When Kuroko Tetsuya and Fukaya Reiji and Yu Qiuren walked into the arena at the agreed time, they saw this strange pair in front of them, but inexplicably felt that the atmosphere was very suitable. at the same time.

He also noticed Reiji Fukaya's bangs, which seemed to have been lifted from a seal, and his sharp eyes.

"Zero times……"


Akito Shigure said, just as he called out his name, Reiji Fukaya suddenly threw the basketball in his hand, and then, Akito Shigure caught it in his hand.


"Since I was promoted to the First Army"

"and your 1v1……".

"You haven't scored a single goal, right?"

Shigure Akito:"……" really.

Can score goals under his defense.

Especially 1v1.

There is probably only one person from Hongcun Xiujiao.

So after he entered the second grade, he was no longer too keen on 1v1. From the beginning of the school year to now, no, it should be from the vacation at the end of the first grade to now.

He and Reiji Fukaya have not fought once. but.

Shigure Akito was quite surprised.

After all, even if he doesn't take the initiative to fight, like Reiji Fukaya after he was promoted to the First Army in 2006, he was still extremely tenacious and became more courageous as he fought. However, it has been more than two months this year, and Reiji has uncharacteristically stopped fighting. I couldn't bear it. now.

Hearing Reiji Fukaya's words, Akito Shigure couldn't help but think of what Nijimura said that day, 'A challenger who has experienced setbacks, I think he seems to be ready.'

So... it's you, Reiji.

After a while, Akito Shigure became interested, and a smile gradually appeared on his lips:"Being prepared means, do you have the confidence to beat me now?"

Reiji Fukaya slowly lowered his waist.

The hem of the shorts was pulled up

"Fukaya Reiji now"

"After receiving the ball, there is no longer any hesitation."

I have neither extraordinary physique nor talent. I am such an ordinary person. I am still standing in front of you, Fukaya Reiji. I am by no means a weakling, even if it is just one goal."……

"Please come with all your strength……"


For the first time, Reiji Fukaya showed his expression unreservedly in front of him. Shigure Akito could really feel the other party's determination even if he didn't pay too much attention to the flame-like aura in his eyes.

Especially... the kick-off directly gives him the right to attack.

"I understand, Reiji"

"old rules"

"5 goals."

Shigure Akito catches the ball with one hand, triple threat posture

"bring it on"


Reiji Fukaya, with a solemn expression, dwarfed and walked towards Shigure Akito. At 180 centimeters, the 4-centimeter gap between him and Shigure Akito was not enough to create a significant static height difference.

Fukaya Reiji Second-rate:"……"

Under normal conditions at the beginning.


Lateral processes.

Bad luck.

Lean down to a very low center of gravity and break through step by step

…… rapid fire.

Dry pull.

Lean back.

Outside the three-point line, he can also retreat for a super long three-pointer at any time.

As Shigure Akito's teammate, Reiji Fukaya kept thinking about all the opponent's skills in his mind. Just those that could be used outside the three-point line, there was an extremely long list... certainly.

The interception must be at least outside the free throw line!

Akira Sendō·Flying close to the ground!



A sudden dive!

Akito Shigure's speed on the field is extremely fast!

The breakthrough speed at this moment, under the sudden acceleration of Shigure Akito's dive, increased to a level that was unbelievable to Kuroko Tetsuya who was watching the battle!

In line with this rapid breakthrough, his landing force was also quite exaggerated, but the ball was firmly controlled by his super ball control ability!

"So fast!"

"Shigure-senpai’s breakthrough didn’t involve any unnecessary moves!"

"Starts instantly with almost no warning……"


"Stopped! ?"

Kuroko Tetsuya heard the words behind him. He turned his head and faced a colorful rainbow-like hair. Akashi, Aomine, Murasakibara, Midorima... and the captain of Nijimura in the front and the one he was carrying. Shogo Haizaki appeared on the field with a bruise on his neck.

Just like what Aomine and the others were talking about just now, Shigure Akito's center of gravity was extremely low, and suddenly, Fukaya Reiji's speed suddenly surged. A moment of speed, like a sprinter's burst!

The next moment, he caught up with Shigure's breakthrough and intercepted him in the middle of the breakthrough!

Bang~! Hit Shigure hard! Akito stopped him!

Then, Reiji Fukaya, who was clenching his teeth, staggered, looked at Shigure Akito with a surprised look in his eyes, and pressed forward again!

Dahui's eyes widened in an instant. It was the first time for him to see the full picture of Reiji Fukaya, a senior who was very good at catching and shooting, and it was also the first time that he knew that the opponent was so strong.

If he had been on the court, he might have been the same one just now! Breaking through, he was killed instantly!

Among Teiko's starters...

Shinji Kurenai is a well-rounded center with a height of 190 centimeters and a point guard.

For these.

Aomine Daiki doesn't have any objections to the position, except for the small forward position.

Aomine feels that he can replace the senior like Akashi.

But now it seems that Teiko...

is worthy of being the captain of Nijimura.

This was the first time in a long time that he saw someone who could keep up with that senior Shigure, and he was the most inconspicuous and gloomy senior in the lineup.


"How could it be so fast?! Does Senior Fukaya usually hide his strength?"



Akashi Seijuro shook his head and glanced at Captain Nijimura. When he saw that the other party was looking at him and had no intention of speaking, he continued:

"Senior Fukaya……"

"During this time, I should be adjusting"


"It should be that before we joined the club, Fukaya-senpai's physical ability enhancement direction was completely geared towards instantaneous explosive power, which caused many of Fukaya-senpai's techniques to be affected."


"That's not fast in the conventional sense."

"It was an instant burst of speed, and, looking at the extent of that burst, it completely gave up on speed connection, making subsequent bursts of speed unsustainable.

Akashi frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but asked Nijimura Shuzo,"Is it really okay to do that?" In the sport of basketball, everything is devoted to 'explosive power', and it is also an extreme 'instant explosion'. This kind of development direction is very unfavorable, right?"

Hongcun heard this and saw that Reiji Fukaya's fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high on the field, and then shook his head.

"That was the almighty skill that Reiji could achieve by completely giving up on the future. In order to fight against Shigure, he honed his talents with one hand."


"It can't be wrong……"

Instead, he put his precious self-esteem on the line and put everything on the line.

Just for what he wanted to see... a mortal.

The moment when talent blossoms.

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