Under the guidance of Shigure Akito, the three of them soon walked into a bookstore, and it was very random. Shigure was almost attracted by some indescribable magazines and images in the bookstore.

It wasn't until Hong Cun Xiuzou brought him back with a dark face that he reluctantly left the man's spiritual treasure house with a sigh of regret.

Then... a moment later.

The 'Sight Guidance Technique' that Shigure had been eyeing for a long time ago, when he came here today, he found that it might have been in a different place, and he couldn't find it at all for a while.

When he was in trouble.

Nijimura patted him and pointed behind him.


Shigure was in the corner of the bookstore and saw Kuroko who was looking at it seriously, and the introductory magic book in his hand with the cover of 'misdirection'.

Shigure Akito:"……"

Is this... the guidance of fate?


Kuroko Tetsuya:"……"

The previous words of Captain Nijimura undoubtedly confirmed the feasibility of Shigure-senpai's idea. Thinking of his confusion and hesitation before, it turned out that with his own strength, he couldn't see those"zero-five-seven" levels. After all, Shigure No matter how much the senior said it sounded like a joke, they were still the twin stars of Imperial Light who were famous all over the country.

Thinking of this, Heizi couldn't help but make waves in his heart.

Low sense of presence... could it also be some kind of talent?

Captain Nijimura has sorted out the framework before, and even made it clear what each branch needs to do. The only uncertain point is what Shigure-senpai calls 'misdirection'.

Your own low presence can be seen if someone is staring at you with special concentration. You must use 'misdirection' to distract your opponent's attention and strengthen the effect of low presence, in order to achieve complete 'misdirection'. disappear'.

The key is here. Heizizhe also clutched the book in his hand tightly, a little anxious. For a while, he couldn't see any clues from the book. immediately.

At that time, Yuqiu Ren and Hongcun came over.

Heizi asked in a very uneasy voice:


"how can i do it……?"

However, before Kuroko Tetsuya could finish his words, Nijimura Shuzo rejected Shigure Akito's look for help,"Kuroko Tetsuya, that's all we can help you with.""

"After all, we are not you. Everything we imagined before is not teaching you basketball skills that already exist. It is a brand new technology."

"To do this, you need to keep trying yourself"

"This attempt may encounter many setbacks and may take a long time. It requires firm belief to support it and you can only rely on yourself."


"The National Congress is approaching"

"We also have our own training, as well as the work of the captain and vice-captain. In any case, we have no energy to devote to the development of this new field."

"However, I'm looking forward to it"

"If you can complete this technique, come to me in Yijun. I will arrange a separate test for you. After all, it is a special project for passing.……"

"The promotion test of the three armed forces probably will not take this into consideration."

When Nijimura and Shigure left the bookstore, Kuroko Tetsuya was still thinking. Shigure Akito looked back, and finally couldn't help but said to Nijimura:

"How to do that 'line of sight induction' specifically, can't you tell him directly?"

As for the analysis of basketball, Akito Shigure has no doubts about Nijimura's ability.

Nijimura glanced at Shigure Akito strangely.

"Are you showing off to me?"



"Your talent has allowed you to acquire skills that you should have accumulated through countless setbacks. Moreover, it is more understated than I thought. Training is just a way for you to enhance your physical ability, experience and coordinate your increasing skills."

"But Kurozizhe is different too"

"It's useless to simply tell him, because it's my thing, not his."

"He has to go through the pain of not knowing whether he will succeed or whether he will fail. In that kind of training, he can only take that step by thinking carefully."

"That is his true talent"

"If he followed what I told him exactly, his doubts after experiencing setbacks in the middle of training in this new field would soon cause him to die midway."

Shigure Akito scratched his head in embarrassment.

Although Hongcun's words were somewhat saying that he was 'ignorant of the sufferings of the world', it also felt like he was praising him in a roundabout way.

But next...

Hongcun Xiuzhuo Suddenly he said something very strange again

"I have to be prepared recently, Shigure, unlike you, a challenger who has experienced setbacks, I think he seems to be ready."

Although it's impossible to win... but... for him, it should be the time to complete his transformation.

Keep up the good work

…… the next day.

Kuroko Tetsuya also began to concentrate on studying 'Introduction to Magic'.

Simulate it in your mind.

While thinking.

The notes hidden behind the textbooks in class and quietly spread out were all about the idea of how to realize 'misdirection', and the framework of the passing method that Captain Nijimura had mentioned carefully recorded for fear of forgetting.

After the cultural class of the day.

Heizizhe was also training and started to try.

But... it really didn't work well.

Teammates and coaches looked over to him frequently. The 'misdirection' failed, and the consecutive outrageous passing errors only attracted more attention.

So after the training session ended.

Kuroko Tetsuya took the initiative to find the military coach Nagamura Hiroshi

"Want to stay and train tonight?"

"Yes, yes……"


"You're late. The permission to use the arena in the evening was borrowed a month ago. You probably have to coordinate with him on the time of use. 0...... "

Heizi Tetsuya was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He had never thought about this situation at all.

"Who is that?"


"Reiji Fukaya is the first choice starter for the first army."


A week later.

Tri-Service Arena.

Kuroko Tetsuya and the starting senior whose eyes were obscured by bangs on his forehead had been training every night for a week without incident.

During this period... the two of them almost only had conversations when they met and separated every night.

Intersection in training.

It was only when Kuroko was practicing that strange 'eye sight induction' that Reiji Fukaya would occasionally cast unexpected glances. certainly.

Under those bangs, Kuroko couldn't be seen at all.

Swish~ swish~ swish~


Kuroko Tetsuya gasped slightly.

Looking at the starting seniors in the opposite half, self-throwing, self-receiving, and all-round shooting, he couldn't help but look envious in his eyes.

"It's so quick!"

After this senior Fukaya threw the ball, he almost only dribbled once after receiving the ball, and then shot very quickly.

The hit rate is quite high.

At least among the limited people I have seen, there are probably only Midorima-san can have that kind of hit rate.


Fukaya-senpai still has the ability to get out of control at the moment when he catches the ball.

The height and angle of the ball are different every time, but the connection and control movement at the moment of receiving the ball are different. It was so smooth that it was almost like dancing.

At this moment,

Kuroko Tetsuya suddenly stopped moving and took a deep breath.


Under Kuroko's surprised gaze, Reiji Fukaya used a rubber band to push all the hair on his forehead back, and then tied it tightly.

Turn around.

Facing Fukaya Reiji's sharp eyes


"How are you doing today?……"

He might have said something rude in time, but Kuroko turned around and said,"Did today's training end early?"

Reiji Fukaya nodded, and for the first time in this week, he spoke at length.


"it's over"

"Maybe a little arrogant……"


"This should be the moment."

Although I know very well in my heart that I can't win against that monster, the gap is obvious in terms of body, skills, and even actual combat experience.


I can't wait any longer.

Reiji Fukaya can feel that his strength has increased. The speed at which the opponent's strength is increasing, maybe... this is the last chance he can muster.……

"Challenge the strongest moment!".

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