Akito Shigure once again stood in front of Reiji Fukaya.

After Reiji Fukaya's attack just now, Akito Shigure could clearly feel that the opponent's aura became stronger and stronger than before.

The first-year students outside the court also felt...

Reiji Fukaya's concentration....

The eyes and movements are like a silent beast.


The ball in Shigure Akito's hand quickly fell to the ground!

"Nice eyes……"

"Zero times."

Outside of Nijimura Shuzo, Shigure Akito enjoyed a rare pleasure in one offensive and defensive round! At the moment the ball rebounded, Shigure Akito connected the action as quickly as possible, and in a 'wild' manner, Reiji Fukaya 's reaction was extremely fast, and he directly avoided Fukaya Reiji's first 'explosion'! He broke through in reverse!

Fukaya Reiji's second explosion!

Staring at Shigure Akito's movements, the duel between the two became extremely fierce in just a few seconds!

Bang ~!


just after these few seconds of confrontation!

Qiu Ren, after breaking through in reverse, didn't give Shengu Zero the chance to cool down and release it again!

This time, he was extremely fast, and his body was even more decisive and agile!

When everyone came to their senses, Akito Shigure had gotten rid of Reiji Fukaya and performed the move that Aomine had been thinking about!

It was actually a hook...

but Aomine recognized it as a 'non-fixed shot', and everyone in the gym was looking at it.

They all stared closely at this scene.

At the same time...

they also noticed that Reiji Fukaya, who had been freed, was charging up his legs, and was obviously trying to explode for the third time in a row, but unfortunately, he obviously...


"After I came to this position……"

"There's no way you can stop me anymore, Reiji."

So... the failure of the third consecutive explosion does not mean much.


Crotch breakthrough in disguise... reverse breakthrough!

Reverse hook!

【Reverse hook: During the process of 'reverse breakthrough' under the hip, if you use the 'reverse hook', you will pull back and turn around to complete a hook shot]

Even... it's the left hand!

Grab the ball with one hand, turn sideways... and swing it with one hand from bottom to top!


The ball hit the net!

Fuka Reiji:"……"

The monster...

Shigure Akito.


Reiji Fukaya took a deep breath.

Sure enough, just two consecutive 'outbreaks' were not enough.

But having said that... can the shot just now... really be called a hook?


That, just throw the ball casually with one hand, right?


"So you can get in by just throwing it in?"

No matter how many times he watched it, Aomine Daiki felt that the move was too magical. The most outrageous thing was that Akito Shigure used his left hand this time!

After pulling the ball back, he didn't even aim at it! He just grabbed the ball with one hand......

Raise your hand and swing it!

The ball is swung almost with one hand. It is obvious that both the arc and the rotation are quite ordinary and cannot be called beautiful at all.

However, in the few times Aomine has seen this move, it is very rare. , every shot was a sure hit.

The first-year students were stunned!

Midorima frowned continuously. Every attack choice he made was beyond his expectation.

He controlled his movement for a long time, and attacked with a sustained high speed and power that was obviously better than the opponent's. On the contrary, he was 'arrogant' and Reiji Fukaya's 'explosive' ability, and then... after defeating the opponent head-on.

After making such a beautiful escape and creating space, he did not choose what he considered to be the strongest shot in the country. Instead, he threw it like a joke from such a far position.


But because I entered.

Midorima was so depressed that he couldn't even say a word.

And the other side.

In basketball, Nijitsumura, who knows Shigure Akito the most, knows very well that such a choice represents Shigure Akito's efforts.

When Shigure didn't slowly enter some more outrageous states.

The shot just now’…… is the fastest.

The best way to create space.

It is also the most resistant to interference.

Even... especially better than Shigure Qiuto's forward thrust.

But... when it comes to talent.

Shigure Akito is really blessed.

With that kind of shooting range, Nijimura Shuzo even doubted whether he could extend beyond the three-point line, use the method of sideways to separate defenders, and at the same time swing it with one hand... how to throw.

How come?

Super athletic ability, reflex nerves, accurate control of his own body, and his persistence in defeating his opponents... Shigure Akito possesses all of these... Nijimura

Shuzo inadvertently turned his head and saw the person next to him. A group of first graders.

All members.

Some people looked solemn.

Someone acted like it was none of my business.

Some people looked excited.

Some people are even eager to give it a try.

But no matter how you look at it, there is no trace of timidity or timidity in the expressions of these first-year students.

See this.

After Hongcun Xiuzao was stunned for a moment, he couldn't help but smile.

As first-year students, these guys are naturally quite capable, but facing the 'King' who dominates the field in front of them, they have to compete with him in order to gain more time on the field.

Of course... you have to beat me~


This is really unlucky, for a first-year student of Teikou.

After spending a long time with Akito Shigure, Nijimura Shuzo couldn't help but think evilly.


Current score...


But not long passed.

This was a 5-goal duel because of Reiji Fukaya's 'explosive' attack at the moment of receiving the ball and Akito Shigure's tit-for-tat confrontation with Todoroki.

The score increases extremely quickly!

Shigure Akito!


On the offensive end... a super long three-pointer!


Shigure Akito!


Offensive end...

Ultimate move·Freeze moment!

Knock down!

Score a field goal!

Shigure Akito!


Offensively... breakthrough!

'The Hammer of Destruction' in the restricted area!

In the blink of an eye, 5:0.

Moreover, all the Generation of Miracles reserves outside the court were completely stunned.

Atsushi Murasakihara saw the 'Hammer of Destruction' again and crushed the delicious stick in his hand.

Midorima's face became solemn when he saw the 'Super Far Three Points' again.

Akashi saw Shigure Akito's"freeze moment", shaking Fukaya Reiji until he almost sat on the ground, his eyes widened, and his face, which was always as calm as water, was filled with surprise.

Aomine, on the other hand, felt anxious because he didn't see any more"unstructured shots". However, because of Shigure Akito's super offensive firepower, he carefully considered which day's training content would be better to complete so that he could find The opponent is 1v1.

As for Haizaki Shogo and Kuroko Tetsuya... they both shouted that they were bored, but they didn't look away for a second.

The other one, nervously grabbing the ball with both hands, looked at the embarrassed Fukaya-senpai who was already sweating profusely on the court, but did not hesitate even for a moment, and felt sorry for him.


I reflect on whether my seniors were dragged down because of my too weak passing.

"It's 5:0"

"Zero times"



"In the beginning, you were the one who attacked first, Shigure, I... still have one more chance."

Looking at Reiji Fukaya, who was already gasping for breath after just 5 goals, Shigure Akito knew that the continuous 'explosive' ability to break through the limit could not have negative effects.

It was like an explosive sprint. The most outstanding 100-meter athlete will gasp and sweat as soon as the burst of just 10 seconds is over.

And... even if the last goal is scored, it is meaningless.

Fa, at this moment, I have won by 5 goals.

But... looking at Fukaya Reiji, you can't beat me. But

Shigure Akito couldn't say it anyway.

On the other side.

Nijimura Shuzo hesitated for a moment, and after taking a step, he stepped back after meeting Reiji Fukaya's eyes, but in the end, he took action even if Reiji was unwilling to accept his. Strength.

But... at least maximize his ability.



Akaashi Seijuro:"?"

"In the foreign war you participated in, Reiji was responsible for leading the team, right?"

"That's right"


"For the last ball, you replace Kuroko Tetsuya"

"Zero passes from you"


"Yes, captain"

"Akashi, your observation and passing skills are very good……"

"It is necessary to cooperate with Reiji's breathing, movements, and even eyes...control the rotation...the shots he is good at...go to the outside...possible fake moves...you need to pay attention to……"

In the short period of time Nijimura was built, he said a lot in front of Akashi.

"Passing is the domain of the point guard. The ball must reach the position where the offensive player is most comfortable.���Remember, Akashi……"

"a perfect pass……"

"enough to last……"

"offensive player life"

"give it to you"

"I hope you can become the brain and heart of this class."

Akaashi Seijuro:"!"


"I get it...Captain Nijimura."

Akaashi Seijuurou clenched his fist tightly, left the first-year team outside the field, and came to the sidelines of the duel between Shigure Akira and Fukaya Reiji with a solemn expression.


"Leave this ball to me."

In the field.

Reiji Fukaya's last goal.

With his back to Shigure Akito, he grabbed the rubber band from the back of his head, spread his hair, and blocked his eyes again,"Akaashi, that guy from Nijimura……"

0 ·······Asking for flowers····· ·····

"He said a lot……"

"That's what that guy is like, even though he's always cold……"

"But he is actually very good at taking care of people"


"Don't pay too much attention to my eyes. I won't give you any instructions, just pass them on as usual."

Akaashi Seijuurō nodded clearly after hearing this.

Fukaya-senpai... has such a strong self-esteem.

In today's short duel, Akashi not only saw a 'hunger' that he had never seen before, but what he could see more clearly was The self-esteem of the senior in front of me...

But as a point guard, I also have this kind of thing.

"Pass the ball……"

"that's my thing……"

"The seniors just have to catch the ball and throw it in."

Hearing this,

Reiji Fukaya was stunned for a moment.

"That's right too……"

"Just throw the ball in!"


On the court.

Reiji Fukaya's action of blocking the ball was exactly the same as the initial attack, but soon, with Shigure Akito's movement around, Reiji Fukaya's response to the last attack appeared. Change!

Under the huge physical exertion that caused his hair to become tangled with sweat, Fukaya Reiji used up his two consecutive 'bursts' in the process of asking for the ball!


Boom~! His body shook from side to side! The moment Fukaya Reiji's bangs blew up in the breaking wind, Akashi Seijuro's eyes flashed! Hey ~! The ball passed from Akashi's hand made a clear sound of breaking through the air, and the ball was being released. At that moment, it was as if a martial arts master had struck a loud punch! The force was... surprisingly strong. Akashi Seijuro:


............ 0

No problem, Fukaya-senpai's 'instant catch and handle' technique can definitely handle such a pass. Next, use the spin and strength of the ball that is difficult for others to catch!

Speed up!


After receiving the powerful and heavy ball, Reiji Fukaya's expression did not change at all!

Holding the ball in his arms, the moment he caught the ball, he did not use the same movement control skills as before. Instead, he directly made full use of the ball's rotation and power to complete the ball!

The action of this shooting, from catching the ball to lifting the ball... seems to be driven by an external force... incredibly fast!

"Although it's a pity……"


"The goal still couldn't be scored."

Faced with the 'wildness' coming towards him, as well as his super-speed movements and deceptive blocking, Reiji Fukaya smiled for the first time in this duel.

The first 5 goals... all the shooting options.


Two outbreaks and...

As a mortal, I have worked hard to draw nutrients from monsters.

"Shigure, what do you think?……"

"What would be the easiest thing for me to learn from you?"

"This move……"


"The ultimate shadow?"

Reiji Fukaya in front of him was clearly raising the ball to shoot, but the last words rang in Shigure Akito's ears. He turned around and saw that it was Reiji Fukaya who rushed in from beside him...

And in front of him was Reiji Fukaya. It's a phantom that dissipates instantly!

It's his own 'ball skills'!

Sendō Akira's fake moves are like real ones! Snap


Turn around...

Fujima Kenji's ultimate move, Green Light!


Kiyota Nobunaga's Monkey Jump!

Pull in again!

But at the moment when he has pulled in close, Fukaya Reiji's third burst is still unmatched in terms of speed, and he is far less than the"Green Light".

This explosion...

was all about physical confrontation!

After the aerial confrontation, the body was knocked to the right side of the basket due to the speed difference at the moment of contact.

He leaned over and licked the basket from a distance!

The feeling of 'wild' invasion...


no problem...

this ball!


Fukaya Reiji took advantage of the opportunity and moved his wrist, his heartbeat almost stopped by Akito Shigure!

In an instant, the hand that came up from behind...

hit him!


Shigure Akito and Reiji Fukaya fell out of the basket through the transparent lens.

On the acrylic board, Akira Shigure and Reiji Fukaya watched the ball fall precariously on the basket!

Boom~ Boom ~!

It hit the net!

The ball bounced off the ground and landed at the feet of Reiji Fukaya, who was lying on the ground.

"call……" sit on the floor.

Put your hands on your thighs.

Fukaya Reiji leaned over, lowered his eyes, and then suddenly raised his arms and shouted!



Coach Takeuchi...

I... didn't stop at 'yesterday'.

I have worked hard to wait... for that 'moment' to come!

This is the moment I fell in love with basketball! Death.

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