Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

63 What's The Use Of Trump Cards? 】


Everyone in Ryonan panicked, Koshino and Uekusa hurried over, helped Fukuda up, and the rest surrounded Kishimoto directly.

Taoka and Sendoh also ran directly to the field.

"How is it!?" Taoka asked nervously.

I saw that Fukuda, who was squatting on the ground, was already bleeding from his left knee. Because of the friction after the fall, his knee was directly torn.

There were also quite a few bruises and injuries on the palm and right knee.

"The injury is not serious, but I can't participate in the game." Uekusa shook his head and said.

Although it is a broken skin, if you exercise vigorously, it will also cause inflammation of the wound.

And playing with an injury has a big impact on Fukuda's speed.

"What's the matter with the game now!" Taoka shouted anxiously, and then directly looked up at Kishimoto who was surrounded by fish and Ikegami.

"What, I didn't mean it." Kishimoto said indifferently, raising his hands high, showing an innocent look.

"16 After all, I can't see the situation behind, so how can I know that there is him behind?"

"You bastard, are you looking for death!?" Yu Zhu's eyes exuded killing intent, his two-meter-high body and rough face made him look extremely fierce now.

"Hey, don't mess around." Kishimoto suddenly panicked, and at this moment, the others from Toyota pulled him back to block the fish.

"I'm sorry that this happened, but he didn't do it on purpose." Tsuyoshi Minami said calmly, "It's just a competition, bumps and bumps are not normal."

"This is the reason for your black hand. Your game has proved your strength. No wonder you Toyotama has been in the top eight and can't go any further."

At this moment, Sendoh came over with a blank expression on his face, and a sharp look in his dark pupils.

Tsuyoshi Minami's face suddenly darkened, Sendoh's words completely poked at their pain.

Kitano was also dismissed because Toyotama couldn't improve, which is Tsuyoshi Minami's inner guilt.

"You haven't even played, so how do you know such a thing." Tsuyoshi Minami suppressed the anger in his heart, and said lightly.

"I'll make you regret it, regret playing basketball." Sendoh said flatly.

"Yeah, I'm waiting!" Tsuyoshi Minami replied with a sneer.

Not long after, the doctor came with a stretcher, and after seeing the wound on Fukuda's leg, he said: "It needs to be disinfected, otherwise it will be infected.

"Those bruises also need to be dealt with properly, otherwise there will be dark wounds, so let's stop the next game and rest for a while."

"I'm sorry to bother you." Taoka said seriously, turned to look at Sendoh, and said, "Sendoh, I'll go with Fukuda, and I'll leave the competition to you."

"Don't worry, coach." Sendoh nodded and said flatly.

Taoka was stunned for a moment, then looked at Sendoh with a little deep meaning, and said, "Don't be too outrageous, it's not good for you.

He could tell that Sendoh was angry now, very angry!

That's why he tried to persuade him, for fear that Sendoh would do something out of the ordinary.

"Don't worry, coach, I have a measure." Sendoh said with a faint smile.

"Yeah." Taoka nodded, and then followed the doctor to accompany Fukuda.

It is precisely because of the trust in Sendoh that the team will be handed over to him, and now Sendoh is angry about this, Taoka remains silent.

After all, it was his own student who was injured, and Taoka was very angry inside.

But he is a coach, and this kind of matter cannot be resolved according to emotions.

At this moment, Kanehira came to Taoka and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Coach Taoka, those kids are just..."

"Coach Kanehira, you shouldn't apologize to me, it's not your fault." Taoka said lightly.

"No, it is because I am the coach that I need to apologize." Kanehira said immediately.

"I don't have time to talk to you like this, you can only pray for Toyotama now."

After speaking, Taoka left directly.

"Pray!?" Kanehira was slightly taken aback, completely ignoring what Tagu meant.

"Ryonan asked for a substitution!"

And when the incident happened, the audience in the arena was also extremely restless, especially Ryonan's fans, who almost turned the whole encore upside down.

"Haha, you deserve it, pretending to be struck by lightning!!"

"I've said it all, you guys will definitely be blown away by Toyotama "What rubbish Ryonan!"

"Ryonan is replaced, and that Sendoh should also play."

"So what, isn't it just a replacement, it's fine to do it again."

"Genius Sendoh, I think it's a bragging."

As for Toyota's black hands and Toyota fans' insults, Ryonan's fans couldn't stand it anymore and started to curse directly.

"Don't you have a mother? Can you be a little bit virtuous!?"

"Fuck, what a trash team, the heart is dirtier than his mother's shit!!"

"I can't stand this kind of thing, do it to them!!"

For a time, there were some riots in the field.

On the top of the stands, Qingfeng Dahui said with an extremely gloomy face: "These guys, don't they have a trace of ball quality?"

"The notorious Toyotaama used to be like that." Kise Ryota said in a deep voice.

"Senior Sendoh is going to play, is it really okay?" Momoi Itsuki said worriedly.

"That guy must be very angry now, this game, Toyotama is over." Aomine said with a sneer.

Not far from them, Aida Yayoi had a worried look on her face, and then Sendoh came on the stage. She was very assured of Sendoh's strength, but she was worried about Toyota's bottomless black hand.

If Sendoh gets hurt, she will definitely feel distressed.

At the entrance of the passage, Vulcan Da I said very angrily: "It can be like this, isn't basketball a regular game!?"

"As long as we can win, we can use any means, but now that Sendoh is playing, this farce should be over." Muji Teppei followed up.

When Seirin and Kirisaki Daiichi confronted each other, they played more underhanded hands. Compared with Fukuda who only broke the skin, Kirisaki Daiichi directly bought the referee's operation!

On Toyota's bench, Kishimoto smiled and said, "Let me just say, that guy totally deserves it, it's such an effortless effort."

"Be careful, Ryonan's ace is coming." Tsuyoshi Minami said in a deep voice.

"What's the use of the ace card? It's enough to injure him. I've already figured out where to attack him." Kishimoto smiled indifferently.

"Be careful, I always have a bad feeling." Tsuyoshi Minami frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Nan, you are just too careful."

On Ryonan's bench, Koshino clenched his fists and shouted, "Be sure to blow them up!"

"This group of guys are too hateful!" Clover also said. .

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