After hearing Akito Shigure's words, the panicked Satsuki Momoi quickly waved his hand," won't work, senior, manager or something like that."……"

However, if she subconsciously refused because she was in a completely unfamiliar field, she suppressed it all because of the eyebrow raised by Shigure-senpai in front of her.

"It doesn't matter"

"Don't worry, take it."

"Maybe the manager job you took over unintentionally will allow you to become part of the basketball department. After all, there is no one else in this position. Besides,……"

Akito Shigure glanced at the changing basket in Momoi Satsuki's hand,"You are actually also interested in joining the Teiko Basketball Club, right?"

Momoi Satsuki was stunned for a moment.


The pink hair neatly tied into a ponytail swayed with Momoi's bouncing movements, and then, a bright and clear voice sounded excitedly, and in the words, there was the kind of impatient feedback.

"Should senior's sweatshirts be taken to the laundry room?"

"I happen to be going now~"

"give it to me! Momoi shook the basket in his hand, while Shigure Akito glanced at the piles of towels inside, smiled and shook his head,"Forget it, I'll do it myself.""

After saying that,

I turned around and faced Nijimura Shuzo with a playful expression on his face.

His eyes were communicating rapidly...

Nijimura: Ha!

Shigure: I'm just caring about my juniors!

Nijimura: Ha!

Nijimura: On the team Wasn't it you when you were instructing the juniors?


Nijimura: I'm only a first-year man. You really deserve it.

During the eye contact between the two, Momoi Satsuki took the opportunity to take the sweatshirt from Shigure Akito's hand. He came over and put it in the basket,"Since you want to be a manager, you still have to start with these small things, senior.

Qingfeng on the side never left the ball in his hands, spinning the ball while complaining:"Don't worry, senior, she is super strong in May and is also a monster!""

"Don't worry, leave it to her~"



Because I was afraid of being misunderstood by my seniors, I changed my usual title to 'Aomine-kun'"’

"what are you saying?!"

Momoi turned his back, raised his eyebrows, and said quietly. He was about to kick him out of anger, but suddenly remembered something, and a strange smile appeared on his face. Then he changed into a serious look on his face. Zhu Qingfeng

"Qingfeng, do you know that in the past month, when your First Army was preparing for the National Central Conference, there were"ghosts" haunting the Third Army Gym?~"




"Are you kidding? How is that possible?!"

The ball spinning in Qingfeng's hand fell to the ground after his face darkened, but in front of several people, especially in front of the two seniors, he still pretended to be calm and said:"Yueyue, what are you talking about? ?"


Absolutely impossible!

What ghosts, they are all lies!

Momoi Satsuki approached mysteriously and whispered

"It's the Tri-Service Arena. It used to be empty when school was over, but in the past month, many people said that they heard something playing basketball inside, but every time they went in, they couldn't see anything. Arrive, only one of the venues has lights on〃~〃~"


At this point, she paused and looked at Qingfeng seriously,"Pah~pah~pah~pah pah~ under the light...but there was the sound of hitting the ball, which kept echoing!"


The last word.

Momoi suddenly raised the volume, which made Aomine Daiki tremble!

Noticing the strange expressions of the two seniors, he quickly picked up the basketball from the ground and shouted:"Idiot! How could such a thing exist?"

"Ghost...or ghost, or something?……?"

"Only children would believe it!"

Aomine's reaction made Nijimura and Shigure look at each other. Because they knew the specific situation, they both had uncontrollable smiles in their eyes.



Behind him, Haizaki Shogo, who had recovered from the gym, walked over and saw Aomine's cowardly look, and immediately let out a sneer. At the same time, he knew who the 'ghost' was referring to as soon as he heard it.

"A weak military force can scare you like this, and that's all you can do, Qingfeng!"

Momoi heard the sound and turned around to look over.

It was someone he knew... gray hair.

Haizaki Shogo from the First Army.

But I heard he was a delinquent, so he didn't talk to him at all, and he wasn't familiar with him at all, so he just wanted to scare Aomine. , she deliberately concealed this person.

In fact, there is another version...

It is said that...

In order to defeat Captain Nijimura, Haizaki Shogo would train with the 'ghost' players at the Sanjun Arena at night.

"That was Kuroko Tetsuya from the Third Army."

At this time,

Nijimura Shuzo opened his mouth and answered the topic of 'ghost' and 'ghost' without giving an answer, and then asked Haizaki Shogo:"How is his progress?"


"What's the use of just being able to trick people into 'disappearing'?……"

"The ball is obviously still there"

"That guy had absolutely no power to fight back in front of me, and I lost interest in him within a few days."

Shigure Akito:"Pfft……~"

Shigure's laughter made the corners of Haizaki Shogo's mouth twitch unnaturally, and he had a bad premonition. really……

"you guy……"

"More arrogant than Midorima?"

"I saw that you were almost convinced before, but recently you have had the courage to approach Hongcun, haven't you? They are obviously very happy to get along with Kuroko~"

Shogo Haizaki:"I……"

Just reluctantly... a little recognition of that guy's efforts.

But... damn it!

What is the use……?

It’s not like I can’t catch up with that violent maniac!

Looking at Haizaki Shogo's obviously arrogant figure"running away", Akito Shigure couldn't help but smile, thinking that some changes are really wonderful.



The two people inexplicably formed a bond first.

Thinking of Kuroko Tetsuya……


"Do you want to go see the three armies together?"



"Yes, although I don't think he can be used in this class."

But next year, he and Shigure will be third years. As the captain, he needs to make preparations for the generational change of Teikou.

In the field of vision...

Aomine who has not yet calmed down.

Haizaki who ran away arrogantly.

Not far away , were passing by, Akashi and Midorima stood quietly watching.

Nijimura thought... for the juniors, leaving a sixth man on the bench who can change the direction of the game, provided that Kuroko Tetsuya can really do it. If you complete that skill, you won't even be qualified to join the First Army with that kind of physical condition.

After Shigure Akito and Nijimura Shuzo left,

Momoi teased Aomine a few words.……

‘Ah Da's appearance is very confusing. No one can tell that he is afraid of ghosts, right? '

At this moment, two girls from a distance who were also working as support staff, but whose purpose of joining the basketball club was not simple, ran over with excitement on their faces.

"Hey, May"

"Aomine-kun... I heard that you grew up together?"

"Does he have a girlfriend now?"


Momoi was a little overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the two people.

"¨「¨「Well, I heard that Aomine-kun also showed off his strength in yesterday's game... He scored the most points among the first graders. He's so handsome!"



Ah Da?

Sorry, I didn't see it at all.

But thinking about being handsome, Momoi Satsuki couldn't help but look in the direction where Shigure Akito left, and he couldn't help but recall in his mind that he was a junior high school student. Afterwards, there were a few scenes.

The street... the Tianqiao Stadium... then she subconsciously said:"Sure enough, Shigure-senpai is better.……"

Momoi May:"!"

Huh... not bad.


However, she underestimated the acumen of two girls in the same grade as she was focused on love. When she turned her head, she saw the two of them looking at her with admiration.


"You are so awesome!"

"Shigure-senpai, we don’t have the guts at all.……"

"Wouldn't it be scary?"


"Although it's not as cold as Captain Nijimura, it just feels like... during that training match, he beat his opponent badly, but Shigure-senpai seemed to be very excited.……"

Hearing this, Momoi Satsuki blushed a little, but couldn't help but defend Shigure-senpai,"Using your best to your opponent is the only way to show respect.……"


"If your opponent is obviously not as good as you, but you still try your best to play, it means that your senior really likes basketball, right?"

The girls in the hot chat were walking and talking. One of the girls was walking back excitedly, completely unaware of Zhou Wei. The more they talked, the more excited they became, especially when it came to the emperor. One of the most eye-catching seniors made people even more excited. Then, at the point of excitement, he stumbled and the conversation came to an abrupt end.


The girl who was holding the changing basket like Momoi was about to lose her grip and drop it to the ground. Suddenly, a beautiful hand with clear joints stretched out from behind her to help her hold it.

"Classmates, you have to watch the road carefully."

Turning her head, the warm words and smile came into the girl's eyes.

She was happy to discuss the basketball team members in private, but when it came to her eyes, the girl felt shy again, especially when the sounds and looks were intertwined at the same time. The blush was even more unbearable.

Akashi Seijuro didn't pay much attention to the girl in front of him. Instead, before leaving, he looked at the other side, Momoi Satsuki, who was also favored by Shigure-senpai in terms of ability.

Follow him.

Next to him ,

Midorima Shintaro glanced at the two people leaving. The girl who was helped by Akashi covered her face with excitement and shyness.



"It's great too~"

"He is very handsome, and I heard that his family is a very rich chaebol~"

Momoi Satsuki:"……"

You... tell me... you've changed really fast...

And, sir... what's that name?.

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