After a while, Nijimura Shuzo had almost understood it, and then he stopped attacking Kuroko Tetsuya, and said at the same time:"Have you ever collected my information?"

Kuroko Tetsuya, who was still unfinished, was obviously stunned for a moment.



Nijimura Shuzo frowned.

Kuroko Tetsuya... has only a few abilities compared to himself.

He cannot collect information about opponents so quickly in on-the-spot situations. At the same time, his analytical ability It is also very weak, and the overall performance is more like a subconscious completion after long-term observation of the opponent.

At this time...

Shigure Akito raised his hand.

From the words of Niji Cun, he immediately realized what it meant.

He's familiar with this~

"One of Kuroko-san’s hobbies is observing humans, which I probably collected from watching your training matches.-"

Hearing Shigure Akito's words, Kuroko's eyes widened in surprise.

"Senior, how do you know?……?"


Shigure Akito and Nijimura Shuzo were discussing something together, but they didn't answer him at this time.


Heizi heard something like……

‘low presence’

‘sight induction’

‘disappear. '

Wait for a series of understandable and unintelligible keywords.

Seeing that Captain Nijimura and Shigure-senpai were discussing very seriously because of him, Kuroko Tetsuya quietly stood aside and did not bother him. the other side.

Nijimura Shuzo nodded in surprise.

"I see"

"Although Kuroko Tetsuya's basketball level is average and his athletic ability is not high, his basketball intelligence is pretty good and he can see considerable training marks.……"


"Ordinary people would probably have no 'feeling' at all when facing Heizi."

"This phenomenon is so strange. As far as basketball is concerned, no matter who you are, as long as you train to a certain level, you will definitely have a sense of strength and weakness that comes naturally to people with a certain level of experience."

"But Kuroko's situation is quite special. That low sense of presence is easy to be ignored not only on the court, but even in daily life."

Shigure believes that this is not only a shortcoming, but even an advantage.

Sight induction...


Nijimura Shuzo looked at Shigure Akito strangely,"Magic technique? You really dare to think about it, Shigure, but... Kuroko Tetsuya's situation doesn't seem impossible."

Having put into Kuroko Tetsuya's situation a little bit, Nijimura Shuzo couldn't help but his eyes lit up.



"If you can succeed, think about it~"

"Disappearing passes, dribbles, shots, steals……"

Nijimura Shuzo interrupted the other party speechlessly and rolled his eyes at the same time,"That's just your imagination. Even if it can succeed, the technical principles and exploration process must be quite complicated, and considering Kuroko's situation……"



"These two items alone can be ruled out."

"Passing and tackling……"

Gaze induction, according to Shigure's description, can be roughly compared to a feint aimed at the opponent's gaze.

However, even if you can use this to enhance the 'low presence' effect and completely deceive the opponent's sight and 'disappear', the ball will not disappear, so there is no point in passing the ball.

Stealing... this is fine

‘After disappearing, get close to the opponent to steal.

Just when Nijimura Shuzo was thinking about how to utilize Kuroko Tetsuya's"low presence". suddenly……


When Shigure Akito turned around to look for Kuroko Tetsuya, he found that the person was gone.

Huh? Oh my god!

Where did he go?! Shigure

Akito shuddered.

Why did the person disappear when he turned around?

Shigure Akito people:"……"

At this moment, a faint voice sounded from behind him:

"Shigure-senpai, are you looking for me?"

Shigure Akito's shivers turned into goosebumps.

He turned around again. He was stunned again!

Because he still didn't see anyone!


"Lower your head."

Finally seeing the sky-blue head spinning, Shigure Qiuto breathed a sigh of relief, but then he was speechless:"Where are you hiding? You were going around and around, and I almost broke your neck!"

"I was here just now, but senior didn't notice me at all"

"……" never mind.

Thinking of Kuroko Tetsuya's ability to predict that Nijimura Shuzo had just vaguely explained, Shigure Akito didn't notice this at all in the original plot.

So he asked:

"When Nijimura attacked just now, he was quite fast, right? How do you predict it?"



"Based on my usual observations, I felt that Captain Nijimura might want to break through next. However, even though I followed my intuition, I still couldn't defend at all."

In other words... it's not a special analytical ability.

It's just an 'intuition' derived subconsciously after daily observation. What... can be developed from this?

Don't even think about information collection and instant processing capabilities like Hongcun's. , the prediction of the future level by the 'Eye of the Emperor' is even more impossible.


"Have you ever considered what role your abilities can play in the team?

Hearing this, Kuroko Tetsuya looked confused. After hesitating for a moment, he said,"I'm not very good at shooting or dribbling. I think I can only rely on passing the ball."……"

0 ······Asking for flowers···· ····

Hear the words.

Shigure Akito looked happy.


That's right~

Seeing Kuroko's face looking a little disappointed, Akito Shigure reacted and smiled slightly,"Isn't it good to pass the ball? Now that you have determined the target, you have to make full use of your advantages."

"low presence"

"As long as you can make full use of your low presence, passing the ball will definitely become a powerful weapon for you."

Heizi Tetsuya stared blankly and asked weakly:


"What will it be?"

The outrageous words Shigure Akito said next made Kuroko Tetsuya and Nijimura Shuzo freeze in place.

"like that……"

"call out~"


"A pass that can turn the corner! Snap!"

"Caught everyone off guard!"

.......... 0

Kuroko Tetsuya:"……"

Senior... passing the ball around the corner... that's not something humans can do.

However, when Kuroko Tetsuya didn't know how to deal with this senior with wild ideas, Captain Nijimura, who he thought was more calm, unexpectedly nodded.

"It turns out that it’s not unreasonable to have so many skills in different systems. It’s you, Shigure."

Low presence.

Misdirection that strengthens low presence.

Likes to observe human beings.

Subconsciously masters people's movement habits.

Passing the ball.

Passing the ball around corners.

Combined together.

All elements are combined together, in Nijimura Shuzo's mind Suddenly the screen appeared

"Kuroko's observation ability requires long-term and a lot of time, and it is basically impossible to use it to predict opponents. However, on the other hand, if you observe teammates who have been together for a long time, you should be able to predict to a certain extent."

"When a teammate passes the ball, use this prediction to act in advance, and then use"low presence" to make yourself disappear in front of the opponent.’"

"Appear in the passing lane of teammates in a timely manner"


"You can create a pass that allows your teammates to turn the ball in an instant."

Because this is a field of basketball that I have never been exposed to before, Nijimura Shuzo's tone was a little excited. When explaining, he even used the modal word 'pa' that Shigure used.

At this time, Shigure Akito said I thought to myself.

So... that's how the prediction effect achieved by the observation ability turned out to be.

Nijimura had to explain it clearly. If it were him, even if he knew what Kuroko's pass was, he wouldn't know it. From the details of the principle, a lot of things will definitely be left out, and it is completely unclear.

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