hands immediately, and his body turned directly from left to right.

In an instant, the basketball was passed directly to the inside!

Immediately after Ikegami catches the ball, Iwata Mitsuaki blocks directly in front of him.

Immediately, Ikegami held the ball in his left hand and stared at Iwata Mitsuaki without squinting his eyes. Suddenly, he passed the basketball directly to the left to the left!

In an instant, Fukuda rushed over, caught the basketball, and went straight into the penalty area.

"This guy is very explosive!" Tsuyoshi Minami followed closely behind.

Suddenly, Fukuda rushed to the hoop and jumped directly from the left side of the basket!

"Don't try to succeed!"

For a moment, Tsuyoshi Minami jumped up directly, but at this moment, Fukuda passed the basketball in his hand down and flew directly in front of the basket.


Yuzu standing under the basket immediately jumped up to dunk after receiving the pass!

With a body of two meters and a huge strength support, the moment he jumped in a straight line, Iwata Mitsuaki, who was defending him, took off immediately.

Due to the gap between strength and height, Iwata Mitsuaki couldn't block Yuzhu's dunk at all. The moment the former slapped the ball on the front of the basketball, Iwata Mitsuaki was directly pushed away by Shigu's strength!


One-handed buckle!

Under the huge force, the basketball stand bent a little.

Score again, the cheers in the field resounded through the sky.

"Ryonan must win! Ryonan must win!"

"Come on, Ryanan!"

"Tough, even without Sendoh, I can do this to this extent, very strong!"

"According to this strength, Ryonan's top eight are stable. Counting Sendoh, who else can win the championship!?"

The cheers of the Ryonan fans made the Toyotama fans a little embarrassed.

I scolded harder than anyone before [Ten shouted Toyotama beat Ryonan these words.

But now it seems that Ryanan is stronger!

Although Toyotama did not reveal a slump, but in terms of offensive ability, Ryonan is stronger!

On the court, Tsuyoshi Minami and Kishimoto looked at each other and then started to serve.

The game has resumed and now Ryonan has a one-point lead....

Itakura Daijiro sprinted across the halfway line with the ball and passed the ball directly to Tsuyoshi Minami just as Uekusa was defending him.

The latter made a breakthrough directly from the left at the moment after receiving the basketball.

Fukuda's defensive ability has grown rapidly after two months of special training. Liu Wei, who faced Yangquan before, was able to block the opponent.

And now, it's the same against Tsuyoshi Minami.

When the latter broke through from the left, Fukuda's center of gravity shifted back slightly.

In an instant, Tsuyoshi Minami pulled back his body in an instant, and after a slight pause, he changed direction and made a breakthrough from the right!

And Fukuda's movements were also very fast. At the moment when the latter changed direction, he pulled back directly, and a lateral movement directly blocked the opponent.

"Tsk, what a follower!" Tsuyoshi Minami said coldly.

"It's impossible for you to pass me. If you want Sendoh-kun to play with your strength, then you won't have much game experience." Fukuda said with a sneer.

Tsuyoshi Minami's face suddenly darkened.

At this moment, the moment Fukuda had just returned to defense, Tsuyoshi Minami took a quick step back and returned directly to the origin.

In an instant, jump directly to shoot!

At this moment, Kishimoto's figure moved towards Fukuda without any trace.

"Don't even think about shooting!" Fukuda's eyes froze immediately, and after quickly approaching, he jumped up and stretched out his arms to block the shot!

Immediately, the corners of Tsuyoshi Minami's mouth rose slightly, with a sinister smile on his face.

Immediately, the latter's 0.8 arm pushed forward slightly, and Fukuda's blocked hand immediately patted Tsuyoshi Minami's left arm.

The referee blew his whistle immediately, and at that moment, the basketball in Tsuyoshi Minami's hand was also thrown.

The gentle arc of the basketball crossed in the air, and then fell perfectly into the net.

"The goal is valid! No. 13 of the white team commits a second defensive foul, and it will be punished once!"

However, at this moment, Kishimoto moved behind Fukuda.

"Fukuda, be careful behind you!" Off the court, Sendoh immediately stood up and shouted directly.

But it was already a step too late.

The moment Fukuda fell, Kishimoto's ass pushed back!


Fukuda, who had already started to fall, was hit on the back and fell to the ground the moment he landed!

After falling, the legs hit the ground directly!.

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