Clover's pretty face was extremely red, and she said shyly, "No, absolutely not!"

"Well, let's not talk about it." Sendoh curled his lips and said, Sendoh is not interested in knowing other people's secrets.

Not long after, Uozumi and the others also walked out of the locker room. After a short rest for ten minutes, everyone in Ryonan prepared to leave.

"Yo, Sendoh-kun!" Uozumi waved his hand when he saw Sendoh and Yotsuba approaching.

Uekusa immediately smiled and said, "Has Mr. Sendoh been interviewed by Miss Yayoi again? I'm so envious. I also want to experience the feeling of being interviewed."

"Of course there will be such an opportunity, let's save it when we win the championship." Sendoh said gently.


Taoka smiled and looked at the imposing Ryonan crowd, thinking that the timing of Sendoh's rise this year is really good.

"Zero 70" looked at the young man with a gentle smile on his face from the beginning to the end, and he believed that under the leadership of Sendoh this year, the champion will definitely be Ryonan!!

There is no doubt about it!!

Immediately, Taoka said: "Okay, it's getting late, let's go out for a meal, and then go back to the hotel to rest."

Ryonan and the others still went to the barbecue restaurant not too far from the gymnasium. After all, they always went there after each game. It was getting late, and Ryonan and the others were not picky.

After all, there is barbecue to eat after the game, so what else is there to choose!

However, when Sendoh thought of meeting those problem children every time he went to a barbecue restaurant, he felt extremely helpless in his heart. Every time he encountered those problem children, nothing good would happen.

But this time, the group of problem children was not encountered in the rotisserie. After entering the rotisserie, Sendoh looked around and found no non-mainstream dyed hair [suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

At night, everyone in Ryonan chatted and ate happily, and Taoka drank some sake in a good mood, and the face of the middle-aged man turned red immediately.

Immediately after the meal, everyone returned to the hotel together, and even Yotsuba didn't go back by car.

After all, the weather was already very cold, and it was still so late, it would not be safe for the little girl to take a taxi back by herself.

Back at the hotel, Sendoh took a shower first, burned incense, and then walked out wearing a bathrobe.

"System, let's draw orange skills." Lying on the bed, Sendoh said.

"Yes, host."


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the orange ball skill: [God of Dry Pulling]!!"

"[God of Dry Pull]: Every time the user scores, it will increase its stable value by 10%, and the value will continue to increase. After the basketball is missed, the value will be recalculated. Open it within the last 35 seconds, there will be a chance to trigger [McGrady Moment]!"

"Passive skill: Under the defender, when any attribute value is lower than the user's, it will trigger a 20% unblockable rate!!"

Immediately, Sendoh's eyes lit up. This skill can be said to be very useful. After enabling this skill in any game, Sendoh's shooting touch will continue to increase. This is a very practical shooting skill!

The last passive skill can be said to be free. In terms of speed, only Aomine Daiki can compare with Sendoh, but the strength is much worse than Sendoh!

In terms of strength, only Atsushi Murasakihara can compare to Sendoh, but his skills are much weaker than Sendoh!

In terms of skills, maybe Sawakita Rongzhi can compete with Sendoh, but the speed is much worse.

It can be said that in terms of Sendoh's personal attributes, only Kise's imitation ability can come close to him, but on average it is still much weaker than Sendoh!

"I'm so happy, the skill pool has been satisfied again!" Sendoh murmured immediately.

The only variable is Akashi Seijuro's [Eye of the Emperor], but Sendoh can't help it, an orange skill is not as good as a different dimension skill

However, this can also give Sendoh a great advantage in one-on-one battles. After all, there is no Neon that has all attributes higher than Sendoh, not even in the university!

And if you activate the skill in the last 35 seconds, there is a chance to trigger [McGrady Moment], this is faith!

Thinking of this, Sendoh was very excited and wanted to try this skill.

After thinking about it, Sendoh didn't practice it.


The next day, after Sendoh woke up early, he simply washed up and went downstairs to eat. Last night, the Emperor was possessed by the emperor, and Sendoh is still happy in his heart.

"Good morning, Sendoh-kun!!" Downstairs, Koshino sat on a stool and said excitedly......

"Did you get up so early?" Sendoh said with a faint smile, then pulled out the stool and sat down.

Yuzhu said: "I was so tired yesterday, I fell asleep when I got back to the hotel."

"By the way, after the match against Haichang, our Ryonan successfully entered the quarterfinals of the Winter Cup. If we win another game after that, we will be in the semifinals!" At this moment, Uekusa said suddenly.

Sendoh nodded, after experiencing all this, he knew the rules of the Winter Cup, and now it was December, and Ben was the preliminaries for the quarterfinals of the Winter Cup from the first game.

If it was only one world, the end of the Winter Cup should be very soon, but now it is a combination of two worlds.

There are so many rich and powerful teams, just in the world of black basketball, there are many kings, there are seven or eight rich and powerful teams, and there are also teams in the world of slam dunks!

In this way, the end of the Winter Cup will not be until the end of December.

But until now, there are many teams that have been eliminated, but they are all unknown teams, so there is no big problem.

"There is a game this afternoon, I believe you are looking forward to it." At this moment, Fukuda said suddenly.

"I know, I know!" Uekusa said excitedly, "It's the match between Tonghuang and Seirin!"

Immediately, Fukuda gave Uekusa a direct look, because he was very depressed.

After hearing the sound, Sendoh raised his head and said, "Do you want to check out 2.3?"

"No, it's better to go back to training if we have this time. We are a lot behind Mr. Sendoh, so we can't hold back when the time comes." Fukuda shook his head and said.

Sendoh smiled, saying that he is not interested in watching, Ryonan's next match is in four days, so there is plenty of time.

At this moment, Yotsuba quickly threw it over and shouted enthusiastically: "Sendoh-kun, good morning!"

"Morning, Yotsuba." Sendoh said flatly.

"Clover-chan, didn't you even notice us?" Koshino said suddenly.

"Yeah, good morning everyone too." Yotsuba nodded repeatedly, but there was no enthusiasm like what she said to Sendoh in her words.

"Oh, people are more angry than people." Immediately, Koshino complained directly. .

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