Emperor Guang vs Xingrong.

The second half has just begun.

The score on the court was 65:27.

Akito Shigure and Shuzo Nijimura and others came on the field, and on the bench, the first-year students sat next to Reiji Fukaya. Among them, Murasakibara, whose face was terrifyingly calm, didn't even have the expression that Shogo Haizaki had when he was on the field just now. pay attention to


"What is that idiot proud of?!"

"Just a substitute……"



Aomine Daiki was still angry at Haizaki's pride just now.~~

Aomine felt a little strange that he didn't get the same support from Murasakibara as before. When he turned his head, he saw the panting Murasakibara next to him, looking at the field seriously.--


What's wrong with this guy ?

Today, to be more specific, it was the second quarter of today's game. Ever since Senior Fukaya said something to him, this guy has been playing very seriously.

They were all exhausted and out of breath.

It's so rare


On the field.

After Teikou's 'real starters' came on the field, Xingrong Middle School played more cautiously than in the first half.

The manifestation on the field... is passing the ball.

Passed back and forth.

Everyone on both sides of the field is either running or slightly lowering their focus on defense. the only exception……


"You pass the ball……"

"When will it be transmitted?"

Near the free throw line, Shigure Akito's words, with his unique straight-back posture, put heavy pressure on everyone at Xingei Middle School.

"Aren't you coming over yet?"

"I can't wait."


With these words, Akito Shigure left the free throw line. It seemed that he was going to actively help defend outside the three-point line, but his speed was not very fast.


You look down on people...

Shigure Akito.

If you help defend like this without permission, even if you have the so-called"super wide range defense", as long as you are out of the free throw line, and it is not shrinking inside but coming to the three-point line.

The large blank area behind... is all empty! right here!!



The point guard of Xingrong Middle School hit the ground and passed the ball, and the target was behind Shigure Akito!

But at the moment when he passed the ball...


It was even a little further ahead in time!

The inside line was facing him. A power forward from Hong Cun Xiu Zao's Xing Rong Middle School was shocked to find that Hong Cun Xiu Zao suddenly completely abandoned himself and suddenly ran away in the direction of their Xing Rong half court!

"Return to defense!!"

It's strange. It was clearly their Xingrong's attack round at this moment, but after seeing Nijimura Shuzo's actions, he shouted out without hesitation.

Decisively... even he was a little surprised.

Then he turned around.

Sure enough, the pass from his own point guard was cut directly on the passing route by Akito Shigure with an incredible reaction speed!

The two were obviously so close to each other, leaving no room for reaction. The ball's path was also so short, but Akito Shigure intercepted the ball like a monster!

Tomoyuki Uekusa's hidden interception! The players of Seei Middle School were reminded in time and retreated.!

The defense was quite timely.

But Akito Shigure, who turned on 'Wild' and 'Full Acceleration', passed the ball to Nijimura Shusuke and took a step forward from the point guard of Xingei Middle School.

On the other side, the same was true for Niji Cunxu.

The captain of Xingrong Middle School retreated in time, and he was defeated by two people in a blink of an eye.

The one!


this is not the most despairing thing.

The most desperate thing is that the two people on the opposite side obviously have overwhelming strength, but in this situation...

Nijimura Shuzo also passed the ball!

Then, Shigure Akito's attack went to extremes, causing despair!

When the captain of Hoshiei Middle School tried his best to defend, Shigure Akito suddenly made a horizontal pass at the moment of receiving the ball!

He left his hand...


it was still a fake move!

The next second, Shigure Akito had already taken a big step to catch up with the ball passed by him, and jumped horizontally with all his strength, and jumped out quite terrifyingly.

The distance and height!

Off the court...

Aomine Daiki's eyes instantly widened like bells!

On the court, Shigure-senpai completed a 'no fixed form' that his previous seniors had demonstrated in the First Army Arena, but failed.

A very similar ball!

It bounces, jumps out horizontally, and drifts far away.

So far, it is the same as the ball in the Yijun Arena.

But then...

there is no leaning down to get further distance, and naturally there is no bowling ball!

The ball was thrown by Hai Laoyue while leaning forward with one hand!

In a floating and tilting posture, the ball was thrown!

It hit the basket!

Mu Shenyi·Small Sky Hook!


Emperor's Ultimate Sky Hook!

【Emperor's Ultimate Skyhook: Activate the 'Ultimate Move·Emperor's Attack' when a teammate is holding the ball, and prepare to release the 'Emperor's Ultimate Skyhook' skill. Action: Use the 'Emperor Pass' to deceive the opponent at the moment of receiving the pass, and then fly to get the ball back to complete the ultimate skyhook shot]

After the ball hit the basket, it made a violent rebound sound at the edge of the basket, which resounded loudly. The whole audience!

The scene was completely silent!

For a moment, the audience, as well as the other teams who came to watch the Diguang game, all had the same look on their faces, with their mouths wide open and jaw-dropping!

The first cheer came from Aomine Daiki who jumped up from the Teiko bench.




Senior also lied to himself and said, 'Even though I can't do it'.

Isn't this completely possible?!

So awesome!

However, in fact, this trick is rarely used by Shigure Akito.

Pass the ball first, and then chase it one step at a time. Landing the ball, then drifting and jumping sideways, can open up a considerable distance of shooting space.

And because of the tilt of the posture in the air after jumping out diagonally, this move is also called a"hook hand", but it is actually the same as the real"hook hand". There's no difference between shooting without a fixed shot.

Everything looks great, but the problem is that this move belongs to the category of catch-and-shoot, and you still have to activate the big move first and wait for the catch-and-shoot.

·········Asking for flowers··········

·········Asking for flowers··········

If his teammates don't pass the ball during the 'Emperor's Offense', it will immediately waste a bunch of energy, so he almost only uses it with peace of mind when cooperating with Nijimura.

Because Nijimura can perfectly understand his intentions and will never hesitate to pass the ball.

But then again.

Himself + Hongcun.

With this combination, there are no opponents who are worthy of him using this move. Even if he only uses the most common"catching skyhook" in the same series, which does not consume energy, the opponent can no longer cope with it.

So... this move is just a show off skill~

It is quite exciting to use it occasionally and attract the whole audience to cheer for him.

Such as this moment.

Even Qingfeng blushed with envy, let alone the audience.

"This ball...this ball!!"

"What a great shot... No, can this still be called a shot?"

"Forget about the hook, now I just throw it instead……?"..0..0

"What an exaggeration!"

"How to prevent this?"

"No wonder last winter, Shigure Akito's title of 'technician' was vaguely heard. This monster is too capable of research.……"

In the stands, whether they were spectators or players, everyone could intuitively feel the outrageousness of this goal from the exaggerated visual effects. Suddenly, the entire stadium was boiling.

And in this boiling situation, it is complete torture for Xingrong Middle School.

In Captain Xingei's defense just now, he was deceived by the fake pass in the first step. Then he could only watch Shigure Akito's figure leave him far away, and with his own eyes, he used the closest distance to Witnessed everything that just happened.

The distance between them was completely incalculable based on his strength.

But... in the face of the reality of defeat, at that moment, his sight and heart were tightly grasped by Shigure Akito's posture in the air, and his hitting skills... were tightly grasped.

Then he came back to his senses...

He was extremely convinced that if the game could barely be played in the first half, then now, because the gap was too wide, so huge that it was despairing... the game could not even be played. French beat

"That's too much……"

"Shi Yu Qiu Ren."

A person faced the Emperor Guang Twin Stars, but the other party didn't give in at all. Should it be said that it was excessive or an honor? What the captain of Xingrong Middle School thought in his mind did not match what he finally said.

As these words passed by, the morale of Xingrong Middle School fell to an all-time low.

In terms of sports, morale is a crucial factor. Obviously, there is no such thing in Xingrong Middle School. From the beginning, they had no idea of victory, but they were still able to give an account of their past efforts. But now... after enduring Shigure Akito's attack that they could not even dream of.

, the cheers from the audience seemed to be the last straw that broke everyone's heart.

Let's forget it.

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