The final whistle sounded.

Teiko Middle School vs Xingrong Middle School.

Total score:


In the second half of the game, Akito Shigure's"Green Light" started up, and he was near the free throw line again. With the high speed of"Green Light" and the blocking performance of"Maki Shinichi: Bullying Block", he simulated a"super" Broad defense'.

Coupled with Nijimura's equipment, real-time game reading on the field, timely steals and blocking of passing routes.

At the junior high level... the effect is the same as the first game.


In the entire second half, the opponent only allowed 6 points.

During the fixed handshake session after the game, Teiko Middle School could clearly feel that everyone on the other side felt relieved and their expressions were much more relaxed.

Only when facing Shigure Akito and Nijimura Shuzo, everyone looked ugly.


After the game, on the way back to school.

After two rounds of competition, the seniors who were selected were all calm, but the first-years had strange expressions on their faces, not at all as excited as they were after winning the previous game.

Especially in the second half today, Shogo Haizaki played at the same time as Shuzo Nijimura and Akito Shigure.


"too weak!"

Damn it!

There was absolutely no room for performance after coming on the field. After being beaten by those two monsters like"08"087"7", the opponent was like a piece of wood. As a result, he obviously won, but he didn't feel anything at all. None.

On the side,

Aomine Daiki also rarely went against Haizaki, and nodded:"I had that feeling in the first round, but... As for Hiraishi Middle School, I actually won in the end. I'm quite excited……"


Qingfeng clapped the ball in his hand and muttered to himself.

Midorima glanced at Aomine and said:"The difference lies in the self-esteem of players. Although the scores of these two games are similar, this Xingrong is far behind compared to Heiraishi Middle School."

Hearing this.

Murasakihara Atsushi frowned slightly.


Lu Zai... did he hear what Senior Gloomy said to him?

Murasakihara, who didn't pay much attention to such things, felt an embarrassing emotion out of thin air at this moment. the other side.

Akashi Seijuro's eyes fell on the two seniors Shigure Akito and Nijimura Shuzo. They seemed hesitant to speak. Midorima noticed his situation and gave him a questioning look.

But in the end, Akashi just shook his head slightly.

As for why the two seniors would attack with all their strength in the face of such a weak opponent, and compared to the indifferent Captain Nijimura, Shigure-senpai made no secret of his excitement about enjoying it.

Although he doesn't understand it yet, Akashi feels that in addition to physical ability and skills, the strongest among the current junior high school players, there is also a fundamental difference in the mental attributes between these first-year players and the two seniors.

This question... let's use it as a research topic for the top and stronger ones.

Noticing the strange atmosphere among the first-year team members, Nijimura Shuzo did not speak, while Shigure Akito opened his mouth to console and said:"This is only the first and second rounds."……"

"We at Teikou are the strongest in the country. It is difficult to find an opponent in Tokyo."

"If you want to face stronger opponents, then after the qualifiers are over, you may get satisfactory results in the national competition!"

"As far as I know, there are at least five good opponents."

"Of course, for you~"

"But then again……"

"What are you down about?"

"Didn't I see that you had a lot of fun playing back and forth in the first half?"

Aomine: There are five?

Akashi: Sure enough, senior knows very well that the opponent is weak.

Midorima: What does... come and go...

Haizaki: What does 'for you' mean? , Who am I looking down on! I can win except for you two monsters!……


After the second round, just like Shigure Akito said, Teikou had no opponent in Tokyo.

For example, last year's 'Ten School Competition' after the National High School Entrance Examination was a regional competition in Tokyo. To participate in this kind of competition, Teiko had to stick to the rules because of his overwhelming strength.

For example, last year it was 'all first graders played'.

So... round three...


Round 4…


In the following games, Diguang made great progress all the way!

And it has continued the pattern of one starter and four substitutes in the first half, with a score difference of almost 60 to 30, and in the second half, four starters and one substitute, and a score of more than 70 to single digits.

And then... pushed all the way to the Tokyo District round-robin finals.

End of July.

The last one.

Teiko Middle School vs Uesaki Middle School.

Originally, he could compete a little, at least in the first half with Di Guang, an opponent who could compete a little appeared.

But... it's 'original'.

If the '1' with 1 and 4 in the first half of this game was not Shigure Akito, Uesaki Middle School would probably be able to compete with Teikou in the first half.

Halfway through the first quarter.

The score on the court was 20:10.

Under the core idea that the first-year team should dominate the first half, Akito Shigure did not deploy a 'super-wide defense' at the free throw line in this game.

He took the place of Atsushi Murasakihara on the court.

Directly from the back line to the center.

Then... under the coach's arrangement, he would sit under the basket for the juniors and guard the penalty area. therefore.

Uesaki Middle School, which is pretty good, scored the most points against Teiko in the first 5 minutes of the match against Teiko in the entire Tokyo district.

10 points. at this time.

Uesaki Middle School got the ball and passed it to the point guard, who then took the ball to midfield.

Uesaki's point guard was very aware of the current situation. Even excluding the factors of Akito Shigure under the basket, the first-year class of Teiko Middle School was more difficult to deal with than imagined.

As the team's point guard and the organizer of the offense, point guard Uesaki, who won all the way and walked in front of Teiko, analyzed the situation with a strong psychological quality.

To ensure success, they have to get closer to the basket.

So... the problem is Shigure Akito.

To lift him out of the penalty area, even if the opponent has a very terrifying assist defense ability, as long as he makes good use of the pick-and-roll and distance control, it will be enough to deal with it.

First of all, the hanging position cannot be at the free throw line at the core of the half court, because that is where the opponent is best at radiating defense.

Hanging it toward the bottom corner is the best.

Uesaki's point guard quickly thought of the most suitable attack method for his side.

Then he waved to the inside and asked the center to pull out for a pick-and-roll.

After the screen, point guard Uesaki ran around the center, leading his defender to the center's pick-and-roll area, allowing him to get rid of the opponent's entanglement in a short period of time.

At the same time, he noticed that Akito Shigure, who followed the center, was slightly distracted by himself, so the next second, he passed the ball to the only remaining power forward team in the penalty area.......... for a while.........

The matchup in the penalty area is...

Uesaki point guard:"!?"

Why is he still Shigure Akito?

He was obviously pulled out, and he paid attention to the opponent's position and used his body to block the opponent, but... when did he return to defend?!


Uesaki Middle School power forward vs. Shigure Akito.

Just now a 'Green Light' was activated, and with the addition of 'Tomoka Godai·Full Acceleration', Akito Shigure instantly completed the transition from defending around the bottom corner to defending in the penalty area.

"Don't think about it"

"To say that you are guarding the restricted area for the younger generation is to guard the restricted area."

At this time, a 1v1 situation formed in the penalty area, but Uesaki's opponent was in the Tokyo area, which made everyone feel scared when they saw it.

But... until we reached the finals, we also won all the way. Uesaki Middle School, which has never lost

, must be completely different from other teams in terms of mentality.

For example, at this time, Uesaki's power forward held the ball with his back and boldly used his back to test the opponent's defense.

He could feel that as a player's instinct, his body was constantly warning of danger. Behind him was a very dangerous opponent that he knew both physically and mentally.

But even though he knew it in his heart... he still couldn't help but look at the figure behind him. Go. No.


About 185 centimeters.

For a second-year player, his face is obviously a bit childish, but even so, he still feels like he is being targeted by a beast!

The feeling is extremely strong.

If he doesn't open the gap from the penalty area, Uesaki Middle School will have no chance of winning!

His 188 centimeters height is his only advantage.

Drag the opponent into the ground and don't let him jump up!


Uesaki's power forward hit him with his back!

Unexpectedly, the force behind him was not strong, because he could clearly feel it.

Fang was forced back half a step by his back!

The eyes of the forward Uesaki were bright!


Is Shigure Akito's strength weak? The running and jumping are quite exaggerated and violent, but Akito Shigure has always played as a shooting guard!

In the confrontation of static strength, he must be stronger as an inside man!

Uesaki turned around and took a feint, taking Akito Shigure.

The defensive attention was diverted, and then he quickly turned around and then dunked the ball!

A series of smooth and neat moves.

He jumped towards the basket.

However, the next moment.

His expression suddenly changed.


With a muffled sound, a huge force came!

At the same time, he seemed to hear the roar of a beast, and his expression couldn't help but change again, and there was a wave of fire on his forehead.

Breaking into a cold sweat!

Because in front of him...

a mammoth was showing its fangs ferociously!

Faced with this strange situation, Uesaki power forward reacted instinctively, but the huge shadow in front of him covered him in the blink of an eye.

The sun's engulfment!

The one who reacted faster than him...

Bang ~!

Caught with one hand!

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