The day after Teiko's first battle ended.

Although as the all-conference schedule begins, the attention of the main players, led by Shigure Akito and Nijimura Shuzo, has completely shifted to the all-conference tournament.

However, all Diguang Arenas, including Yijun, are still being used in full swing.

To put it simply... all hits?

That's a matter for the regular players.

What does it have to do with us players who are sprinting for the second army, the first army, and the main selection?

Even some members of the first army were thinking that if any of the regular players did not perform well in the overall competition, they would be immediately removed from their posts after the conference so that they could be replaced.

As for the ownership of the championship, the members of the first team know it very well.

With Nijimura and Shigure here, there is no possibility of falling by the wayside.

Speaking of these two captains and deputy captains... in the First Army Stadium... everyone turned to look at the leftmost court, one half court on each side, on the left, Shigure Akito vs. Aomine Daiki, on the right, Nijimura Shuzo vs. Shogo Haizaki.

All in unison...


"Qingfeng, your"unfixed shot" is really hard to describe. Fortunately, you knew it well and didn't use it in yesterday's game. Otherwise,……"

"The guy standing in front of you today is probably that guy from Hongcun~"

Mu Shenyi: Change of direction under the crotch...


Breakthrough with reverse direction!

Ultimate move: Emperor's attack!


Emperor's retreat hook!

Watch! As Akito Shigure spoke, he used a set of flashy but extremely fast breakthroughs to change direction. He turned around one after another, stepped back, raised his right arm, and made a casual hook! Aomine hit!

Dahui’s face darkened!


How is it done?! it's wired!

I obviously feel that it works, but when I use it, it doesn’t work. Damn it!

When Aomine Daiki looked at Shigure Akito, his eyes were full of excitement and unwillingness to admit defeat at first, and after seeing his final show off, he had a look of envy.

It's just...

Shigure-senpai raised his eyebrows proudly when he spoke, which is really annoying!


"Senior's skills are not"indefinite"’……"

"Indefinite or something……"

"It must be more free. It won't be like the seniors, who are obviously all hooks."

Hearing this,

Shigure Akito laughed.


"Like this?"

Near the free throw line, Akito Shigure suddenly jumped to the right, then leaned over, tried his best to stretch his right hand to the right, and then grabbed the ball with one hand...


A swing from bottom to top.

Simple. To describe it, it would probably be... holding a urinal with one hand?

Well... it sounds too ugly, let's throw a bowling ball with one hand.

This move completely imitates Aomine's"unfixed shooting" action in the original plot, which made Aomine Daiki widen his eyes. With eyes wide open, he couldn't help but think...


Yes, yes!

It's more free!

Senior Shigure... he really understands me!

Aomine looked at Shigure Akito's random shots, and then, Until there was a 'bang' sound, the ball hit the basket crookedly and bounced out.



"What are you doing with Qingfeng again?"

Aomine, who was still looking confused, turned his head and saw Nijimura Shuzo dragging the 'half-dead' Haizaki Shogo, standing on the sidelines with a speechless face.

Aomine scratched his head,"No nonsense.……"

Shigure smiled when he heard this


"Although I can't do it……"

"But maybe Aomine can do it?"

After hearing what Shigure-senpai said, Aomine's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly,"Senior's 'infinite shot' is absolutely fine! Although I can’t do it now, I will definitely do it in the future!"

Hongcun Building:"……" here we go again.

Shigure sometimes feels like he is trying to fool people in a bad way, but just like Kuroko Tetsuya at that time, he is serious about it.

But no matter what... that kind of shooting is too random.

Nijimura glanced at Qingfeng suspiciously and observed it carefully for a moment. For something that was completely outside of his basketball system, he still couldn't analyze the feasibility of it.

At least……

"Not tall enough and not jumping enough……"

"If you want that kind of"arbitrary" shot, because the point of release is different from ordinary shots, sufficient"height" support is very important."

"There is still power……"

"To maintain the stability of one hand during confrontation, a considerable degree of confrontation ability is required."


"It's best to be able to control the ball with one hand"

"And talent……"

"Simply put, it’s the sense of space"

"in addition……"

"as well as……"

"All in all, let’s not talk about whether this kind of shot that Shigure can’t complete is actually possible, but you are currently limited by your physical growth.……"

"Qingfeng, there is absolutely no chance for you now"

"Let’s grow taller first and then talk about it"

"At least……"

Nijimura Shuzo slowly closed his eyes and simulated the scene in his mind

"At least as tall as Shigure."

Aomine Daiki was dumbfounded when he heard what Hongcun Shuzo said. To be honest, if he didn't know what Hongcun's playing style was like, Qingfeng would have thought that Hongcun's captain would have no fixed style.

Bang ~

Behind him.

Shigure Akito patted Aomine on the shoulder, leaned over and whispered in his ear,"Isn't this guy scary? I don’t think you can beat him in the future."

At this stage, Aomine, who is still a dull boy with a passion for basketball, did not understand the other meaning of Shigure's words. The words of Captain Nijimura were still in his mind, and he nodded subconsciously.


"I know you pay a lot of attention to him……"


"Is he really still alive? Nijimura knew who Shigure was referring to, and with a flick of his hand, Haizaki Shogo, who was lying on the ground and being dragged by him, doubting his life, was thrown into a spinning top.

"Damn violent maniac!"

"one day……"


Haizaki, who had been tortured so much by Nijimura, lay on the ground muttering for a long time without receiving any response. He cautiously raised his head and found that the three guys had turned around and left.

"……" hateful!


The devil wants his inexplicable attention!

Don't get involved, you bastard!

Outside the stadium.

Shigure and Nijimura, who had taken off their sports vests, were still discussing issues related to first grade, but interestingly, the topics were all about each other.

Nijimura was saying that the current 'unstructured shot' based on the hook was good, and there was no need to pursue more extreme and random movements, while Shigure was asking about the progress of the 'Delinquent Haizaki Transformation Plan'.

Behind him...

Aomine Daiki followed.

After hearing what Captain Nijimura said before, he was looking at the bodies of the two people with burning eyes, like a pervert, especially Shigure Akito's.


I heard it's 184 centimeters?

Is it okay to just grow this tall? Doesn’t that mean we have to wait until the second grade?

But... can I really grow so tall?

It seems that Captain Nijimura and Shigure-senpai from last year are both about 175 centimeters tall, exactly like me. Other seniors in the First Army even teased us.


Aomine Daiki glanced at Captain Nijimura

"Captain Hongcun has only grown from 175 to 179 in a year.……"

"If I were like this……"

"Do we have to wait until third grade?"

"The seniors all went to high school at that time, right?……"

The 'unstructured shot' that Akito Shigure showed Aomine made him a little anxious. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't be like this.

But the superhuman-level suppression of the two seniors made it seem like first-year Aomine had no hope of winning at all.

Although at this time Qingfeng still liked basketball and enjoyed the process.

But from the moment he saw the 'Infinite Shot' when he joined the club...

Aomine's whole body seemed to be electrified...

He couldn't help but imagine, and he was very sure that if he could have that level of shooting, I can definitely compete with my seniors immediately.

But that 'thing' was like a bait tied to a fish line. It was in front of me, but just out of reach.

So... even if it's only first grade.

But Aomine was already imagining in his mind the image of himself scoring a goal in front of Shigure-senpai using an 'infinite shot', which made him a little anxious. at this time.

Aomine, who was completely immersed in his own world, didn't notice.

He just accidentally revealed what he was thinking about the height of Captain Nijimura.

Nijimura Shuzo turned around and glanced at her coldly. Momoi Satsuki, who had come to Qingfeng's side at some point and was also looking at Shigure Akito's back in a daze, her face flushed, trembled.


Because of shyness and the guilt of being caught, Momoi, who had just joined the club as a support staff member, panicked and dropped the basket full of towels on the ground.

Nijimura Shuzo:"Are you going to have a 1v1, Aomine?"

Momoi Satsuki:"Senior, I didn't watch!"




The three people turned their heads and looked at Momoi Satsuki who was covering her eyes with her hands in confusion.

Akito Shigure was the first to react. He put the vest he was holding on back on, picked up the basket full of towels on the ground, looked at Momoi Satsuki, and said to Nijimura Shuzo in a strange way:

"Is the team manager still responsible for changing towels?"



"How could Di Guang have that kind of position?"

Hearing this,

Shigure Akito was stunned for a moment.

Isn't it?

"That's awesome……"

"This Momoi-san has very strong analytical skills."

"And unlike Nijimura, who has the ability to collect real-time information on the field and process it instantly, Momoi is good at collecting and analyzing intelligence before the game."

"Very strong."

Two 'very strong' words in a row made Nijimura Shuzo look stern.

And Momoi Satsuki... her face was so burned that it was so pink that she was about to bleed.


Senior... seems to know me very well..

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