
Aomine, a young boy, has sighed for countless times, not only for Shigure-senpai, whose strength he has long known, but also for Fukaya-senpai, who has completely overturned his impression. aside.

Don't know what mistake was made.

Haizaki, who was beaten by Nijimura, also widened his eyes.

In the field.

Reiji Fukaya saw it. Shigure Akito showed a familiar look of excitement on his face after scoring a goal. When he was in the first grade, he had seen it a lot. Nijimura and Supervisor Shirogane had said that Shigure would use his full strength. Excited by the thrill of defeating your opponent.


If there was anything that would really make me despair, it would probably be to stand in front of Shigure and not even be able to see the other person's full strength...

That would be fine.

Just fight with all your strength.

Strong people will gather in an environment that can make people stronger. After becoming stronger, you can fight with all kinds of people, strong people, people you have never seen before, and they will also make you become better. powerful.

So now... have you become stronger?

Fuka Reiji:"……"

No matter how many times he faces him head-on, Shigure... is always... strong and makes people respect him.

But... don't lower your head, 930 Fukaya Reiji, you have to face him head on.

Like Nijimura... observe carefully and think.

Let’s not say whether we can get what we want, but we must at least create opportunities.

Off the field.

Unlike the innocent Aomine and Haizaki, Murasakibara has nothing to do with himself and only cares about snacks.

Midorima and Akashi felt chilled in the face of Shigure Akito's overwhelming strength. At the same time, they also noticed the overwhelming power shown by Reiji Fukaya on the other side... a kind of power that they don't know how to describe. of courage.

Until Hongcun is built and opened

"First graders, remember this hunger well’"

"For us, compared to the illusory talents and talents, what is truly given by God is this 'hunger', even if the opponent is as powerful as a hill.……"

"But under this 'hunger'……"

"Always very enjoyable."

On the field.

Reiji Fukaya's eyes flickered, and a smile that Shigure Akito had never seen suddenly appeared on his usually expressionless face. It was quite strange for a guy who always had an expressionless face to show up so suddenly.

Shigure Akito glanced at it and suddenly trembled. After throwing the ball to the opponent, he couldn't help but said:"Reiji, I know you seem to be very excited.……"

"But don't get excited yet"

"Control your expression……"

"Otherwise, first-year students would think that second-year seniors are all scary guys."

Fukaya Reiji:"……"


"Is it strange?"

"But to be frightening, it's more frightening when you look down at your opponent, Shigure, right?"

Reiji Fukaya took the ball and walked towards the three-point line. As he finished speaking, he suddenly threw the ball to Kuroko Tetsuya not far away!

Seeing this,

Nijimura Shuzo frowned slightly.

Before the second grade , because of Reiji Fukaya’s offensive style of catching the ball, and Akito Shigure’s 1v1, Reiji Fukaya’s offense chose the 1v1 mode of inside players, who previously was responsible for passing the ball.

Basically, it’s all about himself, but this time, Reiji Fukaya unexpectedly only chose Kuroko Tetsuya from the Third Army.

"Kuroko Tetsuya"

"You are responsible for giving zero passes."

Kuroko Tetsuya was a little overwhelmed after receiving the ball. After hearing the words of captain Nijimura, his body obviously tensed for a moment until Nijimura Shuzo continued:

"Just do your best"

"Zero times……"

"I can handle it myself."

Kuroko Tetsuya looked at Reiji Fukaya, who had begun to get stuck in the field, and nodded.

"I understand, Captain Nijimura."

Shigure Akito is quite experienced in defending Fukaya Reiji's attack. The first one, of course, is to directly rely on speed, defend in front, and intercept the pass from the root!

Wild + Wudai Yuka · Full acceleration!

The power of wildness The increase allows Akito Shigure to easily break through Reiji Fukaya's blocking position and accelerate with all his strength. During the acceleration process, he can complete the bypass from behind Reiji Fukaya's defensive position at the moment Reiji

Fukaya takes action!

His eyes flashed slightly!

To deal with Shigure's defense, he had to deal with the opponent's forward movement first!


Feeling the opponent's movements from the back position and peripheral vision, Reiji Fukaya's whole body Instant 'explosion'!

Even though the strength and speed after the explosion were still not as good as Shigure Akito's, he was able to do a lot of things from his superior offensive position!

So... Reiji Fukaya was in everyone's surprised eyes.

After catching up with Shigure Akito's movements at the start, he was obviously at a disadvantage in the follow-up situation...


Following Shigure's forward movement...

Fukaya Reiji was like a bird being pushed forward by Shigure's wave. The boat was pushed forward by one body, but the advantageous position still stood!

And as soon as it landed... in the previous round of defense, the iconic, continuous, second burst!

Kuroko Tetsuya nervously missed the pass a little!

However, Reiji Fukaya, using the push from Shigure, jumped sideways, grabbed the ball with one hand, and with his back to Akito Shigure... snap ~!

The moment of catching the ball!


Step back!

The awkward posture caused by the defensive pressure at the moment of catching the ball did not affect Fukaya Reiji's reception at all. The instant technical connection with the ball!

The hand after the explosive jump was like a magnet, firmly attracting the ball... and in the blink of an eye, it completed a set of moves that opened up the shooting space!


Both"messy" and smooth.

The ability to handle the ball in that moment is like a beautiful dance between the yin and yang. However...

Buzz~! In the shocked eyes of Qingfeng Dahui, The so-called 'wildness' of Captain Nijimura's 'Lion' and Shigure-senior's 'Elephant' that he envied allowed him to witness the vibration of the 'mammoth' on the ground in this moment! The mammoth condensed like black mist


Roar like a fantasy coming true!

Wu Daiyouhe·Accelerate with all your strength!

Mu Shenyi blocked the shot!

Talent... blockade by bullying!

Phew~! in a blink!

Shigure Akito had already closed the distance. From an absolute height, Shigure Akito saw Fukaya Reiji's unhesitating look in his eyes and his move without any flinch!

To be able to achieve this level...

Reiji Fukaya's ball feel... and the technical connection at the moment of catching the ball are really like fireworks.


"What is fleeting will be blown out."


The ball flew with his fingertips!

Outside the court.

Aomine, Akashi and others were shocked by the defensive coverage that Akito Shigure could reach while defending with all his strength, while Shinji Kurenai, who was watching secretly from a distance, had glaring eyes. Looking towards Fukaya Reiji

"Zero times……"

"It's only half a finger's distance away."

You have worked hard to achieve this level and have such a sense of hunger. How can you pessimistically think of yourself as a mortal? You should shine when your talents are in full bloom... and then move towards higher places.

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