Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

122 Reporter's Interview [Please Book In Full! 】

Sendoh's skill library is already very luxurious, just like today's match against Haichang, Kise who cannot activate [ZONE], Sendoh can completely crush them with his hole cards

However, although this tactic is a bit dirty, it is very useful.

"Well, something is better than nothing." Sendoh murmured softly, the rest of Ryonan was already resting, and after a short message, Sendoh finally recovered a bit.

Get up and change clothes, then leave the locker room lightly.

"Sendoh-kun!" Yotsuba stood at the door, it seemed that she had been waiting for a long time: "Miss Yayoi came to see you.

"Let's go." Sendoh said flatly.

He already knew what was going on, but it didn't matter, Aida Yayoi's interview with Sendoh was not objectionable, and he was still a friend, so he had to cooperate.

"Aren't you going to take a break?" Yotsuba asked concerned, after all, Sendoh's face looked a little pale at this moment.

Sendoh shook his head and said: "There is plenty of time, let's rest when we go back to the hotel~."

"All right.


On the basketball court, Aida Yayoi was sitting on the bench. When she saw Sendoh and Yotsuba approaching, her eyes lit up and she stood up quickly and said, "Sendoh-kun, I'm sorry to disturb you now."

"Okay, Miss Yayoi, we're so familiar, so we'd better keep those polite words to a minimum." Xian-Dao said with a light smile.

Aida Yayoi smiled immediately, and said rather coquettishly, "You are so magnanimous, I won't be ashamed to come to you in the future."

Sendoh gave a dry laugh and sat down on the bench.

Sendoh took a look, and there were only a few staff members left in the field at this time, and then asked: "Why is it only your family today? I remember that many reporters came last time."

"Hmph, I'm the exclusive reporter for Sendoh, and others don't have the opportunity." Aida Yayoi said arrogantly, with a cunning flash in her eyes.

Sendoh shook his head helplessly, and didn't know what method Aida Yayoi used, anyway, it had nothing to do with him.

Immediately, the interview began, and Aida Yayoi and others were also ready. After the former signaled, the cameraman turned on the camera and was ready to start shooting.

"Audience friends, hello everyone, I am very glad that we meet again. Today we invite Ryonan's ace player, Sendoh again." Aida Yayoi said with a smile on her face.

"It's okay, there's only one question." Sendoh said flatly.

"Of course, I will save time by disturbing Sendoh's rest in a hurry." Aida Yayoi said immediately.

"First of all, the fans of Sendoh-kun asked the same question what song Sendoh-kun will sing after the Winter Cup, or will he still play pure music?"

"This is a secret, and the answer will not be revealed until the end of the Winter Cup, and this is not my main business." Sendoh said with a smile.

As soon as he guessed, he knew that there must be this question in the interview, but until now Sendoh hasn't figured out what to sing, and it's hard to answer.

Aida Yayoi was a little disappointed. To be honest, she also wanted to know what song Sendoh would sing at that time, but she would not say it first, and she would not ask on this occasion and then asked again.

"The second question, according to someone's analysis, the most promising matchup in this year's Winter Cup Finals is Sannoh High and Ryonan. I wonder what Sendoh thinks about Sannoh?"

Sendoh pondered for a while, and suddenly the corner of his mouth raised a curve, and said: "Sanoh High, a three-year-long era of supremacy, this is a strong team, but today's era is different!"

"This era will no longer belong to Sannoh, but to all the brilliant teams!"

At this moment, Sendoh changed his voice and said: "This year, I have the belief that I must win, and there are reasons why I must not lose. It is still the same sentence, it is time for someone to stand up and overturn the podium of the overlord!"

For a moment, everyone was stunned, even Yotsuba standing behind Sendoh didn't react for a moment.

Is it that radical!?

Is this still the ordinary Sendoh-kun who always smiles no matter what happens!?

Looking at the sudden change in momentum, Sendoh who was full of arrogance and dominance all over his body, Aida Yayoi was even more surprised, and there was a hint of obsession in his beautiful eyes.

Even the cameraman on the side showed an expression of admiration.

"Cough cough."

After noticing the strange expressions of the people around him, Sendoh suddenly coughed, and then the three of them quickly came to their senses, and Aida Yayoi even smiled and said: "It seems that Sendoh is bound to win this year's championship.

……ask for flowers…

"Of course, it is undeniable that Sannoh is also very strong. It should be the strongest team I have encountered so far." Sendoh continued.

The current Sannoh is the same as Luoshan, and Sendoh also knows that during the two-month summer vacation, Sannoh must have worked out tactics or hole cards against Ryonan.

If this is the case, then this year's Sannoh will be unprecedented!

Immediately, Aida Yayoi nodded, and asked again: "The third question, according to the strength of Sendoh, it is very suitable to play professional games. I wonder if Sendoh has such an idea?"

"Right now, I don't plan to play professionally. Maybe I can think about it after the Winter Cup is over." Sendoh said lightly.

With Sendoh's strength and talent, if he doesn't play professionally, others will definitely be pissed off.

Knowing Sendoh's character, Aida Yayoi didn't say much, and immediately said: "Well, that's the end of today's interview, see you next time.

"Goodbye." Sendoh also waved at the camera, but after seeing the cameraman's gesture, Sendoh suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Sendoh, do you want to eat together?" Aida Yayoi stood up and asked.

Immediately, Yotsuba behind Sendoh became tense, for fear that Sendoh would agree.

But she was worrying too much, Sendoh directly shook his head and said, "No, I have to go back with other people later.

"Okay, then we'll see you next time." Aida Yayoi was somewhat disappointed, but she didn't expect Sendoh, a straight man, to agree to her request.

Immediately after the two greeted Sendoh Dalian, they left with their equipment.

"Phew, it's dangerous." On the side, Yotsuba breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered.

Sendoh glanced at Clover, smiled and said, "Clover, what are you nervous about?"

"'s nothing!" Yotsuba said hurriedly, shaking her hands.

"I think you have something to hide from me, don't you?" Sendoh raised his brows and said with a playful smile on his face.

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