You can create the ultimate shadow... you still say you are an ordinary person?

Sure enough, it is true that the environment changes people. Although it seems a little shameless to attribute it to one's own appearance, the results before our eyes have indeed appeared.

Comparing it to the blooming of the Generation of Miracles, the level is still Not even close.

But there's no doubt about it... that's the blossoming of an 'ordinary person'.

Instant catch handling skills.

Extreme explosive ability.

The ultimate shadow.

In Shigure Akito's impression of the Black Basketball Team, apart from the 'miracles', the rest are just 'mortals' to serve as foils. However, starting from Hagioka Kasagi last year, he has begun to see the power other than 'miracles'.

‘Ordinary people also have the unique charm of 'ordinary people'.

What if...

Hagioka Kasayuki and Fukaya Reiji's hair color is ordinary black.

It can also be regarded as an 'ordinary person'.

But obviously, in last year's All-Center finals, Kasasa Hagioka almost fought against Teimitsu on his own"833", and Reiji Fukaya's blood boiled with the last ball just now.

They are absolutely not. aside.

Reiji Fukaya, who had been under tremendous pressure in every attack and defense before, collapsed on the stadium field with roars of"gaffe" after the last ball.

In just a few rounds, because of that continuous 'burst', he was already sweating as much as a whole day of training.

He fell to the ground, breathing heavily. dome.

Incandescent light illuminates a local area.

Bright and clear.

His mind went blank for a moment. at this time.

He heard Shigure Akito's words

"very impressive……"

"Zero times."

Then, he opened his eyes that were half-closed by the glare of the light, and just in time, the shadows were also shrouded, and what caught his eyes was Akito Shigure, who was looking down at him.

Amazing... isn't it...


Shigure Akito, was looking down at me, but in this Shigure's signature pleasure position, Fukaya Reiji didn't see the slightest hint of his opponent's weakness after defeating him. He was ferociously excited.

Instead, he looked bright and at the same time, he extended his hand to himself.

"well enough?"

Shigure Akito showed a smile.

At this moment,

Shigure suddenly understood.

What is different from usual.

I thought I could see the result at a glance, but in the end I encountered an unexpected counterattack. Although, that For a moment, he seemed to hear the excitement of his heart again, but he still won overwhelmingly. It was n't until... he heard Reiji Fukaya's excited roar and watched Reiji Fukaya fall back in satisfaction..


Fukani Reiji who tried his best to catch up with him at that moment was very handsome.

"So handsome, Reiji"

"This year……"

"Make everyone notice your presence."

Reiji Fukaya stretched out his right hand in response. The moment he heard Shigure's words, he couldn't help but be shocked. But then, he firmly continued to move forward and grabbed the hand that the other party extended.

Hold it tightly. Stay. Pull.



This is the first time that I, as an opponent, can face Akito Shigure like this after the game. Although it is only a goal, for me...

I can encounter this kind of monster.

Enter the monster's feast.

And Taking this as a 'foothold' is enough.


Reiji Fukaya also had a smile on his face, but this time, he calmly threw away 'yesterday', and when he looked up, his bangs were spread out, revealing his eyes.

"Shigure, I won't stop"

"Zero times"

"I have never lost"



"You guy."

The kind of flower that struggles in the ordinary, breaks through the mud and blooms.

It is even more touching.

Today, probably Shigure Akito saw with his own eyes 'that moment' that belonged to other people.

In the second year of Teikou.

A scene. An ordinary, yet unusual 1v1.

He went one step further...

The days when Akito Shigure was behind him couldn't help but walked into the court and gave Reiji Fukaya a high-five..

In the unusual silence, all the first-year students present could see the eyes of the seniors who were over 190 centimeters tall, including



, and



Everyone focused on Fukaya Reiji.

But at the same time, Nijimura Shuzo suddenly raised his eyes. Shirogane Kozo looked at all this with a smile.

"Is it the last strengthening month before passing the exam?……"

Akito Shigure, who was walking towards Nijimura Shuzo, still had the unfinished smile on his face, until he saw Nijimura Shuzo's eyes and followed his gaze. 0

Akito Shigure:"The devil is coming……"

Nijimura Shuzo nodded,"I don't know if these first-year students can withstand it."

Shigure Akito:"……"

Akito Shigure:"Probably no problem.……"

Although the"Generation of Miracles" who were in second grade still talked about Director Platinum's perverted behavior, it seems that in the original plot, there were no"anecdotes" about being vomited like Kuroko.

Turning around, Nijimura Shuzo saw Shigure Akito's unconscious smile that he didn't even realize.

"Reiji's strength……"

"Does it make you happy?"

Shigure Qiuto nodded first, then shook his head.


"I just thought of those guys like Minoru Reo~"

"So miserable~"

"To face this year's level of Emperor Guang"


Thinking of those guys who are quite capable, and thinking of Teiko who is ridiculously strong this year, Nijimura Shuzo couldn't help but laugh.


I also have some expectations.

This year's overwhelming victory.

It's completely different from the second hit"Generation of Miracles" in the future...


Shuzo is only obsessed with pursuing victory, but he will defeat his opponent with his own hands even if he doesn't fight back. When the opponent realizes his weakness and insignificance, he will be ferocious and excited, chasing with all his strength like a deep valley, and he will respect the excitement of two 0.5 real monsters... This time, it is Nijimura


They stretched out their fists.

They touched each other.

Nijimura Shuzo suddenly said:"I also want to see what will happen to me on the other side of this wall. landscape"

"Let’s compare this time with all the scores."


"The so-called Imperial Light Twin Stars……"

"Will it still exist after this year’s exams are all passed?"

Last year, I was not sure that I could see the scenery at the highest point in the whole school. But now, I am confident that with my own strength, I can drive the emperor's light and see it again.




"There is a rainbow after the rain."

Hongcun Xiuzao was startled when he heard this, and then shook his head with a smile.

"you guy……"

"The rainbow is more eye-catching".

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