Compared with himself a year ago, Akito Shigure's game reading is completely different. therefore.

After Reiji Fukaya showed a completely different game content from before, Akito Shigure immediately realized where the differences and changes were.

"Do you only pursue instant bursts?……"


"There is also the power of instant confrontation."

However, after the burst of speed and power in that moment, the subsequent speed connection obviously declined step by step.

Therefore, unlike the 'agility' of Qingfeng's talent, Qingfeng's talent has the ability to go from zero to the fastest degree of acceleration and the deceleration from the fastest speed to zero. That is the sustained speed that reaches the limit at the fastest acceleration.


Have you passed targeted training?

Sacrificing sustained speed, with the blessing of this moment's explosive power, he broke through the maximum speed limit and reached a level where he could pursue and defend himself by 'flying close to the ground' and interrupt confrontation.

To put it simply... use the analogy of a sprinter.

Although the abilities of the two cannot be compared at the same level, Reiji Fukaya is like a 'Su Shen' who extremely pursues the lead in the initial explosive stage.

Thinking of this...

Shigure Akito is a little disappointed

"Is that all?"

"Zero times."

You have sacrificed so much, but you can only keep up with a moment of full-out explosion. How can you limit yourself?

In a full-scale official match.

'Udai Yuka·Full Acceleration' without the ball, and with the ball 'Fujima Kenji's ultimate move·Green Light'’,‘Mu Shen's big move:"Emperor Pass" and"Acceleration".

Even in 1v1 where there is currently not enough energy for the ultimate move.

He also has a 'wild side'.

Even... as long as he carefully avoids the confrontation and interruption after the opponent's speed bursts, and uses more control to extend the duration of the high speed, he can easily drag through the"burst" of the deep valley.

Want to solve the opponent.

There are too many ways.

At this time, Reiji Fukaya was completely focused on the ball in Shigure Akito's hands, and did not respond at all to the changes in expressions on the opponent's face, tone of voice, or words.

And then the next second.


"Although there are many other ways, since it is all-out, other methods……"

"It’s really too rude~‖ " suddenly!

Shadowy and charming!

Shigure Akito's body moved, and the wild mammoth shadow suddenly appeared from the dim lights that were only partially lit in the arena! in a blink.

Akito Shigure has appeared next to Reiji Fukaya!


Reiji Fukaya, who had a ferocious look on his face, exploded in an instant without any fear. When he was already out of position, he twisted his shoulder to hold Shigure Akito's shoulder. at the same time.

Shigure, who was full of wildness, met Reiji Fukaya's eyes during the breakthrough process. It was the first time that those eyes full of fighting spirit were exposed to everyone without any reservation.

But it's a pity... wild.

The speed of the instant burst was exceeded, and even the force that could barely interrupt his breakthrough was about to collapse under the mammoth's iron hoof.

After the burst ends, the speed force will further weaken.

However... just when Shigure Akito thought of this.

The next second.

Fukaya Reiji once again gave Shigure Akito a surprise!


Originally, under Shigure's wild pressure, Fukaya Reiji was already out of position even after the instantaneous explosion, and could only manage to get stuck with his shoulders.

During the brief pause between the confrontation, the second paragraph suddenly erupted. In the blink of an eye, it was pushed backwards by the confrontation.

Following the trend, he arrived at the location where Shigure Qiuto appeared the next second.

Shigure Akito:"……"

Actually... can you do it continuously?

Wu Daiyouhe and Mochizuki retreat!

Akito Shigure then dribbled the ball with his crotch, getting faster and faster. Every time he dribbled the ball, there was a dull popping sound. He moved back and forth from left to right...

Mu Shenyi· Changed direction with his crotch and broke through!

"Is there only two stages of continuous burst ability at most?"

After the test was clear... under the crotch, when the ball came to the other hand, the swing of the forearm was quite short.

Mu Shenyi·Hit the crotch to change direction to break through...

Talent... to break through in the right direction!

A return from the crotch Pull, the basketball quickly completed the change of hands, and at the same time, he turned around smoothly and broke through! But in the middle...


The moment he turned around, his back hit Reiji Fukaya's chest, causing the latter to pause for a moment.

Then, Akito Shigure broke through Reiji Fukaya neatly and received...


dribbling from behind.


A sprint towards the basket!

Reiji Fukaya pursued Shigure Akito from behind, but after the previous move, he was already pulled away by two positions, but his expression did not change at all.

He stared intently at Shigure Akito's movements and the ball in his hand.

But when he secretly came to the door, Shinji Kurenai, who was originally unable to say anything, noticed the solemnity and sharpness in Reiji Fukaya's eyes.

He had not seen him for a long time.

That look.

On the other side, Shigure Akito didn't hesitate at all.

After Mu Shinichi dribbled through, he immediately grabbed the ball with one hand, stepped within one step of the free throw line, and immediately jumped into the air!


turn the battle ax behind your back!

【Turning behind the back tomahawk: During the process of 'backhand dribbling breakthrough', use the 'turning behind the back tomahawk' to complete the slam dunk with the tomahawk action]


Fukaya Reiji's eyes flashed!

Break out again!

Fuka Reiji:"!" bring it on.

Go higher!


The ultra-high jump will inevitably sacrifice a considerable part of the speed in height.

Reiji Fukaya seized this moment and used an 'explosion' to close the distance, aiming for the moment when Shigure lifted the ball before it reached the limit and dunked with a tomahawk!

He blocked the shot.

Obviously there is no pursuit of heights at all.

Instead, all the speed is given to the jump in distance!


From below, hit the ball that Shigure Akito has not yet lifted to a high point!


"` ˇThis goal is a pity……"


"If it had been after last year's perfect score, perhaps this goal would still have been successful, but for Shigure now, the so-called full strength no longer only refers to skills and physical ability."

With the words of Hongcun Xiuzao outside the field.

"In this case, I can also control the cooling time after continuous bursts.~"

"Zero times."

You haven't seen this before, right?

That's right.

Except for the big brawl with Hongcun in private, basically no one can force me to use this move.

The dunk just now.

Obviously I can just use 'Sendou Akira·Flying Tomahawk' In this case, it is necessary to use (Li Zhao) a"Mu Shenyi·Back Turn Battle Ax" that needs to be guided by breakthrough actions. One purpose is to confirm the cooling time of Shengu Zero's"burst". This is it. Timely response to changes in the air. Mu Shenyi's crotch change of direction... talent... a pull -up layup!

【Pull-up layup: In the process of 'turning behind the Tomahawk', using the 'pull-up layup' will use Mu Shinichi's one-handed pull-up to complete the layup]

Reiji Fukaya:"!"

Wrong action!

Fukaya Reiji's pupils trembled slightly!

Seeing Shigure Akito's movements, the tomahawk dunk escaped his mind!

Grab the ball with one hand, turn slightly sideways, and instantly change from raising the ball to pulling it laterally. Then, from a position far away from yourself, pull the lever with one arm backhand, and make a reverse basket!


The ball bounced on the backboard and bounced... shua~!

Into the basket!

Shigure Akito connected with the battle ax and the lever with a super outrageous back luck.

Silky and got the first ball! Order.

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