Inside the gymnasium.

At this time, Kozo Shirogane and assistant coach Naoto Sanada witnessed a half-game massacre between Teikou's starter and Teikou's substitute.

After seeing it, Shirogane Kozo narrowed his eyes slightly.


Focusing on the starting side of the field, the only first-year member, Akashi Seijuro

"Akashi Seijuro……".

"Is it him?"

"First grade starter this year."

Naoto Sanada nodded, and then said:"Yes, after last year's first-year Shigure and Nijimura, there is another first-year starting player."

"However, he just has an advantage in position……"

"In terms of strength……"

"In fact, Aomine Daiki is more qualified."

"but you also know"

"For scoring-type players, whether it is Shigure or Nijimura, these two positions cannot be shaken, and compared to Fukaya Reiji……"

"Since last year, he has rejected your suggestion and made a desperate move……"

Shirogane Kozo shook his head and interrupted Sanada Naoto's words.

Not only Nijimura Shuzo and Shigure Akito, but also Fukaya who was the same year, he had to admit that he also made a mistake. Nijimura and Shigure underestimated, but Fukaya underestimated in another sense.

Last year's session... it was such a miraculous year

"that child……"

"He succeeded"

"Just yesterday, in 1v1, he successfully broke through Shigure's defense and scored a goal."

Naoto Sanada, who just wanted to explain his superiority in shooting ability and physical fitness, his eyes widened when he heard this,"Reiji, he……"

"In this case, my decision seems to be correct. It is better for Aomine to stay on the bench for the time being."



I really did it...

Although it always seems to be 'self-denial'.

But the characteristic of never giving up on things halfway, truly achieving the beginning and the end.

Well done.


Thinking of this, Naoto Sanada smiled seriously. His expression couldn't help but be mixed with excitement, and he continued:

"It’s not just Akashi Seijuro and Aomine Daiki……"

"Shogo Haizaki"

"Midorima Shintaro"

"Murasakihara Atsushi"

"These five people have all defeated the previous substitute players in daily training, and they also performed well in competitions with other schools in foreign games."


"During your absence, I broke the rules and put all five first-year players on the main roster. Everyone except Akaashi is now a substitute in the team."

Naoto Sanada grasped the training plan in his hand and looked at Supervisor Platinum beside him,"Do you think what I'm doing is going too far?……"

"after all……"

"Last year, only Nijimura and Shigure were able to perform at the same level. The first years in front of them still had an obvious shortcoming in terms of physical strength.……"

"Will there be any problems with such a dense schedule, especially in the finals?"

"There are only three third-year players on the main roster, and two of them are selected as emergency substitutes. This is something Teiko has never done before.……"

Facing the talent that is visible to the naked eye, promoting five first-year players at once, as well as the problems of third-year players, Naoto Sanada was a little worried about gains and losses in front of Shirogane Kozo.

He was afraid... that he had been dazzled by his dazzling talent.


"You did very well."

Shirogane Kozo's reaction made Naoto Sanada breathe a sigh of relief.

"This group of first-year players has no problem in terms of strength. Physical fitness, from the perspective of substitutes, will not be a disadvantage."


"third grade team member……"

"Sanada, you have to know that this is not a friendly exchange meeting here at Teiko. Although everyone is a teammate of the First Army, they are also competitors to each other."

"Even if you just lose to the first-year team in team training, as a regular player, you have no excuse if you lose. If you are dissatisfied with the first-year players, they are not qualified yet."

"after all……"

"They also relied on eliminating so many other players from the third, second and first armies to stand out and become the main force. So, if you do not perform well, it is normal for you to be eliminated. It is strange to have complaints."

With the endorsement of Supervisor Platinum, Naoto Sanada nodded clearly.

"These five newcomers……"

"I really look forward to their future"


"This year’s champion must still be our Emperor Guang!"

Hearing this,

Shirogane Kozao's eyes drifted towards Hongcun Xiuzao and Shigure Akito

"Isn't that natural?"

With these two people here

"Same next year."

From this year,

I'm afraid the meaning of this championship will be different.

I hope... other teams will not have nightmares.


In a blink of an eye.

It’s another hot summer for junior high school basketball.

The All-China Conference, the Tokyo District Qualifiers, started on this day.

When the players from Iwai Middle School entered the Tokyo 2nd Gymnasium under the leadership of their coach.

The deafening cheers that suddenly rang out from all around, the friction between sneakers and the ground, and the support from various schools gave the newcomers of the Iwai Middle School Basketball Club who came to the scene with their seniors a feeling like an electric shock.

Most of them had played a lot of basketball games before entering junior high school, but they had never seen such a fiery scene.

You must know that this is just the qualifying round.

And apparently it's not just them.

The newcomers noticed that even the third-year seniors looked excited. suddenly.

As a team of players wearing white uniforms entered the venue, the atmosphere and enthusiasm of the entire venue suddenly increased to another level.

The newcomers looked back


It's Di Guang!

For newcomers who have just entered junior high school, most of them will definitely pay attention to the upcoming junior high school basketball world in advance. Naturally, they will not know about Teiko Middle School last year.

And... the first-year Teiko twins who led the team to win the championship!

Right at the front!

Shigure Akito and Nijimura build it!


"It's Di Guang……"

"The first two are Shigure Akito and Niji Cun Xiuzou!"

"Shigure Akito……"

"I’ve grown a lot taller!"

"I heard that Shuzo Nijimura took over as captain after he passed all the tests last year, and sure enough... I heard that he was a lion-like guy with a scary expression!"

"Did you know that after passing all the exams last year, in the subsequent 'Ten Schools Competition', the Diguang Twin Stars took another step forward in strength?……"

"That's right, they were still in the first grade at that time. With the same first-grade lineup, they could easily score more than three times the difference!"


"Are you kidding me?!"

Around Iwaju Middle School, the teams from other middle schools all whispered to each other after seeing Teiko appear on the field. Among them, many of them are quite strong basketball schools in the eyes of Iwaju Middle School.

"All in all, this year's Teiko will not only win the No. 1 seed in Tokyo as usual, but will also win the national championship without any suspense. Don't have any illusions against them, as long as they don't get too ugly.……"The newcomer from Ariyanju Middle School recognized the person who said this. He was the ace player from one of the middle schools who qualified to participate in the 'Ten Schools Competition'. Then he heard him continue:

"no way……"

"Those two monsters are too strong."

"When it comes to the national competition, teams from other regions will definitely be more shocked this year than last year."

At this time, someone finally noticed something unusual about Teikou this year.

The black names Shinji and Reiji Fukaya, who were already well known in last year's 'Ten Schools Tournament', unsurprisingly wore numbers 6 and 7 after their second grade. Jersey.

But No.


red hair, completely unfamiliar face, but wearing Teiko's starting number...

Purple hair, No.

10, looks only one or two shorter than Teiko's starting center Shinji Kurenai.

Centimeters, this level of height is quite rare in junior high school.

He is a No.

9, with black skin, green hair, and a cheerful expression.

Even between his eyebrows, he looks like the gray-haired No.

12, quite a bit like Hongcun.

The charm of Xiuzhuo.




If we want to talk about strangeness, this green-haired one is probably the strangest among the strange players like Di Guang.


is holding a pocket watch in his hand, and it is also wrapped in a bandage...

The important thing is.

Except for the short size 8 and the taller size 10, the remaining three...

are all about 175 in the Nijimura Shuzo and Shigure Akito styles!

All the team coaches present who had not played a training match with Diguang this year recalled their not-so-pleasant memories...

Damn it...

it's not the first year again, is it?

"Shigure-senpai~ I always feel like they look at me weirdly~?"

"Is it because of Gray Boy?~?"


"What does it have to do with me!"

"Idiot, of course it's because you looked bad and you were raped by the Hongcun team���I was beaten until my nose was bruised and my face was swollen! It’s all because of you that other people’s impressions of us have probably become strange."


"It's none of my business, shouldn't that violent maniac be blamed?!"

Hearing the sound,

Nijimura Shuzo turned around and glanced sharply at Murasakibara, Aomine, and Haizaki who were working in the small theater.

Shigure Akito smiled and said,"Is it possible that it's just because of your fancy hair~"

Green Room:"……"


That's not very strange, is it?

Shigure-senpai always seems to be troubled by this. Isn't this color... normal?

And... there were strange and fearful looks around them. With Akashi and Midorima's quick thinking, of course they quickly realized that it was simply because of the lingering power of the 'Teiko Twins' from last year's 'first grade'.

As both first-year and regular candidates, they unexpectedly attracted attention because of the intimidating power of their two seniors last year.

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