The opening process of the All-China Qualifiers, after a simple opening and drawing ceremony, is followed by the athletes' oath.

Since Nijimura was quite frightened when faced with such a scene, Akito Shigure, the deputy captain of Teikou, appeared on the stage and talked according to the template of captain Masaaki Okura last year.

Then... the organizer gave a speech.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye, and the opening process was finally over, and what was about to begin was the main qualifying round.

As the biggest card in Tokyo, Teiko is still on the list of several opening games held simultaneously in the first round this year, and the venue for the games is also the most central court in the stadium.

And the opponent…….

Flat Rock Middle School.

To be honest, Akito Shigure had some impressions, maybe because he played in a training match last year, but it was too long ago, so he didn't have a deep impression.

After everyone had packed their equipment, soon, the courtside staff came over to inform them that the game process was ready and they could start to warm up.

Under Teikou's fierce momentum, Pingshi Middle School was nervous and apprehensive.

End of warm-up

"Next, the match between Teikou Middle School and Heishi Middle School will be played!"The announcement sound from the live broadcast resounded throughout the stadium.

"The strongest Emperor's Light is here!"

"Although their opponent, Hiraishi Junior High School, is quite capable in the Tokyo area, after all, it is just a team that has never even entered the national competition. It encountered the light of God from the beginning.……"

"Yes, to be honest, no matter how much Di Guang despises his opponent, nothing will happen to him……"

The other teams watching the game in the audience immediately started talking after seeing that Di Guang was about to make his official debut. Without exception, they all believed that Di Guang would win.

But for Di Guang……

"I only say one thing……"Supervisor Platinum stood in front of the bench on the sidelines, scanning the players in front of him without any slack,"We are lions!"

"No matter who the opponent is!"

"Use all your strength!"

"Tear him apart!"

"This is the etiquette of being a strong person!"

On the bench, Haizaki Shogo's expression was excited for a moment, but he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Sure enough... this devil old man... is exactly the same as the violent maniac in Nijimura!

"let's go!"

This year, Shirogane Kozo, who unexpectedly took charge of the coach from the qualifiers, patted the shoulders of the starting players, and Nijimura, Shigure and others finally appeared one after another.

No. 4.

Captain, power forward Nijimura Shuzo.

No. 5.

Vice captain, shooting guard Shigure.

No. 7, small forward, Akashi Seijuro.

"our target is……"

"National champion!"

"National champion!"


Among the starting five, Akashi didn't keep up with the rhythm. The other four, including Reiji Fukaya, followed Nijimura's words seriously and responded.


Nijimura Shuzo slapped Akashi Seijuro on the shoulder.

"It's your first official appearance, don't be nervous"

"Let’s start with Shigure and me.

Akashi Seijuro smiled warmly,"I have never been nervous, Captain Nijimura, but it is indeed the most correct choice to attack from the two seniors first.""


The center of Pingshi Middle School is 185 centimeters tall. At this time, he looked at the 192 centimeters tall Diguang No. 6 not far away. The oppressive height made him swallow nervously.

The coach of Pingshi Middle School off the court turned his head and saw a 190 player sitting on the Teguang bench.


Good guy... so rich.

After Teikou captain Masaaki Ozo left the team last year, I thought Teikou would have flaws in height. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, two such tall insiders were added to the team.

And... the biggest problem is indeed Shigure Akito.

Is it 185?

Shooting guard...

I don't have any guys of the same height who can have the sensitivity of a shooting guard. Let's not talk about whether they can beat him. I simply don't have any cards.

"Oh oh!"

"This year's Diguang, the center is still very high!"

"There is one sitting under the field!"

"Today's junior high school students are so good. With this height, they can play center right after they reach high school, right?"

However... just when everyone was temporarily attracted by the height of the Teiko center that stood out from the crowd.

On the court, the power forward of Pingshi Middle School also had something to say.

Height, height... what's the use of that thing?

You have to face it yourself No.


Captain Teiko!

But the Teiko twins nicknamed 'Lion', Nijimura Shuzai!

And on the other side... What's wrong with Captain Teiko, who is about 180 centimeters tall


He is still a normal height for the power forward position.

Look at the other member of the Twin Stars...

Akito Shigure... a shooting guard at the center level. What a joke!

While the players of Pingshi Middle School were thinking about something, the referee was already there. When he came to the center circle, he motioned for the centers of both sides to come over and jump the ball. Then the center of

Pingshi Middle School saw that Teiko No. 6 did not move at all, but Akito Shigure stood up. Stunned.

Di Guang was not surprised at all.


It doesn't matter.

This is better.

Although Akito Shigure has a strong jumping ability, jumping ball is not just about who can jump higher!

Just when he thought of this, the referee had already thrown the ball into the air.

Pingshi Middle School Center:"!?"

Ah... ah?

No surprise at all.

Akito Shigure touched the ball first.

It's true that the jump ball is not about who can jump higher, but the premise is that the guy on the opposite side doesn't use 'fly'!

Akito Shigure in the center circle, when he jumped up, it was so terrifying that it was as high as a roc spreading its wings, so that the center of Hiraishi Middle School even forgot to jump!

Because it makes no sense.

It makes no sense at all!

Akito Shigure, who jumped into the air and waited, even took the time to glance at Akashi, and then accurately shot the ball into the hands of his own point guard.

After getting the ball, Akashi quickly displayed a set of ball-handling skills with almost invisible arm dribbling during the advancement process. He ignored the opponent's point guard's stealing action and scanned the entire court with his eyes, looking for opportunities to play the ball.!

The first goal... it was Shigure-senpai as expected!

A very fast pass with no preparatory movements before passing the ball!

· ·Asking for flowers 0 ··

When Shigure Akito took the ball, he was a little surprised by how smooth it was. First-year Akashi had already worked hard to develop in this direction when it came to passing the ball.

This ball...

In line with his running, he deliberately paused for a moment, so that when he received the ball, he could comfortably match the offensive pace. Whether it was an emergency stop or a further drop of the ball, it was quite comfortable.


As far as Akashi's passing is concerned, Shigure Akito is still looking forward to it.

He has always wanted to experience it for himself. What kind of pass can lead to a zone, even if it is a fake zone, by relying on the placement, timing, ball release, and even the basketball texture at the moment of receiving the ball. Feel.

After Shigure Akito got the ball, he made a breakthrough and easily rushed into the penalty area of Hiraishi Middle School. Then he dribbled the ball behind his back and pulled back.……



Turn behind the tomahawk!


Score a dunk!

He turned around as nimbly as a small top, dribbled with his back and straightened up, with the violent tomahawk of an inside player hanging on his body, leaving the players of Pingshi Middle School with their mouths wide open in shock.

........... 0


Not a word could come out.

Just now... they watched Shigure Qiuto pass by them, but with that kind of speed and flickering, they were completely powerless!

Before he could even finish the words"stop him", Akito Shigure was already holding the ball with one hand, pressing the inside defense with a tomahawk and hanging it on the basket!

His height and weight are far better than last year's Shigure, and when he grabs the basket with one hand, the sound of the basket's 'bang-bang-bang-bang' is even better than last year.

Then... the house leaked and it rained all night! beep~!

"White No. 5 goal is valid!"

"Gray No. 6, defensive foul!"

"Add a free throw!"

The No. 6 power forward of Pingshi Middle School suddenly blushed. His assisting defense did not result in effective defense at all. Instead, he gave his opponent a foul and another point.

Compared to him, Pingshi's center was more Damn, the teammate's thug's foul was considered a 'defense', but not only was his opponent used as a background board to hold his head and dunk him, he was also knocked away directly without being touched!

"Who is No. 5?"

"you do not know?"

"Shigure Akito from Teiko Twin Stars! Last year, he was a monster who averaged more than 40 points per game not only in the qualifiers but also in the national competition!"

"That's right……"

"I was there to watch the finals of the year against Okayama. Good guy, 176 vs 193, that scene.……"

Akito Shigure's first goal this year made everyone���There was a lot of discussion, and many people recalled the terrifying figure fighting Kasayuki Hagioka in last year's All-Chinese Finals.

And this sudden wave of cheers and discussions fell on the ears of everyone in Pingshi Middle School, but it made their already heavy hearts become even heavier.


"Cheer up all!"

"Isn't it something that everyone knows about Emperor Guang's strength?!"

" least have to show our hard work throughout the year!"

The captain of No. 4 Pingshi Middle School applauded:"It's just the first round! The game has just begun!" 2.

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